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AUI – SHSS – Stefano Bigliardi – History of Ideas – PHI 2302 01 – Spring 2021

Second Assignment
Darwin: Setting the Record Straight!
Deadline: Saturday March 20, 11:50 PM
In order to give you time to complete this assignment, and since it requires you to watch a video,
we will have no synchronous session on Friday March 19.
The general rules are the same as for the first assignment, with two additions/modifications:
a) If an assignment contains plagiarized parts, all of it gets a 0. (If you did not bother working,
I do not see why the teacher should waste time…)
b) Sections written by simply typing what the instructor said in class will be graded 0. (This
is not a course in dictation…)
0. Recall the feedback you received on your first assignment and explain how you
received/implemented it while working on the second one (no points, but the teacher may add a
bonus to his discretion, up to 5 points, if he sees that the feedback has been taken seriously).

1. Identify two (2) misconceptions about Darwin/his theory that emerged during our first,
session (no need to mention the “misconceivers’” names!) and explain, in as much detail
as you can, what is wrong or inaccurate about the statements made. [12 points]
2. Write a polite but precise e-mail to Mr. McQrd, the publisher of yet another edition of
Darwin’s On the Origin of the Species that sports the “March of Evolution” on its cover.
(i) Tell Mr. McQrd when, where and how the picture originated (= incl. its real purpose,
and how it got distorted); (ii) Explain what it is scientifically misleading about it and (iii)
suggest another visual representation that can be found in Darwin’s sketches and that is
more faithful to his theory. [18 points]
3. Explain, with your own words, the differences between Lamarck’s and Darwin’s respective
theories, making sure that you use all the words/expressions in the fantastic, artistic
sketches we used in class (you can omit the references to Malthus). [12 points]
4. Explain, with your own words, (i) the concept of vestigiality and its relevance for Darwin’s
theory; (ii) are men’s nipples a good example of vestigiality? (iii) what is Darwin’s
tubercle, and is it a good example of vestigiality? (For the last two points use appropriate
and relevant citations from good sources). [18 points]
5. Explain, with your own words, (i) the objection about the “missing link” nd (ii, iii, iv) three
counter-objections. [20 points]
6. Watch prof. Dajani’s great AUI talk (ca. 43 mins: Take notes. Summarize prof. Dajani’s
talk: (i) What kind of concrete, scientific evidence does she focus on while illustrating
evolution? (ii) How does she explain the historical emergence of the religion-evolution
clash in the Muslim world? (iii) What is her take on Islam and evolution? (iv) Does she
think that the Qur’an contains scientific data? How is it related to science, in her opinion?
(v) What does she point out about diversity of views - and making mistakes? [20 points]

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