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There is a proverb that says,” a strong mind is in a strong body.

” This means that if you want

to have a strong mind that works properly you should do sports or exercise to strengthen
your body as well. This causes you to think rationally. I think that in universities the
authorities should pay attention to provide sport facilities for university students as well as
the money they spend for libraries.

Exercise and sports are important for the health of the human body. It helps the blood
circulation to work normally, and adjust heart impulses. So, the blood carries oxygen and
necessary nutrient through the body and nurturing it. Sports also balance blood pressure
and in this case reduces heart attack and reduces stress.

In addition, doing sports help the respiratory system to work normally and the lungs inhale
the oxygen and exhale the carbon dioxide normally. Alongside this, working hard and
entering enough oxygen into the blood causes the body to become hungry. This means that
sports also help the digestive system to perform normally.

Besides, sports help to refresh the body and get away the person from a repetitive and
routine life and motivate him/her to be active than ever, in other words, sports recharge
human batteries to perform very well and without exhaust.

Therefore, with consideration of all these benefits that sports bring for the human body, the
universities should spend an equal budget on sport’s facilities for students of the university.
Universities by investing in sports activities will help the public health and bringing a positive
culture for the community.

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