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Week 22: Launch date and Promotional Activities

Planning your launch date and promotional activities is a critical step in the success of your
online sticker shop. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you plan your launch effectively:
1. Determine Your Launch Date:
Choose a specific launch date that gives you enough time to prepare your inventory, website, and
marketing materials.
Consider factors like holidays, special events, or seasons that may align with your sticker theme.
2. Build Anticipation:
Start teasing your launch several weeks before the chosen date.
Use social media, email marketing, and your website to create excitement.
Share sneak peeks of your stickers, character, or unique features.
3. Inventory Preparation:
Ensure you have sufficient stock of your sticker products ready for the launch.
Double-check the quality of the stickers and their packaging.
Have a plan for restocking if your inventory sells out quickly.
4. Website Readiness:
Test your e-commerce website thoroughly to ensure it functions smoothly.
Optimize your product listings with clear images, compelling descriptions, and competitive
Set up secure payment processing and shipping options.
5. Email Marketing:
Build an email list of potential customers before the launch.
Send out a series of emails leading up to the launch, including a countdown email a few days
Offer exclusive discounts or early access to subscribers.
6. Social Media Strategy:
Create a content calendar for your social media platforms leading up to the launch.
Use engaging visuals, videos, and teasers to generate interest.
Run contests or giveaways to encourage participation and build followers.
7. Collaborations and Influencers:
Consider collaborating with influencers or artists in your niche to promote your launch.
Send them samples of your stickers and ask for their honest reviews or endorsements.
8. Promotional Activities:
Plan launch day promotions, such as limited-time discounts or special bundle deals.
Create urgency by emphasising that these offers are only available for a limited time.
9. Launch Day:
On the launch day, make sure your website is fully operational and able to handle traffic.
Announce the launch on all your social media platforms with engaging posts.
Send out an email to your subscribers with a link to your shop.
10. Post-Launch Engagement:
Engage with customers and followers who visit your shop.
Thank them for their support and encourage them to share their purchases on social media.
Monitor feedback and address any issues promptly.
11. Ongoing Marketing:
Continue to promote your shop and stickers after the launch.
Consider running periodic sales, launching new sticker designs, and maintaining an active social
media presence.

Remember that the success of your launch depends on effective planning and marketing. Be
adaptable and open to making adjustments based on customer feedback and sales data, and
keep building on your shop's success over time.

Promotional Activities:
This calendar spans a month and includes various promotional activities to boost sales and
engage your audience:

Week 1: Welcome Discounts

Day 1-3: Launch Day
Offer a special launch discount (e.g., 10% off) on all sticker products to celebrate the opening of
your shop.
Day 4-7: Early Bird Special
Extend the launch discount for an additional three days to encourage more initial sales.
Week 2: Social Media Contest
Day 8-10: Twitter Contest
Host a Twitter contest with a specific theme (e.g., "Best Sticker Display") where participants can
win a free sticker set.
Day 11-14: Instagram Photo Challenge
Run an Instagram photo challenge with daily prompts related to your stickers and character.
Reward participants with exclusive discounts.
Week 3: Bundle Sale
Day 15-17: Bundle Sale Announcement
Announce a limited-time bundle sale, where customers can purchase sticker sets at a discounted
price when bought together.
Day 18-21: Bundle Sale Promotion
Promote specific bundles each day, highlighting the savings and variety of designs available.
Week 4: Loyalty Rewards
Day 22-24: Loyalty Program Launch
Introduce a loyalty program where customers earn points for every purchase. Reward early
participants with bonus points.
Day 25-28: Exclusive Offer for Loyalty Members
Offer an exclusive discount or access to a new sticker set for loyalty program members.
Week 5: Flash Sale
Day 29-30: Flash Sale Teasers
Tease a 24-hour flash sale with a significant discount on select sticker sets.
Day 31: Flash Sale Announcement
Announce the flash sale on all your social media platforms and your website, creating urgency.
Week 6: Customer Appreciation
Day 32-35: Customer Spotlight
Highlight and appreciate your loyal customers by sharing their photos using your stickers and
featuring their testimonials.
Day 36-39: Exclusive Discount for Repeat Customers
Send out an email to repeat customers with a special discount code as a thank-you gesture.
Week 7: End-of-Month Clearance
Day 40-42: Clearance Sale
Offer discounts on remaining inventory to make room for new collections.
Day 43-45: Flash Deals
Announce daily flash deals on specific sticker sets as part of the clearance sale.
Week 8: Future Sneak Peeks
Day 46-48: Sneak Peeks
Start teasing upcoming sticker collections and character developments.
Day 49-52: Subscriber Exclusive
Offer a sneak peek of new products exclusively to email subscribers as a reward for their loyalty.

Remember to use engaging visuals, create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers, and
engage with your audience through social media posts, email marketing, and regular updates on
your website. Adjust the calendar and activities based on your shop's needs and audience

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