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Welcome to the 4week Hypertrophy plan!

This plan is a 4x a week upper/lower split that is focused on adding muscle to aid your physique and performance
in the gym. This programme runs on a 3 week up 1 week down approach in which the RPE will climb from

. Week 1 RPE 7 -> Week 2 RPE 8 -> Week 3 RPE 9

The RPE will then lower in the 4th week to RPE 7

RPE Stands for rate of perceived exertion, so the weight jumps week to week will be up for you to decide, make sure to ask yourself after each set how hard
the set felt out of 10. If you score lower than the prescribed RPE for the session add a little more weight for the next set and if you score higher than the
prescribed RPE for the day reduce the weight a little for the next set. The goal is to average the RPE given across the sets. Each week the RPE increases, this
should be reflected in the load on the movement you are performing. The 4 th week is to be taken as a de-load week in which you should reduce the amount
of work you are performing, my preferred way to do this is to half the amount of sets you perform with in the session. The reduction in sets might allow you
to add a little more weight than in week 3, if this is the case go up in weight, just make sure not to overdo it! This is a de-load week after all!

The programme can be repeated where you will start over again using a slightly heavier weight than you did in the first run through.

Exercises labelled with the same start letter are to be performed in a superset. For example, A1 – A2 would be paired together in a superset.

What are rep goals? Rep goals are when you have a certain number of reps you need to achieve across a certain number of sets in order to add weight the
next session. For example, you may have a rep goal of 30 total reps and have 3 sets in which to achieve this.

Example session: Set one 12reps, set two 10reps, set three 9reps – in this example you achieved a total of 31reps meaning that you will add weight the next
session! If you were to fall short of the rep goal, you would stay with the same weight for the next session and try to beat the rep goal again.

Anything that is not using the rep goal system (other than chin ups) will be using straight sets. The progression we will be using for these exercises will be
double progression. You increase the weight when all sets have reached the top end of the rep bracket.

Example session: 3x10-15, when you reach 3x15 add weight for the next session and start back down at 3x10, keep adding reps’ session to session until you
reach 3x15 again then add weight and repeat the process.

Chin ups will be using 3 sets of max safe reps – so aim for as many reps as possible with good technique each set.

Without further ado, let the gains begin!

Warm up: Foam roll tight areas
Lock shoulder big-3 x25 reps – 2 rounds
Lock lat pull 2x10-15
Scapula protraction/retraction on bosu ball 2x10-15
Start light on Larsen press and work up to main working weight.

# Exercise Sets Reps Rest Description

3 35 2/3 Rep goal system - 3 sets of max safe reps – if you beat the rep goal of 35 with the combined
A1 Larsen press mins 3 sets add weight the next week.
3 35 1-2 Rep goal system
B1 Chest supported D.B row mins
3 35 1-2 Rep goal system
B2 D.B Arnold Press mins
3 35 1-2 Rep goal system
C1 L-Pulldown mins
3 10-15 1-2 Straight sets – top of the rep range then add weight.
C2 D.B external rotation mins
Stretches: Any stretches that you feel are applicable to your needs. Static holds 15-30 seconds
Warm up: Foam roll any tight areas,
2 rounds --
Lock clam x25,
Plank x30secs,
Side plank x 15secs,
Renegade row x10,
Lying hip ext x10
Build up to working weight to the first exercise

# Exercise Set Reps Rest Description

3 35 2/3 Rep goal system - 3 sets of max safe reps – if you beat the rep goal of 35 with the combined
A1 Heel elevated goblet squat mins 3 sets add weight the next week.
3 35 1-2 Rep goal system
B1 Hamstring curl mins
3 35 1-2 Rep goal system
B2 Walking Lunges mins
3 10-15 30sec Use stability ball – Straight sets
C1 Stir the pot or plank
3 10-15 30sec Straight sets
C2 Paloff press
3 10-15 1min Straight sets
C3 Stability ball back ext
Stretches: Any stretches that you feel are applicable to your needs. Static holds 15-30 seconds

Warm up: Same as first upper day

Start light on main movement and build up to working weight for the day.

# Exercise Set Reps Rest Description

3 35 2/3 Rep goal system - 3 sets of max safe reps – if you beat the rep goal of 35 with the combined
A1 Seated D.B press mins 3 sets add weight the next week.
3 N/A 1-2 3 x max safe reps
A2 Chin ups mins
3 35 1-2 Rep goal system
B1 D.B Incline mins
3 35 1-2 Rep goal system
B2 Cable row mins
3 10-15 1 min Straight sets
C Bottoms up Kettlebell Press
Stretches: Same as first upper day

Warm up: Same as first Lower day

Start light on main movement and build up to working weight for the day.

# Exercise Set Reps Rest Description

10 6 2/3 Start light and get a feel for this exercise when you have achieved 10x6 add weight for the
A Snatch grip RDL – 5 second eccentric mins next session.
3 10-15 1min Straight sets
B Calf raises
3 10-15 30sec Use stability ball – Straight sets
C1 Stir the pot or Plank
3 10-15 30sec Straight sets
C2 Paloff press
3 10-15 1min Straight sets
C3 Stability ball back ext
Stretches: Same as first lower day

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