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I want to introduce you to a small village called Our.

This village is located in the province of Luxembourg.

Since 2017 it has been one of the most beautiful village in
There are mainly old stone houses and renovated
You can also find the Saint Laurent Church, which dates from
1820, the old cemetery, two stone bridges and to restaurants.
Our also welcomes many tourists and scouts.
The village still lives to the rhythm of the peasant life (start of
summer festival, harvest festival, etc.).
I really like this village because my aunt lives there.
From a very young age, I was able to experience the 4 seasons
there, between Christmas, Easter, birthdays, etc.
I knew heavy snowfalls in winter, I saw the leaves reborn on
the trees in spring, I played by the river in summer and went
fishing with my uncle.
I also discovered the culture, which is different from Borinage,
the Ardennes are much more family-oriented and organize
original parties with all the locals.
I really like going for a walk in the woods when we have a
party there, it is very quiet and the village is beautiful and it’s
a must see.
It is for all these reasons that I have decided to present this
village to you today instead of a very well-known town.
And you, which town are you going to present?

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