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Nowadays, someone says that the world has become a small village.

This results that everyone is in

connection with others rapidly than ever, transferring data is in a second, forecasting the weather,
becoming aware of around the world and so on; these advancement is the result of improvement of
science and technology. One of human kind’s achievements is the inventing of television and
cinema; they have positive and negative impact in human’s behavior.

Television and cinema have sound and picture at the same time and transfer the sense and emotions
in a great amount. there would be programs in televisions that reflects culture of other societies via
television; cultures might be negative or positive. As an example, we live in a Muslim realm and the
resedints used to practice Islam rules as hejab for women, and drinking beer is banned, and
watching these at television may have negative impact on people.

There are some programs in television that are not suitable for children. Additionally, the children
might attempt to practice it at home that is dangerous for child as action movies, fight. Children by
imitating it at home may put himself or anyone else’s at risk. For example in Ghazni, a children after
watching a movie that the actor exacuting himself he imitatied at home and he have hanged himself
from the ceiling and has been died.

Watching television is a time waster some times especially children. They spend their time in front of
television and don’t do their homework or practicing healthy activities, or youths also instead of
doing something useful as reading, excersise attempt to spend time infront of television or watching
movies. Therefore, watching television restrict us from progress and is a time waster.

Some programs in television causes stress and fear. These programs are news reports,

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