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Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment

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Enzyme based Biosensor for Heavy Metal Ions


R. Ilangovan, D. Daniel, A. Krastanov, C. Zachariah & R. Elizabeth

To cite this article: R. Ilangovan, D. Daniel, A. Krastanov, C. Zachariah & R. Elizabeth (2006)
Enzyme based Biosensor for Heavy Metal Ions Determination, Biotechnology & Biotechnological
Equipment, 20:1, 184-189, DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2006.10817330

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Published online: 15 Apr 2014.

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R. Ilangovan1, D. Daniel2, A. Krastanov3, C. Zachariah1, R. Elizabeth1
Vellore Institute of Technology, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India1
Vellore Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Vellor, Tamil Nadu,
University of Food Technologies, Department of Biotechnology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria3

Sol-gel-immobilized-urease conductometric biosensor on a thick film interdigitated elec-
trode was developed. The biosensor can be used for heavy metal ions determination in li-
quid samples. The biosensor exhibited good response to changes in urea concentration
within the range of 1mM to 15 mM. After standardizing the sensor for Urea, the biosensor
has been used to determine the heavy metal ions of different concentrations. The concen-
tration range of Urea that can be detected by using this sensor is 1mM to 15mM.The
heavy metals range is from 0.1mM to 10mM. Among the three metals used, the amount of
inhibition is found to be more in Cadmium, then Copper and then Lead. The sensitivity is
1 mM in spectrophotometric technique and 5 mM in electrical method. The described sen-
sor is tested for synthetic effluents in laboratory conditions. By further refinement, it can
be used to test real industrial samples.

Introduction rapidly on site at trace levels. The present

The accumulation of toxic substances in investigation aims at the development and
the environment continuously increases due evaluation of a sol-gel based biosensor for
to diverse pollutants from the industries. quantitative determination of heavy metals.
Contamination of land and water due to In recent years, biosensors are gaining
disposal of industrial effluents is the most importance as suitable detectors for heavy
significant problem. Heavy metal ions are metal ions. They prove very promising for
regarded as one of the most toxic sub- environmental monitoring, since the system
stances affecting the environment (1). The is simple, rapid and selective. Several tech-
presence of heavy metals in excess affects niques based on spectroscopy, ion-selective
air, water as well as soil. The plants grown electrodes, polarography and voltametry
in such areas can accumulate heavy metals have been described in the past (6).
like cadmium, zinc, lead and copper. These Zhylyak et al. (9) developed a urease based
metals have certain threshold levels for conductometric biosensor for the determi-
essential functions of living organisms and nation of heavy metal ions in wastewater.
man, which turn into toxic actions if the The enzyme was immobilized by cross-
respective tolerance level for the respective linking urease with bovine serum albumin,
organism is exceeded. Due to the high which forms a biologically sensitive mem-
toxicity caused by the heavy metal ions brane. An interdigitated gold electrode was
there is an obvious need to determine them used as the transducer. The response of the

Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 20/2006/1 184

sensor for varying concentrations of heavy manufactured inexpensively so that they
metal ions was evaluated by measuring the may be disposed after a single reading.
urease activity after incubating the elec- Hence, the present work had the following
trodes in sample solutions of heavy metal objectives: To develop an enzyme-based
ions. Li et al. (7) used horseradish peroxi- biosensor, capable to detect heavy metal
dase and developed an amperometric en- ions in synthetic effluents and to evaluate
zyme electrode for peroxide determination. the performance of the sensor.
Urease isolated from pigeon pea was im-
mobilized in poly acrylamide gel and cal- Materials and Methods
cium alginate beads analyzed for various The determination of heavy metal ions
performance factors (4). Ho et al. (5) found using the urease-immobilized biosensor is
that an enzyme-catalyzed polymer trans- based on the measurement of the urease
formation when effectively combined with enzymatic activity, which is inhibited by
a transducer could be used effectively as a heavy-metal ions. The enzyme urease was
sensor. Srivastava et al. (8) immobilized immobilized using the sol-gel process on a
urease enzyme on gelatin beads via cross- screen-printed electrode and used as the
linking with glutaraldehyde. They analyzed bio-recognition element in the biosensor.
the immobilized enzyme for various per- The enzymatic reaction was converted into
formance factors. Chern et al. (3) designed an electrical signal using a transducer
a biosensor that contained two metacrylic- whose impedance change was the measure
acrylic membranes: One consists of proton of the activity of the enzyme. The change
ionophore and the other contains the en- in impedance was converted into a voltage
zyme urease for the detection of urea. signal by using a suitable circuit.
When exposed to urea sample, the change Construction of Biosensor
in pH at the membrane was detected by the The sensor consisted of two electrodes
selective ionophore membrane and this was separated by a known distance was shown
converted into an electrical signal (mV) by (Fig. 1). The conductometric sensor con-
Ag/AgCl electrode. sidered for fabrication consists of two sets
Literature reports indicate that spectro- of interdigitated fingers deposited on an
scopic methods are expensive, as they re- insulated substrate with each set having
quire very sophisticated equipment, which four fingers. Each set of fingers is con-
cannot be used for field monitoring. Both nected to an electrical conductor that can
polarographic and voltametric techniques be constructed of gold, platinum, iridium,
lack selectivity. Since ion selective elec- carbon, copper or several other conductive
trodes were based on the measurement of materials which are inert in the medium
the potential at an electrode surface caused and upon which coating containing urease
by a selective ion exchange reaction, the remain adherent. It is fabricated by using
design of ion-selective membrane was a PCB manufacturing technique.
major difficulty in the development of this Enzyme immobilization
type of sensor. Taking into consideration A homogeneous stock sol-gel solution was
the drawbacks mentioned above, there is a prepared by vigorously mixing 570 μl of
need for the development of a cheap, sim- methanol, 50 μl of Tetra methoxy silicate
ple and portable detector for heavy metal (TMOS), 10 μl of 3.8 % Cetyl trimethyl
ions. ammonium bromide solution in a small test
In many instances, monitoring is not tube at room temperature. This stock gel
continuous but requires a number of indi- solution was then cooled to 4 °C immedi-
vidual measurements to be made at diffe- ately after mixing. Enzyme stock solution
rent times. In such cases, sensors should be was prepared by dissolving a known quan-

185 Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 20/2006/1

Fig. 1. Conductometric sensor strip used in the present work.



Fig. 2. Measuring circuit.

tity of urease in 50 ml of 0.02 mM phos- pipetted to cover the enzyme layer formed
phate buffer (pH 7.0). Enzyme solution over the surface of the electrode. The elec-
was then stored at 4 °C in refrigerator. 50 trode was allowed to polymerize and dried
μl of enzyme stock solution along with 5 μl for 1 h in ambient temperature. The en-
of glycerol was pipetted onto the surface of zyme electrode was immersed in a phos-
the electrode and distributed gently over phate buffer and kept at 4 °C in a refri-
the entire surface of the electrode with help gerator overnight.
of a capillary tube. The electrode was al- Measuring circuit
lowed to dry in ambient conditions for 1 h. The impedance change was converted into
Equal amount of stock sol-gel solution was voltage using the circuit shown (Fig. 2).

Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 20/2006/1 186

0 .6
0 .5 5

Voltage (V)
0 .5

0 .4 5
0 .4
0 .3 5 0.1
0 .3 0
0 .2 5 0 1 2 3 4
0 .2 Time (min)
0 5 10 15 20
C o n c e n tr a tio n o f U r e a
(m M )
Fig. 3. Concentration of Urea Vs Voltage. Fig. 4. Time response.

The response of the sensor was measured bated in a test solution containing heavy
by applying a sinusoidal ac voltage of 1V metal ion for 10 minutes. The heavy metal
and 10 kHz frequency. The output voltage ions selected were copper, cadmium and
was computed using the following equa- lead. After incubating in heavy metal solu-
tion: tion, the electrode was then washed with
Vo = [ZL/(Z+ZL)] Vi phosphate buffer and dipped in 2 mM of
The output voltage is acquired for further urea solution in 25 ml beaker. The proce-
analysis using LabView 7.1. A data logger dure was repeated by changing the con-
was designed using LabView to acquire centrations of heavy metal ions for differ-
voltage and store it in the computer to ent metals. For each sample the output
compute time response. voltage was acquired for further analysis
Urea and urease activity and the samples were subjected to Spectro-
Urea was determined by the diacetylmon- photometric analysis to determine the %
oxime reaction as reported earlier (2). All inhibition caused by heavy metals.
the measurements were carried out in 25 ml
beaker filled with 15-ml of test solution at
Results and Discussion
room temperature. Standard plot for vari- The steady state response of the biosensor
ous concentrations of urea in the range of as a function of urea concentration under
1-15 mM were constructed. The immobi- the specified conditions was examined. As
lized electrode was dipped in 25 ml beaker depicted in Fig. 3, the biosensor exhibited
which consisted of a known concentration good response to changes in urea concen-
of urea for 10 minutes. The output of the tration within the range of 1 mM to 15
sensor was acquired by virtual instrumen- mM. The response was found to be linear.
tation. The sample was taken and analyzed The time response of the sensor was
for urea concentration. The extent of urea studied by using acquired voltage at vari-
hydrolysis was determined by comparing ous times for a known concentration of
the obtained absorbance value with the urea. The response shows gradual increase
standard absorbance plot drawn for the and reaches the steady state value after 3
urea. The experiment was repeated to stan- min. The time response for 2 mM urea is
dardize the sensor for various concentra- shown (Fig. 4).
tions of urea. The response of the electrode Testing with metal ions
for 2 mM concentration was chosen for The rate of enzyme inhibition by an in-
further evaluation. The electrode was incu- hibitor (heavy metal ion in this study) is

187 Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 20/2006/1

ments. After standardizing the sensor for
49 Urea, the biosensor has been used to de-
termine the heavy metal ions of different
% Inhibition

44 concentrations. The concentration of heavy

metal ions is measured in terms of % Inhi-
39 bition and it is given by:
34 % Inhibition = [(Ao – A)/Ao x 100 %]
0 5 10 15 A - absorbance of urea obtained before
Concentration of Copper (mM)
incubation in metals
Ao - absorbance of urea obtained after in-
Fig. 5. Concentration of Copper Vs % Inhibition. cubation in heavy metals
The sequence of inhibition to the urease
activity is Cu2+>Cd2+>Pb2+, which is in
49 good agreement with the results observed
in previous reports (6). The plots for vari-
% Inhibition

44 ous concentrations of all the three metals

against % Inhibition are shown (Figs. 5, 6,
39 7). All the responses are for 2 mM of Urea.
Response curves for Metal ion
0 5 10 15
concentration Vs % Inhibition
Concentration of Cadmium (mM)
The Inhibition by Copper shows linear in-
crease in lower concentration range (0.1
Fig. 6. Concentration of Cadmium Vs % Inhibition. mM to 1 mM) and the increase in inhibi-
tion becomes less as the concentration in-
creases (1 mM to 10 mM).
The Inhibition by Cadmium shows al-
most linear increase in the concentration
% Inhibition

38 range (0.1 mM to 10 mM). The Inhibition

33 by Lead shows rapid increase in lower con-
centration range (0.1 mM to 1 mM) and as
28 the concentration increases the increase in
23 inhibition becomes less but shows a linear
0 5 10 15 rise.
Concentration of Lead (mM) Performance factors
The storage time of the sensor is found to
Fig. 7. Concentration off Lead Vs % Inhibition. be 6 to 7 days. It can be used 4 to 5 times
when it is used to measure Urea and only
rather slow. Therefore, the biosensor to be one time if it is used to measure heavy me-
tested should be pre-incubated for a certain tals concentration. The concentration range
period of time in the test solution contain- of Urea that can be detected by using this
ing an inhibitor in order to obtain the sensor is 1 mM to 15 mM.The heavy me-
measurable inhibition. A measurable inhi- tals range is from 0.1 mM to
bition is obtained within 5 to 10 minutes 10mM.Among the three metals used, the
pre-incubating period. Although it is amount of inhibition is found to be more in
clearly dependent on the specific metal ion Cadmium, then Copper and then Lead. The
and its concentration. An incubation time sensitivity is 1 mM in spectrophotometric
of 10 minutes is shown for further experi- technique and 5 mM in electrical method.

Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 20/2006/1 188

The described sensor is tested for syn- REFERENCES
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