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Assalamualaikum and Hi guys!

I’m Ammar Hanif and I’m eleven years old.

You are now in HIP Let’s read and share 2021: Book Review.

I would share about my favourite story book ever, The Kampung Boy.

The author of this book is Dato’ Mohammad Nor bin Mohammad Khalid or more commonly
known as Lat. He is a famous Malaysian cartoonist.

It consists …..pages and every pages means a lot for me.

Kampung Boy is a Malaysian animated television series first broadcast in 1997.It is about
the adventures of a young boy, Mat, and his life in a village like koran class, school, and
work on his family's rubber plantation. One of my favourite parts was the fishing trips which
made me non-stop laughing.

Personally, being from a younger generation, we need to be reminded of such things so that
we will be more grateful for the comforts we have today.

This book is hilarious, with super-expressive artwork that opens a window into a world that
has now nearly vanished.

Overall, I loved this book because I was able to relate to it because I am Malaysian.

I hope there are follow-ups so I can find out what happens to Mat at boarding school.

This book was not only short and easy to read, but it was written with a lot of humour and the
pictures were super amazing.

I would give a thumbs-up to this book and I would recommend it to my friends out there. Do
find it and read this book. I promise you will not be regretted.

Okay, till here. I hope you can get a bit info about Kampung Boy book which became a well-
known book in Malaysia as well as abroad.

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