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6/17/23, 2:21 PM First-Order Logic | Baeldung on Computer Science

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First-Order Logic

Last updated: November 18, 2022

Written by: Gabriele De Luca


Math and Logic (


1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll study the foundation of first-order logic and become
accustomed to its theoretical and conceptual bases. 1/14
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We’ll first start by studying the relationship between natural and formal
languages. Subsequently, we’ll compare first-order logic with
propositional logic. In doing so, we’ll learn the specific characteristics
that the former has and when it’s advantageous to use it over the latter.
We’ll finally study the notation and syntax of first-order structures. This
will allow us to translate expression in natural language into valid
expressions in first-order logic.
At the end of this tutorial, we’ll know what first-order logic is and how it
differs from propositional logic. We’ll also know its syntactic rules, and
will be able to translate natural language expressions into first-order

2. First-Order Logic and Natural Languages

2.1. Natural Languages and Logical Computing

First-order logic, like all other systems of formal logic, is a method for
formalizing natural languages (/apache-open-nlp) into a computable
format. This, in turn, allows us to treat problems expressed through
linguistic sentences (/cs/constituency-vs-dependency-parsing) in a
formal manner. From the formalization of natural language, we then
derive the capacity to formulate and prove theorems, which in turn
makes it possible to conduct inferential reasoning in disciplines such as
mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.
The problem of formalization of natural languages is as old as
philosophy itself
( In the field
of computer science, though, it finds its bases in the 1950s when the first
systems ( for the
processing of logical expressions were developed. The first of such
systems had severe limitations
( though, and in
particular, they could only work with propositional but not predicate
logic. 2/14
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Propositional logic doesn’t allow the conduct of reasoning over

variables and functions having general and mutable content, which
means that its capacity for abstraction is limited. This means also that
the first logical computing systems couldn’t solve problems whose
solution lies in vector spaces of which the propositional space
or_System) is a subspace. This problem was overcome thanks to the
development of a formal logical system
(, first-order logic,
which includes variables and thus allows for abstraction.

2.2. Automatic Reasoning and Inference

Today, first-order reasoning is a fundamental component of symbolic
reasoning for machine learning systems. Modern expert systems all use
first- or higher-order logic (
order_logic), which allows the conduct of abstract reasoning and
inference (
7_5) in an automated manner.
There are also specialized programming languages for first-order logic.
The most famous of these is Prolog (,
where the acronym stands for “propositional logic” in a rather confusing
manner, but whose syntax corresponds to a major extent to that of first-
order logic. Prolog is characterized by the rapidity with which knowledge
bases can be built, and requires little training by human analysts in order
for them to be able to encode their knowledge.
Other solutions for knowledge representation and reasoning that use
first-order logic are Drools (/drools) and jBPM (/jbpm-java), and we can
read more about them in their respective tutorials.

3. Differences Between Propositional and

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In our previous tutorial on propositional logic (/cs/propositional-logic),

we discussed the peculiar characteristics that this logical system
possesses. It’s therefore useful to now identify what similarities and
differences exist between propositional and first-order logic since the
latter derives from the former. This, in turn, will let us understand what
are the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches to the
logical formalization of language.
The first difference between the two relates to the fact that first-order
logic includes propositional logic, but the opposite isn’t true. This
means that all problems expressed in propositional logic can be treated
under first-order logic, but not all problems in first-order logic can be
treated in propositional logic. This concerns, in particular, problems that
can only be expressed by making use of quantifiers, such as “all”, “any”,
“some”, “none”, as we’ll see later in more detail.
The second difference relates to the nature of the elementary unit which
constitutes the formulas of the two formal systems. Propositional logic
uses propositions and logical operators in order to constitute its Well-
Formed Formulas. First-order logic, in addition to those, also uses
variables, quantifiers, and relationships. We’re going to see in the next
sections what these new concepts mean.
The third difference concerns the capacity for the abstraction of
formulas expressed by the two systems. In propositional logic, the
system doesn’t allow to handle problems that involve mutating or
undetermined parts. This means that the validity of a solution to a
formula found in propositional logic is restricted to that formula. In first-
order logic, in contrast, it’s possible to create formulas that possess a
higher capacity for generalization.
The table below sums up the primary differences between the two

4. Syntax of First-Order Logic 4/14
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4.1. Logical Symbols

First-order logic has a syntax that’s comprised of symbols belonging to
one of two classes: logical and non-logical symbols.
Logical symbols are those that correspond to logical operators or
connectives. Examples of such symbols include the logical operators ,
, , which serve functions identical to their corresponding operators in
propositional logic. Logical symbols of this type are always and only
interpreted in the sense of the logical operation that they represent, and
their meaning is never conditioned by the domain of discussion in which
we use first-order logic.
In other words, whether we discuss theories of chemistry or physics or
computer science, the meaning of a formula of the form may vary
in its and components, but the symbol always means and. This
means that logical symbols always have meanings that are

4.2. Non-Logical Symbols

Non-logical symbols comprise predicates and relationships, but also
constants and functions. The meaning associated with non-logical
symbols is domain-specific, and their conversion to sentences in a
natural language requires conversion rules and interpretation.
Let’s take as an example the formula , which indicates that is .
Let’s now see how this formula can intuitively be interpreted in different
contexts, by means of appropriate conversion rules:
If we talk about fruits, if means apple and is green, then
means apple is green
In chemistry, if means hydrogen and is atom, then means
hydrogen is (an) atom
In physics, if means electron and is lepton, then means
electron is (a) lepton
We’re going to study formally how to interpret formulas later in this
article. 5/14
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4.3. Arity in First-Order Logic

Predicates and functions also have arity, which indicates the number of
arguments or parameters that predicates hold. The most common
arities are nullary, unary, binary, and ternary, and we can refer to this
table for their definitions and examples:

The arity of a function means exactly the same thing as the arity of a
predicate; i.e., the number of its variables.

4.4. Predicates
Predicates (/cs/predicates) are the fundamental components of
formulas and indicate relations between objects. These relationships
can be any of those that are allowed in a discursive domain.
For example, in the domain of family relationships, predicates can be
brother of, father of, mother of. In the context of business relationships,
predicates can be employee of, subsidiary of, controlled by. More
complex predicates, such as son of this father and this mother can also
be defined.
In general, we indicate a relationship between a finite set of variables
with an uppercase letter and, between brackets, the
ordered elements of that set, such as . We can then say
that the predicate has arity n, or, equivalently, that it’s n-
ary, because it refers to terms.
Predicates can have arity higher than unary. A predicate can refer not
only to one but also to two or more terms. In this case, we indicate the
extra variables by separating them with additional commas, as in
or and so forth.
The ternary relationship son of this father and this mother, for example,
can be indicated as the predicate between three variables , ,
. If we then assign the values to , , and , 6/14
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we can then translate the predicate as:

4.5. Translation of Predicates to Natural Language

As per the convention of many programming languages that use first-

order logic (/cs/predicates#predicates-in-programming), the first
argument of a predicate normally translates to the subject of a
sentence, while the second usually translates to its genitive
( or possessive:
may translate to Paul is the brother of Richard
may translate to Mr. Smith is the
employee of Mr. Doe
may translate to apple is a fruit of a tree
For predicates of arity higher than 1, the convention to assign the first
argument to the subject derives from the attempt to standardize the
interpretation of first-order formulas. If this convention weren’t followed,
predicates such as the second one in the examples above could
ambiguously be translated as Mr. Smith is the employee of Mr. Doe, or
Mr. Doe is the employee of Mr. Smith.
Predicates can also, however, have arity equal to 0, in what case we
simply indicate them with an uppercase letter without brackets. The
nullary predicate , for example, may stand for a logical proposition that
we treat as a constant in the context of a given formula. The proposition
can be treated as a predicate of arity zero if
we’re not interested in generalizing it to persons other than Socrates.
Predicates with arity zero have to be included in first-order logic so
that we can treat it as a generalization over propositional logic. An
expression in first-order logic comprised exclusively of nullary
predicates and logical operators is, in fact, a well-formed formula in
propositional logic.
We can alternatively consider nullary predicates as terms in first-order
logic, which in turn allows us to treat them as well-formed formulas in
that context. As we’ll see shortly, terms are in fact the foundational
elements of well-formed formulas for first-order logic. 7/14
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4.6. Terms, Variables, and Functions

We studied how in propositional logic the fundamental units of well-
formed formulas were atomic propositions. In first-order logic, these
fundamental units are terms, which are comprised of variables and
Variables are mutable parts of the formula and are all individually
considered to be terms. If, for instance, the symbol indicates odd
natural numbers smaller than 10, then is a variable that can assume
the value of any element from the set . We would then call
the symbol a term in a formula that contains it.
Functions are also terms but, in contrast to variables, refer to other
terms such as variables or other functions. If, for example, we define
the function , then is a term referring to the two
variables and .
Functions are characterized by arity, in the same manner as predicates,
such that a function with terms is said to be n-ary. In the edge case, a
function can also have arity zero, in which case it’s said to be a constant.
The function , for example, is a nullary function that can be
replaced by the symbol 5 wherever it occurs. This, in turn, allows us to
treat constants as terms for the purpose of constructing well-formed

4.7. Quantifiers in Natural Language

Quantifiers are a special component of first-order logic, that allows the
definition of formulas that consider numbers or quantities in relation to
some predicates. They are, in the English language, also called
indefinite adjectives. These include adjectives such as any, some, all, or
Examples of sentences that include quantifiers are:
Some apples are green
All apples are green
No apples are green 8/14
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Notice how, in propositional logic, these three sentences correspond to

as many distinct atomic propositions. In first-order logic, though, they all
correspond to the same predicate-object relationship, short of a
different quantifier. We can preliminarily express this idea, before we see
its formal definition, in an informal manner as:
(some all no) green(apples)

4.8. Quantifiers in Logic

We can more formally define quantifiers through the usage of two
symbols: and . They translate, respectively, all and there exists in the
English language. They both precede variables in the expressions that
contain them, and we can write them as and . If multiple variables
use quantifiers, each quantifier is normally repeated for each variable:
, .
If the variable refers to a predicate , then the quantifier as a general
rule preceeds the predicate: , . Simple expressions
containing quantifiers are immediate to translate:

If a sentence in natural language contains quantifiers that first-order

logic doesn’t explicitly define, such as some or none, then we can use
the following table to realize a conversion: 9/14
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5. Well-Formed Formulas
We can finally define well-formed formulas for first-order logic, by
compounding terms, predicates, and quantifiers, according to the
following rules.
The first rule says that predicates consisting of terms are, on their own,
valid formulas. This means that a predicate of the form
constitutes by itself a valid formula.
The second rule says that the equivalence between terms is a valid
formula. This means that , , , and are
all valid formulas, because they comprise exclusively of terms and the
equal sign.
The third rule says that unary logical operators applied to formulas
also constitute formulas. That means that if is a formula, then is
also a formula. If, for example, corresponds to the formula , then
corresponding to is also a formula.
The fourth rule concerns logical operators of arity higher than one.
Formulas connected by those logical operators are also formulas. If
and are two formulas, then , , and are also all valid
The last rule relates to quantifiers, and it states that if is a formula
that contains a term , then and are also formulas. We say that a
variable to which a quantifier is assigned for a given formula is called a
bound term for that formula, whereas in the opposite case we call it free
term. A formula that contains only bound terms is special because it can
have only one and one truth value that doesn’t depend on the specific
value of its bound terms. 10/14
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6. Examples of First-Order Formulas

6.1. Some Apples Are Green

We can now see some examples of first-order formulas and their
interpretation for a specific discursive domain. This will allow us to
understand how to extract first-order formulas from natural language,
and conversely how to convert from formulas to it.
The first formula corresponds to the sentence “Some apples are green”
that we studied earlier:

To translate it into a first-order formula we need to define:

A variable
A unary predicate corresponding to “x is an apple”, and a unary
predicate corresponding to “x is green”
We can then convert that sentence into the formula .

6.2. Restaurants, Cinemas, and Popcorns

The second sentence that we’ll convert is “There isn’t any restaurant that
sells popcorns, but cinemas do”: 11/14
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We can first rewrite this sentence as “If x is a restaurant then x doesn’t

sell popcorns, and if x is a cinema then it sells popcorns and if x is a
restaurant then x it’s not a cinema and if x is a cinema then it’s not a
restaurant”. We can then define the following:
A variable
Three unary predicates , , and , referring respectively
to “x is a restaurant”, “x is a cinema”, and “x sells popcorns”
This lets us convert the sentence in natural language into:

6.3. Paternity and Maternity

The third formula corresponds to the sentence in natural language “All
humans have a father and a mother”: 12/14
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To convert this sentence to a first-order formula we need to define the

Three variables , ,
A unary predicate “x is a human”
Two binary predicates and corresponding,
respectively, to the relationships “is a father of” and “is a mother of”
If we do that, we can then convert the sentence “All human have a father
and a mother” first into “if x is a human, there is a y and a z such that y is
a human and z is a human and y is the father of x and z is the mother of x
and x is not y and x is not z and y is not z”. We can then translate this very
long sentence into the more manageable

7. Conclusions
In this tutorial, we studied the conceptual bases of first-order logic and
learned how to derive it as a generalization from propositional logic.
We’ve also studied well-formed formulas and their elementary
components, plus the rules according to which we can connect them
into valid formulas.

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6/17/23, 2:21 PM First-Order Logic | Baeldung on Computer Science






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