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Several Secrets of Being an Effective Boss

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Several Secrets of Being an Effective Boss.

The relationship between a boss and subordinates significantly affects employee welfare

and efficiency. Effective leadership entalis understanding and applying certain traits to motivate

employees and maximize their potential. This paper examines the diverse attributes of an

effective boss including ensuring effective communication, accordingly appraise their

employees, setting practical working standards and modeling good behavior to foster a thriving

workplace environment.

Effective communication between leaders and subordinates, as well as managerial

proficiency, have a notable impact on the mental well-being of employees. Effective

communication between a leader and their subordinates has been shown to increase the

productivity of their employees while reducing instances of absenteeism (Kuroda & Yamamoto,

2018). An excellent leader should also regularly recognize their staff's hard work. Expressing

gratitude or providing incentives for exemplary performance can significantly enhance employee

motivation and foster positive morale and trust within the workplace.

Establishing clear standards for subordinates is a crucial element of effective leadership.

Giving those in charge a comprehensive set of tasks, a schedule, and the expected results for

each activity is crucial. Implementing this approach can aid in maintaining employee

concentration and direction while also facilitating their awareness of the expected results. An

effective leader should also demonstrate exemplary conduct and model the desired behavior for

their subordinates. Modeling good behavior for subordinates can motivate and instill a sense of

responsibility in their work. Ultimately, an influential boss should establish reasonable goals for

their staff. Multiple firms promote goal achievement, requiring competent leaders to coordinate

and encourage their staff (Hasan et al., 2018). While it is crucial to motivate employees to

perform optimally, it is also essential to avoid establishing excessively ambitious objectives and

standards that may prove challenging to attain.

Conclusively, a competent boss should demonstrate practical communication skills, set

up transparent guidelines, model exemplary conduct, and formulate achievable objectives to

create an environment of confidence and inspiration among their staff. Nonetheless,

implementing these key traits allows a leader to optimize employee productivity and foster an

optimal working environment.


Hasan, E., Khajeh, A., Abu, M., & Asaari, H. (2018). Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational

Performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 2018(2166-0018), 2166–


Kuroda, S., & Yamamoto, I. (2018). Good boss, bad boss, workers’ mental health and productivity:

Evidence from Japan. Japan and the World Economy, 48, 106–118.

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