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1, JANUARY 2016 163

Integrated Bidding and Operating Strategies

for Wind-Storage Systems
Huajie Ding, Student Member, IEEE, Pierre Pinson, Senior Member, IEEE, Zechun Hu, Member, IEEE,
and Yonghua Song, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Due to their flexible charging and discharging capa- C) Variables:

bilities, energy storage systems (ESS) are considered a promising BtD Day-ahead bidding for interval t.
complement to wind farms (WFs) participating in electricity mar-
kets. This paper presents integrated day-ahead bidding and real- BSC t , BSt
Charging and discharging reserve capacity of
time operation strategies for a wind-storage system to perform energy storage for interval t.
arbitrage and to alleviate wind power deviations from day-ahead pt Wind power generation for interval t.
contracts. The strategy is developed with two-price balancing mar- pch , p dis
Charging and discharging power of energy
t t
kets in mind. A mixed integer nonlinear optimization formulation storage for interval t.
is built to determine optimal offers by taking into account expected
wind power forecasting errors and the power balancing capabil- uCt , u D
t Binary variables indicating charging and
ity of the ESS. A modified gradient descent algorithm is designed discharging status of storage for interval t.
to solve this nonlinear problem. A number of case studies vali- Et Residual energy of storage for interval t.
date the computational efficiency and optimality of the algorithm. γ Step size of gradient descending algorithm.
Compared to the existing strategies, the proposed strategies yield β Back-tracking factor in the algorithm.
increased economic profit, regardless of the temporal dependence
of wind power forecasting errors.
D) Constants:
Index Terms—Bidding strategy, electricity markets, energy stor- Δt Duration of a time interval.
age system (ESS), real-time operation, wind farm (WF). wft , wft Upper and lower bounds of wind power forecast
for interval t.
λt Expected day-ahead price for interval t.
λt , λt Expected up-/down-regulation prices for interval
A) Index Sets: t.
t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } Set of time intervals. T Maximal number of market time units.
k∈ {1, 2, . . . , K} Set of iterations for the algorithm. ηc , ηd Energy efficiency of charging and discharging
B) Functions: Emin , Emax Minimal and maximal level of residual energy of
St (·) Probabilistic profit for interval t. energy storage.
wt (·) Probabilistic density function of wind power fore- C
Upper bounds of charging and discharging
cast for interval t. reserve of energy storage system (ESS).
Wt (·) Cumulative distribution function of wind power CWF−ESS Integration capacity of wind-storage system.
forecast for interval t. CWF , CESS Integration capacity of wind farm (WF) and
Wt−1 (·) Inverse function of Wt (·). energy storage.

Manuscript received February 11, 2015; revised June 12, 2015 and July 24,
2015; accepted August 21, 2015. Date of publication October 12, 2015; date
of current version December 11, 2015. This work was supported in part by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51107060, in part
R ECENT decades have witnessed the rapid development
of wind power generation. To better accommodate wind
energy in existing power systems, a consensus has been grad-
by the Chinese Scholarship Council, and in part by the Danish Strategic Council
for Strategic Research through the projects of PROAIN (3045-00012B/DSF) ually reached such that the increasing capacity of wind power
and 5s—Future Electricity Markets (12-132636/DSF). Paper no. TSTE-00062- should be traded in day-ahead markets [1], [2]. Because of the
2015. limited predictability of wind power, optimal offering strate-
H. Ding, Z. Hu, and Y. Song are with the State Key Laboratory gies for WFs in day-ahead electricity markets have been widely
of Power Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua
University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail:; studied. As a first representative example, Ref. [1] proposes; a closed-form optimal day-ahead bidding strategy, consider-
P. Pinson is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical ing stochastics in both prices and wind generation, which has
University of Denmark, Lyngby DK-2800, Denmark (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
advantages over LP-type models in terms of the transparency of
at results, computational efficiency, and reduced data requirement.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2015.2472576 Moreover, Ref. [3] extends the expected utility maximization
1949-3029 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 24,2021 at 15:08:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

(EUM) strategy with a more general loss function to express using a price-taker assumption, a stochastic optimization model
the economic loss of the WF resulting from potential deviations is proposed to maximize the expected profit. The method could
from day-ahead contracts. This loss function is also relevant be extended in the future to relax the price-taker assumption
in the cases where WFs coordinate with conventional gener- used here. Similarly, degradation costs are not accounted for
ators, even though it overlooks temporal dependencies. The in the design of offering strategies (as for most of the litera-
authors of [4] anchor the bidding amounts within a certain ture on this topic), even though it could be readily included in
neighborhood of deterministic forecast values to account for the future. An additional contribution relates to the proposal
risk aversion while improving the EUM strategy. This can alle- of a computationally efficient algorithm to solve the optimiza-
viate risky bidding in electricity markets, which may result in tion problem resulting from our formulations. Furthermore,
large imbalances and endanger power system stability. a number of case studies are used to study the influence of
The limited accuracy of wind power forecasts results in rev- the temporal dependence structure of wind power errors on
enue loss for wind power producers because they should buy revenues from the market.
up-regulation (additional energy sold by other participants) or This paper is organized as follows. Section II gives a brief
sell down-regulation (energy bought by other participants) in introduction regarding day-ahead and balancing markets. Based
balancing markets to settle their deviations between day-ahead on existing market rules, day-ahead bidding and real-time oper-
offers and actual power output [5], [6]. ESS can hence be ation strategies are formulated. Section III proposes a modified
regarded as a suitable complement to wind power because they gradient descent algorithm to solve the optimization problem.
allow flexible charging and discharging to accommodate imbal- In Section IV, an illustrative case study with three market
ances. ESS can coordinate with WF in two ways. On one hand, time units only and simplified assumptions on wind power
because ESS make arbitrage with variable prices, the overall forecast uncertainty are first employed to demonstrate the com-
profit of WF and ESS can increase in day-ahead markets com- putational efficiency and optimality of the proposed solving
pared with the situation where they are considered separately. method. Subsequently, another case study based on realistic
The coordination of WF and ESS to make arbitrage in regu- data compares the profit from the application of our pro-
lated electricity markets has been studied in [7] and [8] (among posed strategies with other common ones from the literature.
others), with and without intraday markets considered, respec- Conclusion and perspectives for future work are gathered in
tively. More specifically, the ability of pumped storage plants Section V.
to reduce the wind spillage and make arbitrage is studied in
[9]. However, the formulation does not consider market penal-
ties for imbalances, which is different from current rules in II. O PTIMAL B IDDING AND C ONTROL S TRATEGY
deregulated electricity markets. On the other hand, ESS can
help flatten the variations of WF output in real-time operation A. Imbalance Management in Electricity Markets
[10]–[12]. A filter operation strategy is stated in [13], which In most deregulated electricity energy markets such as the
utilizes ESS to compensate for the imbalance from day-ahead Scandinavian Nord Pool, participants should trade in both day-
offering [14]. Similarly, the so-called reserve operation strat- ahead and balancing markets. Intraday markets (or adjustment
egy is proposed in [15], which also uses the EUM strategy markets) also exist between day-ahead and balancing stages,
at the offering stage but then sets contracts for ESS to cover which provide a platform for transactions on renewable energy
the shortfalls of WFs. The work in [16] shows that both WFs generation [17]. However, because the trading amount in these
and ESS can be better off through contracts for compensation markets is relatively small, it is not considered in this paper.
of wind power deviations by ESS. The concavity of objective Recent work on intraday markets for wind power producers can
functions based on the greedy control strategy of ESS is studied. be found in [18].
Although the potential arbitrage strategy of ESS is overlooked, In the day-ahead market, power plants bid for their gen-
it certainly influences day-ahead offerings and resulting market eration schedule that covers the following day with 12–14 h
revenues. prior to actual operation [19]. The cleared schedules are sub-
The main contributions of this paper consist of proposing ject to deviation penalties, which means that the participants
integrated day-ahead bidding and real-time operation strate- need to buy or sell up-/down-regulation services for any devi-
gies for wind-storage systems (abbreviated WF–ESS) as a ation in actual output from schedules in the balancing market.
price taker. The WF and ESS cooperate as an integrated pro- Balancing markets can be divided into two categories accord-
ducer bidding and undertaking penalty for imbalances in the ing to whether the balancing price changes with the overall
electricity markets. The cooperative strategy is that ESS sets imbalance sign [20]. The deviation is traded at a unique price
charging or discharging reserve capacities at each time interval in one-price balancing markets, which is adopted in markets
up to which the ESS can compensate for potential imbalances such as the Dutch APX [21]. In the two-price markets such
from the WF. Although sometimes ESS cannot compensate as Nord Pool and the Iberian market, deviation that is oppo-
for imbalance due to the presetting operation mode, fixing the site to the system imbalance is traded at the day-ahead price,
charging/discharging status for each hour can avoid the frequent while the imbalance of the same sign with that of the system
mode switching of ESS. Furthermore, the cooperative strategy is traded at the cleared balancing price. The model proposed
is simple such that it is suitable for integrating it into day-ahead in this paper is based on the second one because it is more
bidding optimization. Based on this cooperative strategy and comprehensive.

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Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of day-ahead bidding strategy and real-time operating strategy of WF and energy storage system.

B. Day-Ahead Bidding Strategy

The day-ahead bidding strategy of WF–ESS is usually the
same as what is utilized by WF when it works alone [10]–[12].
The ESS is only used to compensate for the deviation between
day-ahead offers and real-time output. The WF–ESS can then
be regarded as a conventional generation plant. In fact, ESS has
the ability to make arbitrage in combination with compensating
for imbalances. Consequently, both the arbitrage and balancing
functions of ESS are considered in our day-ahead optimiza-
tion model. In the present approach, it is the WF–ESS union
that bids in the day-ahead market rather than the WF or ESS
alone as in [13]. Therefore, the optimal bidding of the union
will no longer be the specific quantile of the wind power prob-
abilistic forecast [3]. As shown in Fig. 1, the inputs of the
optimization model for day-ahead bidding include wind power
probabilistic forecasts, day-ahead prices’ (including up- and Fig. 2. Real-time operating strategy of ESS.
down-regulation prices) forecasts, and operational constraints
of the ESS. The model then determines the optimal bidding in
the market and the reserve from the ESS for the various market
time units. reserve provided for the WF by the ESS. This means that even
if the deviation of WF exceeds the reserve capacity, the ESS
can charge or discharge at most to the predetermined upper
bounds, which are often lower than the ones determined by
C. Real-Time Operating Strategy
the operational constraints. By this method, the ESS can avoid
Only compensating for the imbalance by ESS in real-time charging at high-price intervals or discharging at low-price
operation may risk charging at high prices but discharging at periods.
low prices. Moreover, the imperfect round-trip efficiency of The detailed flowchart of the real-time operating strategy of
ESS would further reduce the potential profit of the union. It ESS is depicted in Fig. 2. Take the decision procedure of charg-
is natural to consider that the situation will be improved if there ing as an example. When the generated wind power at interval
are some constraints on the charging and discharging power at t is higher than the bidding value, it is referred to as the posi-
each time interval. tive imbalance of WF (symbolized as ‘+’), while the opposite
In this paper, a reserve-based operating strategy is proposed. situation is called the negative imbalance (symbolized as ‘−’).
As shown in Fig. 1, the charging or discharging status of the In positive imbalance cases, if the ESS has predetermined the
ESS at each time interval is optimized in advance, which means charging reserve from the day-ahead optimization, the charging
that the ESS works only if the real-time imbalance sign of power of ESS can be set as the minimum of the imbalance and
the WF output goes with the predetermined working status. reserve. Otherwise, the ESS takes no action. The decision pro-
Furthermore, it also sets constraints on the charging and dis- cedure of the discharging action is similar to that of the charging
charging power, which can be considered as the operational action.

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t + ut ≤ 1,
uC t , ut ∈ {0, 1} ∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } (8)
D. Formulations of Bidding and Operating Strategies uC D

Based on the aforementioned bidding and operating strate- 

gies, the optimal bidding and charging/discharging reserve can Et = E0 + j · ηC · Δt
be generally formulated as j=1

max f (θ) −
θ j /ηD · Δt
BSD ∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } (9)
s.t. h (θ) ≤ 0 (1) j=1

g (θ) ≤ 0 Emin ≤ Et ≤ Emax ∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } (10)

 D  ET = E0 (11)
where θ = B , BS C , BS D are decision variables.
Sequentially, B D , BS C , BS D are vectors of day-ahead where (6) and (7) constrain the charging and discharging power
bidding BtD , charging reserve BSC at time interval t within the charging and discharging capacity.
t , and discharging reserve
Simultaneous charging and discharging is prevented by (8). The
BSDt . The objective function f (θ) is the expected profit from
the WF–ESS, while h (θ) ≤ 0 and g (θ) ≤ 0 are constraints on energy transition of the ESS is expressed in (9), and the residual
the bidding and operation of the ESS. energy should be within an allowable range [Emin , Emax ] at any
The objective of the ESS operation is to make arbitrage and time interval with (10). As the model here is for daily operation,
to compensate for the potential imbalances of the WF. Wind the residual energy deviation of ESS between the beginning
power generation pt at time interval t follows a distribution and end of a day has great impact on daily profit. To evaluate
described by its probability density function wt (pt ). Then, the the effect of the flexible charging and discharging capability of
expected profit f (θ) at all T intervals can be written as ESS on WF profit, the residual energy in ESS is constrained to
be the same at the beginning and end of the day [8], as shown

 up  in (11). This strict constraint could be revisited in the future to
f (θ) = t , λt , λt , θt Δt
E St (p) |λD dw
(2) provide more flexibility to the charging and discharging pro-
files for the ESS. Moreover, the ESS degradation effect is not
where included because we only consider daily operation. For long-
 up  term investment, the degradation can be complemented in the
E St (p) |λD dw
t , λt , λt , θ t objective function as a cost, which relates to operation power
 BtD −BSD t 
D D up and state of charge. It should also be noted that we propose the
= λt Bt + λt p − BtD + BSD
t wt (p) dp coordination strategies from the perspective of the wind-storage
 system, which is a participant in electricity markets, rather than
wft  from the perspective of a system operator. For example, par-
+ λt p − BtD − BSC
t wt (p) dp. (3)
ticipants in European zonal electricity markets usually do not
pay special attention to network congestion. In case network
In (2), Δt is the time duration of each time interval (i.e.,
constraints should be considered, the proposed model can be
a market time unit), St (p) is the probabilistic profit for that
extended. In some situations, the WF and storage are colocated
 D interval depending on day-ahead and regulation prices and connected to the same network bus. Then, constraints lim-
λt , λup
t , λ dw
t , wind power generation pt , day-ahead bidding
iting joint output below the integration capacity CWF−ESS can
Bt , and reserves BSC
t , BSt . As the WF–ESS union is assumed be added as
to be a price taker in the electricity market, the day-ahead
energy prices and up-/down-regulation prices are independent BtD ≤ CWF−ESS , wft − BSC
t ≤ CWF−ESS .
of its bidding and output. Consequently, the stochastic prices
Otherwise, the WF and storage are connected to different net-
can be replaced by their expected value, and the expected profit
work buses, where similar constraints for output of WF CWF
at each interval can be expressed in the form of (3).
and storage CESS can be added separately as follows:
The expected profit at time interval t consists of three parts.
The first part is the day-ahead bidding profit λt BtD . The
BtD ≤ CWF , t ≤ CESS ,
BSC t ≤ CESS .
second part is the cost of purchasing up-regulation, which is
negative in value, and the third part is the profit of selling down- III. S OLUTION M ETHOD
regulation. To ensure the validity of the integral lower and upper
limits, the bidding constraint h B D , BS C , BS D ≤ 0 reads Instead of using scenarios, we adopt a probabilistic distri-
 bution to model wind power uncertainty in a more accurate
0 ≤ BSC t ≤ ut wft − Bt
∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } (4) way. As integration is included in the objective function (3)
0 ≤ BSt ≤ ut Bt − wft
∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } . (5) and binary variables are included in (4)–(8), the formula-
tion is a mixed integer nonlinear model and cannot be solved
There are also
several operational constraints for the ESS directly. In this paper, the gradient descent algorithm is modi-
g BS C , BS D ≤ 0, i.e., fied according to the characteristics of the formulation. It should
be noted that as the problem may be nonconvex, in that case,
0 ≤ BSC
t ≤ ut BS
∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } (6)
the proposed algorithm will only obtain the nearest local opti-
0≤ BSD
t ≤ uD
t BS
∀t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , T } (7) mal solution rather than the global solution. The situation is

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the same for other popular algorithms such as the interior- size, whose initial value is one. The back-tracking factor β
point method. However, the computational effort required for shortens the step size. The key point is that the modified back-
the proposed algorithm is considerably less than metaheuristic tracking will not change the value of uC D C
t and ut . Take ut as an
algorithms, e.g., genetic algorithms, which can only theoreti- example. If ut (1) = 0, then BSt (γ) = BSt (1) = 0, and
C Ck Ck
t (γ) = 0. Otherwise, BSt (γ) = BSt + γΔBSCk
cally obtain global optimal solutions. On the contrary, the stable Ck
uC t >
and computation-friendly characteristics of the modified gradi- 0 and uCt (γ) > 0. In the following Sections III-B–III-D, the
ent descent algorithm make it easy to use in application and ESS and bidding modules are introduced.
suitable for integration into rolling optimization. More impor-
tantly, by choosing proper initial points, the algorithm can
obtain a satisfactory solution in an effective way. Another way B. Linear Approximation of the Objective Function
is to try different initial solutions. As the proposed algorithm is In (3), when the expected prices and wind power
computationally friendly, a number of initial solutions can be distributions are available through predictions, then
tried to obtain a better solution. E[St (p)|λD up dw
of BtD , BSD C
t , λt , λt , θ] is a function
t , BSt ,
denoted by S Bt , BSt , BSt . At any time interval t,

A. Framework of the Algorithm the expected profit S BtD , BSD C
t , BSt can be linearly
approximated as
The proposed algorithm is illustrated as follows.
Algorithm 1. Modified Gradient descent Algorithm S BtD , BSD t , BSt
≈ S BtD0 , BSD0 t , BSt
∂S ∂S ∂S  
Begin: + D0
, D0
, C0
· ΔBtD , ΔBSD t , ΔBSt

∂Bt ∂BSt ∂BSt
D dw
  λ −λ (12)
B D0 , BS D0 , BS C0
= W −1 up dw
, 0, 0 and
λ −λ
∂St D up  dw   
S 0 = f (B D0 , BS D0 , BS C0 ) D
= λt −λt Wt BtD −BSD t −λt 1−Wt BtD +BSC
for k = 1 : K ∂St up 
Execute ESS module ⇒ {[ΔBS 

]} D
= λt Wt BtD − BSD t
Execute Bidding module ⇒ ΔB Dk
∂St dw   
B Dk = B D(k−1) + ΔB Dk = −λt 1 − Wt BtD + BSC t .
BS Dk = BS D(k−1) + ΔBS Dk ∂BSt
BS Ck =  BS C(k−1) + ΔBS Ck The first part of (12) is fixed, so the optimal solution of (12)
S k = f B Dk , BS Dk , BS Ck
can be obtained by solving the second part. Moreover, (4) and
if S k − S (k−1) < 0 (5) are quadratic but can be converted to linear equations via
Execute back-tracking procedure: an iterative procedure on the decision variables involved. More
γ = 1, S k (1) = S k specifically, BtD is a decision variable in the bidding module,
while S k (γ) ≤ S k−1 where the value of uC D
t , ut is derived from application of the
γ = βγ ESS module at previous iterations. Similarly, uC D
t , ut are deci-
BS Dk (γ) = BS D(k−1) +(1−(1−γ)uDk ) D
sion variables in the ESS module, while Bt is obtained from
ΔBS Dk the previous iteration of the ESS module.
BS Ck (γ) = BS C(k−1) +(1−(1−γ)uCk )
B Dk (γ) = B Dk +γΔB
D(k−1) Dk
C. ESS Module
S (γ) = f B (γ), BS (γ), BS Ck (γ)
k Dk

end In this module, the decision variables all regard charging and
BS Dk = BS Dk (γ), BS Ck = BS Ck (γ) discharging of the ESS. The superscript k stands for the iter-
B Dk = B Dk (γ), S k = S k (γ) ation number k, where all of the parameters with superscript
else if 0 ≤ S k − S (k−1) ≤ ε (k − 1) are constants. The original formulations (2)–(11) can
stop be reinterpreted as follows in this module:
∂St ∂St
continue the loop max D(k−1)
ΔBSt +Dk
end t=1 ∂BSt ∂BSt
end s.t. 0 ≤ BSt
+ ΔBSCk ≤ uCk C
t t BS (14)
BS D = BS Dk , BS C = BS Ck , B D = B Dk
end 0≤ BSt + ΔBSDk
t ≤ uDk
t BS
C(k−1) D(k−1)
In the algorithm, the initial bidding is the optimal quan- 0 ≤ BSt + ΔBSCk
t ≤ uCk
t wft − Bt (16)
tile from wind power predictive densities, as performed in [3].  
D(k−1) D(k−1)
W −1 (·) is the vector of Wt−1 (·). The parameter γ is the step 0 ≤ BSt + ΔBSDk
t ≤ uDk
t Bt − wft (17)

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t + ut ≤1
uCk Dk
(18) TABLE I

Etk = Etk−1 + ΔBSCk
t · ηC · Δt − ΔBSDk
t /ηD · Δt
j=1 j=1
Emin ≤ Etk ≤ Emax (20)
ETk = E0 (21) TABLE II
where only the ESS-related variables ΔBSDk t , ΔBSt
 in the objective
 function. Moreover, optimized bid-
ding Bt of iteration (k − 1) is used in (16) and (17).
It can help avoid quadratic formations because the parameters
of iteration (k − 1) are constants in iteration k.

D. Bidding Module
In this module, the decision variables are bidding-related
variables, and the objective function only contains the day- grounded, but it is the simplest, especially when integrated
ahead bidding profit. This translates into the following opti- into objective functions. The main purpose of employing a
mization problem: uniform distribution here is to compare the optimality of the
proposed algorithm with
software such as CPLEX.

∂St Substituting p → U wft , wft into (3), the objective function is
max D(k−1)
ΔBtDk (22)
t=1 ∂Bt up dw
D λt  D 2 λ t  2
s.t. Bt
+ ΔBtDk ≤ wft − BSCk−1 − ΔBSCk (23) St = λt BtD − Bt −BSD
t + wft −BtD −BSC
t .
t t
2wft 2wft
D(k−1) D(k−1)
BSt + ΔBSt + wft ≤ Bt
+ ΔBt .
(24) (25)

Here, the latest information on charging and discharging, Together with constraints (4)–(11), a quadratic formulation
namely the optimized charging and discharging reserve capac- is built and solved by CPLEX.
ity from iteration k in the ESS module, is considered in the 2) Case 2: In this case, wind power probabilistic forecasts
bidding block to accelerate the computation. The accelerating are based on the forecast data for WFs in Denmark. Details
effect will be illustrated in Section IV-B. of the scenario generation methods can be found in [22] and
[23], and data from wind scenarios can be downloaded from
the website [24]. The original data have per-unit values and can
IV. C ASE S TUDIES be converted into actual values by multiplying the capacity of
the WF, which is set as 100 MW in this case. The day-ahead
In this section, two case studies, which will be introduced
prices and up-/down-regulation prices for the DK-West area in
in Section IV-A, are performed. The first study is a three-
the Nord Pool market on January 1, 2014 are used. The price
interval case, which is used to validate the proposed gradient
data are available at [25], and the data for the ESS are the same
descent algorithm in computation efficiency and optimality.
as in Table I.
Detailed results are gathered in Section IV-B. Furthermore,
the second case is based on realistic data from the Nord pool
market and a WF in Denmark. The influence of wind power B. Validation of the Proposed Algorithm
correlation on the profit brought by the proposed strategy is
The optimal solutions for Case 1 are listed in Table III. It
analyzed in Section IV-C, and the profit of the proposed strat-
can be seen from Table III that with the coordination of ESS
egy is compared with some other commonly adapted strategies
and WF, the union tends to bid a higher amount in the day-
in Section IV-D.
ahead market. As the price in period 2 is higher, the ESS sets
some discharging reserve in this period and charging reserve in
A. Case Design periods 1 and 3. The increasing amount of bidding in period 2
is also considerably higher than
 that of periods 1and 3.
1) Case 1: In the first case, only three time intervals are
As the latest information ΔBSCk t , ΔBSt
of charging
considered for the sake of simplicity and transparency. The data
are given in Tables I and II. and discharging reserve is utilized in the bidding module, the
It is assumed that potential wind power generation obeys a converging speed of the proposed algorithm is considerably
uniform distribution. Because there is no limit on the distri- faster than the conventional gradient descent algorithm, which
C(k−1) D(k−1)
bution in (12), other distributions can also be adapted to the only uses the information of BSt , BSt in itera-
C(k−1) D(k−1)
proposed method. The assumption of uniformity is not very tion k [replace ΔBSt , ΔBSt by ΔBSt
Ck Dk
, ΔBSt

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TABLE III each time interval but also correlation between intervals. The
C OMPARISON OF THE B IDDING R ESULTS method proposed in [26] and [27] can satisfy the requirement
but can only simulate the scenarios with positive correlation.
The first-order autoregressive process applied in [28] can set
positive or negative values for the correlation of wind power
forecast errors between intervals. In this paper, we combine
the advantages of these two methods and generate scenarios
satisfying the distribution and the correlation. The generation
method is as follows.
60 1) One uses a Gaussian random number generator to have K
Modified gradient descending algorithm
realizations {ε tk } for each of the T intervals, which

Average p rofit (kDKK)

Conventional gradient descending algorithm

59.5 independent and identically distributed ε tk ∼ N μ, σ 2 .
2) Based on the uncorrelated realizations of Step 1), corre-
lated realizations ε tk can be generated through
ε 1k = ε1k

58 ε tk = ρ
ε t−1
k + 1 − ρ2 εtk (27)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
where the autoregressive factor ρ can be set from [ −1, 1].
Iterations 3) For each interval t, apply the inverse probit function
Fig. 3. Comparison on the converging process between conventional and 1 ε−μ
φ (ε) = 1 + erf √
modified gradient descent algorithms. 2 2σ
⎛ √ ⎞
in (23) and (24)]. As shown in Fig. 3, it takes the modified 1⎜ 2 2 ⎟
gradient descent algorithm fewer than six iterations to reach = ⎝1 + √ e−t /2 dt⎠
2 π
convergence, and its value is 60.41 kDKK. Meanwhile, it takes 0
the conventional algorithm over 40 iterations, with an objec-  t
tive value of 60.34 kDKK. The numeric results show that the to each of ε k , and K realizations {Ykt } can be
proposed solving method is advantageous compared to the con- obtained.
ventional gradient descent both in terms of converging speed 4) Apply the inverse cumulative distribution function of the
and optimality. day-ahead probability forecast Wt−1 (·) to each compo-
The Hessian matrix of the objective function (25) is nent of {Ykt }, and simulated wind power {ptk } can be
⎡ ⎤ obtained.
up dw up dw
λ −λ λ λ In the scenarios generation method, information on predic-
− t wf t wft wft
⎢ ⎥ tive distributions at each time interval wt (p) and the autore-
⎢ −λup ⎥
Ht = ⎢ ⎥.

0 ⎥ (26) gressive factor ρ are necessary. Predictive distributions are fitted
⎣ wf
⎦ from the realistic data available, and the autoregressive factor
λt λ
0 wft ρ is uniformly sampled from [−1, 1] to examine the influence
of correlation on profit. For example, taking ρ equal to −0.8
As the third-order leading principal minor is positive, the and 0.8, the corresponding wind power generation trajectories
Hessian matrix is not negative definite, so the problem is for the 24 market time units of the Nord Pool are illustrated in
nonconvex. CPLEX only receives the upper bound, which is Fig. 4. It can be observed that the higher the correlation factor
60.60 kDKK. Meanwhile, the solution obtained with our pro- is, the smoother the resulting wind power trajectory is.
posed algorithm is 60.41 kDKK, which is quite close to that As the wind power scenarios are generated randomly, the
upper bound. total wind energy may not be the same. For the sake of fair-
ness, a new index, unit profit, is applied, which is defined as the
overall profit from market participating per unit of wind energy
C. Influence of Wind Power Correlation generated. To study the influence of wind power correlation on
In the optimization model, wind power generation at differ- profit brought by the proposed strategy, the autoregressive fac-
ent intervals is assumed to obey specific distributions indepen- tor ρ increases from −1 to 1, with an increment of 0.05. For
dently of each other. However, the wind power output at interval each value of ρ, 25 000 scenarios are generated to obtain the
t will partially depend on that at interval (t − 1). To consider the test results, consisting of the average outcome over this large
influence of correlation on wind power generation, two types of number of scenarios. As shown in Fig. 5, the unit profit fluc-
scenarios are generated for comparison based on the data of tuates slightly but remains steady regardless of ρ. This means
the second case. For the first type, wind power at each interval that although the proposed strategy is based on the assump-
is sampled independently and only obeys the predictive dis- tion of the noncorrelation of wind power, it is still quite robust
tributions for each time interval. The second type of scenario with respect to potential temporal dependence in wind power
accounts for not only properties of predictive distributions at generation and forecast errors.

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Fig. 4. Wind scenarios of different correlation factors.

Fig. 6. Distributions of unit profit over uncorrelated scenarios for all strategies.

Fig. 5. Influence of wind power output correlation on unit profit as an average

over all scenarios.

Fig. 7. Average unit profit over correlated scenarios for all strategies as a
D. Comparison of Methods function of the autoregressive parameter.
Researchers in this field have already proposed several bid-
ding and operation strategies on the coordination of WF and
ESS. In this section, the proposed strategy is tested based on types of tests, one million scenarios are generated to obtain the
other three common strategies. These include the following. test results.
Strategy 1) EUM strategy [3]: The WF works alone, From Fig. 6, one can also observe that in the test that does not
and the optimal
$ %bidding at interval t is consider the temporal correlation of wind power forecast errors,
D dw strategies with ESS can obtain higher profit than Strategy 1,
λt −λt
Wt−1 up dw . The WF does not control
λt −λt where the WF works alone. It is reasonable that for strategies
its output and receives a penalty based on the with ESS, the ESS can help balance the deviation between wind
imbalances. power output and bidding, which reduces the deviation penalty.
Strategy 2) Filter operation strategy: The WF–ESS union The situation is even better for Strategy 4 because ESS can also
bids as Strategy 1 and uses the ESS to compensate help make arbitrage to gain more profit. Consequently, Strategy
for the imbalance from WF as much as possible 4 has a higher unit profit than other strategies.
[13]. Fig. 7 gathers the test results in cases where the wind power
Strategy 3) Reserve operation strategy: The WF–ESS union correlation is considered. The unit profit for the filter operat-
bids as Strategy 1 but sets the operation reserve ing strategy (Strategy 2) decreases with an increase in wind
for the ESS [15]. power temporal correlation because when correlation becomes
Strategy 4) Proposed bidding and operation strategy: WF– more positive, successive periods of similar positive or nega-
ESS determines the day-ahead offering and oper- tive wind power deviations will happen more often. Then, the
ation reserve of ESS in an integrated way. ESS will continuously charge or discharge, and the residual
There are two types of tests used for that comparison, energy of the ESS will reach its upper or lower bounds more
depending on whether the temporal correlation of wind power frequently. The ESS will fail in its imbalance compensation
forecast errors is considered in scenario generation. For both function eventually. It is natural that Strategy 1 is insensitive

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Huajie Ding (S’13) received the Bachelor’s degree Zechun Hu (M’09) received the B.S. and Ph.D.
in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, degrees in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiao
Beijing, China, in 2011. He is currently pursuing the Tong University, Shaanxi, China, in 2000 and 2006,
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Tsinghua respectively.
University (THU), Beijing, China. He worked with Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
His research interests include renewable energy Shanghai, China, and also with the University of
integration and power system modeling and Bath, Bath, U.K., as a Research Officer from 2009
optimization. to 2010. He joined the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in
2010, where he is now an Associate Professor. His
research interests include optimal planning, operation
of power systems and electric vehicles.

Pierre Pinson (M’11–SM’13) received the M.Sc. Yonghua Song (F’08) received the B.Eng. degree in
degree in applied mathematics from the National electrical engineering from Chengdu University of
Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA), Toulouse, Science and Technology, Chengdu, China, and the
France, in 2002 and the Ph.D. degree in energetics Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from China
from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, France, in Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing, China, in
2006. 1984 and 1989, respectively.
He is a Professor with the Centre for Electric Power He was a Postdoctoral Fellow with Tsinghua
and Energy, Department of Electrical Engineering, University, Beijing, China, from June 1989 to March
Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, 1991. He was a Fellow with the Royal Academy of
Denmark, also heading a Group focusing on Energy Engineering, London, U.K, and also with the Institute
Analytics and Markets. His research interests include of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York,
forecasting, uncertainty estimation, optimization under uncertainty, decision NY, USA, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. He was a Professor with the
sciences, and renewable energies. Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University in February 2009.
Dr. Pinson is an Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON P OWER S YSTEMS, His research interests include smart grid, electricity economics, and operation
International Journal of Forecasting, and Wind Energy. and control of power systems.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 24,2021 at 15:08:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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