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Homework adverv describe the verbe

Vocabulary. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Contradict/ require/ sensitive/ tendency/ trait /unique

1- Extroverts have a tendency to reach for their cell phones.

2- Adj Rahul is so sensitive. He knows when I’m upset even when I hide my feelings.
3- Verb Nadia hates to contradict people ever when they’re obviously wrong.
4- Verb Introverts require time alone. They get very unhappy without it.
5- No two peoples are exactly alike. Everyone is unique.
6- Creativity is personality trait of many introverts. It’s part of who they are.

Adjective or relative clause = describe the subject

1-defining (no coma) Identifying (THAT) 2- modifying (coma) Which . Extra information about the

Relative pronoun ( can be the subject of the clause)

That/ which / who/ can be conjunction and the subject

Who= can be a subject

That /who for people.

Which or that for places or things

whom/ whose = possession / when/ where/ why = can no be the subject only the conjunction of the

whom= can be an object , never with a verb/ need a separate subject with the verb.

1- The man lives next door ( IC)

2- The man who lives next doors is a doctor. ( NO coma)

Adjective clause

3- Dr. Smith, who lives next door, is a retired surgeon.

4- Jerry went to the same store where Jennifer bought her couch.
5- Frank went to study in Boston, where some of the worlds best Universities are based.
6- The only effort that matters is that which leads to a win.

That is the effort( is a noun) and you can use in the same time with which

7- Many students in Mrs. Reynold’s class, who went on the field trip = is an activity outside the
school like go to the museum), are homesick with the flu that’s going around.
8- Larry failed his test, which means he’ll have to go summer school.
When you used which the first sentence is the entire situation.
9- The eccentric billionaire, about whom the public knows little, donated millions to clarity

plural noun: ambiverts
1. a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features.

The teacher [whom] I had in fifth grade really inspired me.

Broccoli , which people often leave uneaten , is very

This is the house that Maria built( modifying

I climbed Everest with my friends two years ago

I like to travel alone

my Instagram : we4explorers

 Neda, who is my teacher, is very nice.

 9:29 AM
My teacher who is from Iran is very nice.

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