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Here's a checklist on how to create a sticker using Canva and sell it on Etsy using

1. Research and Planning:

● Identify popular sticker themes or niches on Etsy.
● Determine your target audience and their preferences.
● Research competitors' sticker designs and pricing.
2. Design Creation:
● Sign up for a Canva account (if you don't already have one).
● Choose a sticker template or create a custom design.
● Use Canva's design tools to create your sticker, including text, shapes, and
● Ensure the design is visually appealing, relevant, and matches your target
audience's preferences.
3. Sizing and Specifications:
● Determine the appropriate size for your sticker.
● Make sure the design is within the required dimensions for printing.
● Export the design from Canva in a high-resolution format (e.g., PNG or
4. Set Up an Etsy Shop:
● Sign up for an Etsy account (if you don't already have one).
● Create your Etsy shop and choose a name that represents your brand.
● Set up shop policies, payment methods, and shipping options.
● Create compelling product descriptions and attractive photos for your
sticker listings.
5. Printify Integration:
● Sign up for a Printify account (if you don't already have one).
● Connect your Etsy shop to Printify.
● Choose the sticker product you want to sell and select a Printify supplier.
● Set pricing and profit margins for your stickers.
6. Product Listing and Optimization:
● Create product listings for your stickers on Etsy.
● Write keyword-rich titles and descriptions to improve visibility in search
● Add high-quality images of your stickers from Canva or by taking product
7. Inventory Management:
● Keep track of your sticker inventory to ensure availability.
● Set up notifications or reminders for reordering from Printify when stock is
● Monitor sales and adjust inventory levels accordingly.
8. Fulfillment and Shipping:
● When a customer places an order on Etsy, Printify will handle the
production and shipping.
● Make sure your shipping settings on Etsy are correctly configured.
● Stay in touch with customers, provide updates on shipping, and handle any
9. Marketing and Promotion:
● Promote your Etsy shop and stickers through social media channels.
● Collaborate with influencers or bloggers in relevant niches.
● Offer discounts, bundle deals, or limited-time promotions to attract
10. Customer Service and Feedback:
● Respond promptly to customer inquiries and messages.
● Encourage customers to leave reviews and feedback on your Etsy shop.
● Address any issues or concerns raised by customers professionally and

Remember, this checklist provides a general overview of the process. You may need to
adapt it based on your specific requirements and the features available in Canva and

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