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(AC-S08) Week 08 - Task: Assignment - Have you ever?

Eat something unusual

FOOD Eat a typical Huancayo dish
Eat Amazonian food
SHOPPING Buy online
SPORT Play golf
PEOPLE Speak English with a tourist.

A: Hello, my name is Anderson.

V: As for me, my name is Valentin.

D: Finally, my name is David and with my team, we will talk about unusual events that

happened to us.


Valentin: Hey guys!

Anderson: Hello, I finally see you.

David: Hey guys, today I'm thinking about the weird things that have happened to me.

Valentin, have you ever eaten something out of the ordinary?

Valentin: Yes, I do. when I was 12 years old when I traveled to the Amazon, I ate turtle

soup. And you? Have you ever tried Amazonian food?

David: No, I don't provide Amazonian food. And was it delicious?

Valentín: Yes, it tastes like chicken to me, what about you, Anderson? Have you ever

eaten something unusual?

Anderson: Yes, last year I traveled to Ayacucho and tried the cuy broster for the first time.

It is really a very delicious dish.

David: Well... last year when I traveled to Tarapoto they invited me to eat Suri, it's a worm

that is eaten alive... I got a little scared when I felt the worm move in my mouth. It was a

very funny experience.

Valentín: Now that I remember, I also traveled to Huancayo and ate an unusual meal, I

had never eaten fried trout before, it seemed like a very tasty fish, and have you ever tried

this typical Huancayo dish?

David: If I had heard of that dish, they say it's very tasty and no, I haven't tried it yet.

Anderson: Me neither.

Anderson: Speaking of an unusual experience. David, In any of your trips. Have you ever

spoken English with a tourist?

David: Yes, the last time I traveled to Ayacucho I had the opportunity to meet a tourist and

I was able to speak basic things in English with him.

Valentin: Same, exactly two months ago on my trip to Ica I met a girl from Canada. I was

traveling alone in Peru. We had a little conversation during our hike to the Ballestas

Islands. And you Anderson?

Anderson: I have a lot of friends who live abroad, they speak English. I talk to them every

day to practice. That has helped me a lot with my pronunciation. I remember that it helped

me a lot in my work.

David: I also remember another unusual experience, a while ago I bought a t-shirt online

and it never arrived, and they didn't give me a refund. Have you ever bought something


Anderson: Wow, that's bad. If 1 month ago I bought a toy, which arrived broken, and I had

to claim it. I will not do again!

Valentin: As for me, no, I didn't. Didn't trust those pages. By the way, let's go play golf one

day, I've been practicing it for 2 weeks and I think it's a very fun sport. Do they sign up?

Have you ever played golf?

Anderson: Great, I'm in!

David: Okay, I'll go with you, but no, I've never played golf, but I'd like to learn.

Anderson: I do, I've been doing it for a long time and I'm very good at it. Don't worry

David, Valentin and I will help you.

David: Thanks, well guys I'm late, I have to go back to work, see you soon, we'll meet the

day to go out and play.

Valentin: It was a pleasure guys, soon we could talk about more experiences.

Anderson: Anyway, it was a pleasure, see you later, bye.

David: Goodbye.

Valentine: Goodbye.

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