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HRM -370


Prepared for Mr.Tajuddin Ahmed

Prepared By :
Name : Zahedin Ahsan Kowshik Id :1731256030

Group B

● Things that I want to learn

Cooking : As I was started to learn cooking since this semester began. Now I can do many
things which are required of a good cook. Now I can cut onions in different shapes. The
cornerstone of so many dishes, learning to chop an onion efficiently can speed up dinner
preparations no end. We've also been discussing ways to keep the tears at bay; apparently,
sucking on a teaspoon while chopping will keep my eyes dry. Also now I can hold different
types of knives. Once I have mastered chopping onions, it’s time to broaden my knife skills and
get to grips with scoring, shearing, fine slicing, and more. Also, I learned how to boil an egg.
Sounds simple but a perfect, runny yolk can be lost in a moment, so timing is key. The duration
of a boil depends on how firm I want the eggs to be, but it’s always best to start with them at
room temperature to avoid undercooking. For a soft-boiled egg, bring a pan of water to a boil,
gently lower the egg into it with a spoon and cook for three to five minutes. For hard-boiled
eggs, start in a pan of cold water and bring them up to a boil, then cook for seven-10 minutes –
the longer I cook, the firmer the egg will be. Plunge the egg into cold water as soon as it's done
to stop it from overcooking. Also, Now I know how to make pasta which I learned to form one
of my evaluations. If I been put off pasta by stodgy, stuck-together school dinners, it’s time to
learn how to cook it properly. In Italy, pasta is always served ‘al-dente’, which literally means
‘to the teeth’ – boiled until softened, but still firm to the bite. To achieve this, fill a pan with

double the water to cover the pasta, add salt to taste and bring it to a boil. Carefully drop the
pasta into the boiling water and cook for 10-12 minutes, making sure to stir within the first two
minutes of cooking to prevent sticking. Bear in mind that different pasta shapes will have
different cooking times and fresh egg pasta will cook much quicker than dried.
Driving: I've come to the right place if I want to read about some of the fundamentals that I
should keep in mind while driving or just want a few driving tips because I'm a new driver who
is just starting to learn how to drive a car. There are numerous considerations that must be made
when learning to drive. It is crucial to exercise caution when I am behind the wheel, whether I
am a novice or an experienced driver. I learnt my driving at Dhaka Driving School .This driving
school provides training on the traffic signal and light mechanism with care in a short time by a
trained and experienced instructor. They provide one car per student that is used during training.
In addition to that, short-term training is also available on an urgent basis. The learner can make
his or her own schedule according to convenience. Dhaka Driving School also helps with
processing BRTA and international driving licenses.Additionally, the company offers motorbike
and scooter learning sessions too. Driving lessons are available on Fridays, Saturdays, and
holidays for students and employees. Dhaka Driving School is located in Mohammadpur and
provides a 3-month long driving course starting from BDT 3000.

Here are some driving pointers that a novice should remember: Get comfy in automobiles:
Before I start driving, the first thing I need to do is get used to my car. Before I begin driving the
automobile, get to know the fundamentals of it. Learn

how a clutch works, how the gears are arranged, and

important information such as the fact that it's always better to wait until the car has stopped
before engaging reverse gear.
Correct sitting posture: It's important to position myself appropriately when driving, especially
for experienced drivers. When this happens, they lack comfort and control, which raises the risk
of accidents. Make sure I sit upright, with my back and buttocks completely encased in the seat
and in an angled posture, to prevent back issues. The seat should be adjusted such that I can
easily and comfortably view everything around me. Typically, it is advised that seats be set at a
height that places the eyes halfway up the windshield. The seat should be positioned
longitudinally so that my knees are not overextended when I press the car's clutch, brake, and
accelerator pedals.

● Things that I want to develop

Public speaking:
Public speaking classes are exactly what they sound like – classes designed to teach I the skills
and techniques necessary to command an audience’s attention, entertain and inform them, and
present my self as a highly likable speaker.With that said, though, the approach that I take to
reach this final destination will differ depending on my public speaking style. I’ve developed a
public speaking class that is designed to help students on an individual basis, highlighting their
strengths and weaknesses and working to hone their unique public speaking style.When I take
this class, I can look forward to hands-on instruction that is specifically tailored to help I
become a skilled public speaker.I must initially identify the target audience. Not understanding
my audience may lead to a lot of anxiety while speaking in front of others, whether for a
presentation or at a social event. if I understand what I'm saying. if I manage to sound clever.
Find out who my audience is before speaking in public in any capacity. If I'm presenting, I
should be able to do this rapidly. Think about the topic I'm discussing and the environment I'm
in. then do a checklist. Try to have information on the audience's size, age, gender, education
(experience and socioeconomic level), religion, kindness, and awareness of me in the crowd.

I can create a speech that I will feel confident delivering if I can fill in those holes. I will speak
differently depending on the audience. Whenever possible, I'd like to do interviews with 3–7
audience members. Find out what their difficulties are so I can develop teaching points. So I may
celebrate them, and inquire about their accomplishments. By doing this, I will gain the audience's
respect and support throughout my speech. Modify Ir's viewpoint.

As My goal is to become a professional public speaker then I will certainly want to consider
taking a public speaking class. The benefits of taking a good speaking class are multifaceted and
include the ability to improve my oral and written communication skills as well as overcome
fear and anxiety. When I am able to be myself on stage without being held back by nervousness
or anxiety, I am sure to be a much better public speaker right out of the gate. Being an effective
leader is all about commanding the attention and respect of others when I lead – and
commanding attention requires me to be an effective speaker. If I am looking to dramatically
improve my leadership abilities, a public speaking class is an excellent place to start.
People who are talented public speakers are automatically seen as people who are in a position of
authority. Being seen as someone who is an authority figure can often go a long way toward
helping me meet a range of professional goals.

● Use, repair, and of

Bike maintenance: I learned how control the situation its lack of fuel, open tank shake the tank
while sitting on motorcycle, try to listen to any petrol movement sound. If I are able to hear fuel
movement, try to start bike for few times, it should start. if not, its usually battery problem.
If its not starting due to battery issue, then check if I have any slopes in front of I. Push my
bike manually or ask anyone to push for I from the back, get momentum of at least 10 kmph,
make sure ignition is turned ON, engage in First gear, RELEASE CLUTCH suddenly. This
works if there is Battery problem.If even this is not working, then try to pull out spark plug, blow
air and try to fix it tight do not spit or get water in it.(make sure no one kick starts or starts when
I are holding spark plug, Its SPARK PLUG, it produces sparks so that petrol ignites inside
cylinder)These are very basic steps that everybody does when there is a breakdown.Now, If I
have petrol and battery seems alright, check for any unusual sounds the engine is making,

● Lets say my motorcycle is moving but I are not getting consistent power that
I used to get, like suddenly losing throttle response and getting it back, then it
may be improper firing, issue with fuel pipe/flow or issue with throttle cables.
● If I are not able to use breaks effectively, it may be due to beak wire wear and
tear, drum/ disk brake wear and break.
● If I are facing problems like motorcycle turning off suddenly in idle( in traffic
signals) but running smooth after starting , then it might be an issue with idle
● If engine is over heated, its problem with coolant or engine oil( few motorcycles
have over-heating indicators on instrument dials. Stop for 20–40mins on safe
side and wait till engine is back to running temp.( this is common in KTM

In any situations, maintain low speeds and don’t let engine turn off till I reach service shop/
petrol station or safe spot.

My Android phone likely includes records of everywhere I go alongside most, if not all, of my
digital communication and internet search history. Although it’s impossible to have perfect
privacy on any smartphone, there are plenty of settings I can adjust to minimize the amount of
data that companies collect about I.
Being privacy aware on an operating system run by Google—a company that makes money in
part by mining data about its users—might seem like a silly endeavor, but the Android OS
provides me with tools to control some of my data. Although I’ll never be totally off the grid
from my cell provider, and it’s nearly impossible to block everything that tracks me across every
platform, it is possible to at least approach my smartphone’s privacy settings practically. Some of
these settings come at the cost of convenience, so consider the trade-offs before I disable (or
enable) the items we detail below. (These settings will vary depending on which version of
Android I have and which phone I have.)

If I have a phone running Android 13, many of these suggestions are also available under
Settings > Security, where I’ll find a dashboard recommending improvements I can make to my
phone’s security. This is a great place to start if I don’t want to spend a lot of time messing with

Why: Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to my account, in this case
requiring a one-time-use code alongside my password for me to log in from an unfamiliar device.
This step in turn protects my account—in this case, my Google account—if my password is
leaked, breached, or hacked.

What to do: If I haven’t set up two-factor authentication for my Google account, I should. To
enable it:
1. Head to the page on my phone, and then sign in to
my Google account.
2. Select 2-Step Verification and sign in again.

3. Tap Try It Now and then follow the on-screen directions to approve the login and get

Now my Google account is linked to my Android phone, and I’ll need to verify access with my
phone if someone tries to log in to my account from somewhere else. I should also set up either
an authentication app or a security key, as well.up codes.

● IT-related things I want to learn and develop

Microsoft SQLserver
The following Transact-SQL statements can be written and submitted to the Database Engine:
SQL Server Management Studio is used. This tutorial assumes I'm using Management Studio,
but I can also use Management Studio Express, which is free to download from the Microsoft
Download Center. Using the sqlcmd command-line utility.By connecting through an application
that I created. Regardless of how I submit the code statements, the code executes on the Database
Engine in the same manner and with the same permissions. Open Management Studio and
connect to a SQL Server Database Engine instance to runTransact-SQL statements. To complete
this tutorial, I'll need SQL Server Management Studio and access to a SQL Server instance.

Create a SQL Server instance for me if I don't have one. Choose my platform from the list of
links below to create one. Please utilize my SQL Server login information if I select SQL

● Windows: Download SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition.

● macOS: Download SQL Server 2017 on Docker.

The name of the database is a required parameter for the CREATE DATABASE statement, as it
is for many other Transact-SQL statements. The disc location where I want to store the database
files is one of the many optional parameters for CREATE DATABASE. The default values for
many of these parameters are used by SQL Server when I run CREATE DATABASE without
the optional parameters.

● Enter the next code in a Query Editor window, but do not run it:
● Press F1 after using the cursor to choose "CREATE DATABASE" It should launch the
CREATE DATABASE subject in SQL Server Books Online.
● Using this method, I can discover the full syntax for CREATE DATABASE and the
other statements used in this tutorial.
● To run the command and create the TestData database in Query Editor, click F5.
● The model database is copied by SQL Server and given the database name when I create
a database.
● Unless I specify a large initial size of the database as an optional parameter, this
operation should only take a few seconds.
● Basic Photoshop Learning
No I can selectively and non-destructively lighten and darken parts of a photo using multiple
Curves adjustment layers and editing their layer masks. The result is similar to dodging and
burning, a darkroom technique for lightening and darkening different parts of a photo.

Add a Curves adjustment layer to darken parts of the image

Darken parts of a photo to tone down distracting areas that are too bright.

● Long press on the Add Layer button (the plus symbol) in the taskbar on the right and
choose Adjustment Layer > Curves.
● In the Layer Properties panel that appears, pull down on the center of the curve line to
darken the image.
● When I add an adjustment layer, its layer mask is automatically active. Use a soft-edged
brush set to 100% opacity, and paint with black on the layer mask over areas where I do
not want the darkening to affect the image.
● White areas on the layer mask show the Curves adjustment at full strength; black areas on
the layer mask hide the adjustment.

Use another curve adjustment layer to brighten parts of the image

Selectively lightening parts of an image with a Curves adjustment can guide the viewer’s eye
through the scene, highlight certain parts of the photo, and reveal important details. If I want the
lightening adjustment to be visible in only a small part of the image, invert the layer mask to
black and paint on it with white.

● Tap the Filters and Adjustments icon (the lightning symbol) in the taskbar and choose
Invert to make the layer mask black.
● Use a soft-edged brush set to 100% opacity and paint with white on the layer mask over
areas where I want to see the lightening at full strength.
● Reduce the brush opacity in the Tool Options bar to apply the lightening at less than full
strength. Painting with a brush set to 50% opacity will create gray in the layer mask,
which reveals 50% of the adjustment.
● Double tap the layer mask thumbnail to see the mask; double tap again to return to the
image view.

Modify the dodging and burning adjustments

Since adjustment layers and layer masks are non-destructive, they can be re-edited if I need to
modify Ir lightening and darkening adjustments.

● With an adjustment layer active in the Layers panel, tap the Layer Properties icon in the
upper right of the task bar, and then change the adjustment.
● I also can edit the layer mask by painting on it with black or white (or gray if I use a
brush with opacity set to less than 100%).
● In the Blending options section of the Layer Properties panel, reduce the layer opacity
to tone down an adjustment.

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