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Literature Review

How to Promote Mental Health and Prevent Mental Health Conditions
- Healthy Lifestyle includes regular exercise, good quality sleep, a nutritious diet, social
interaction and reduction of stress.
- In-depth information on the aspects of healthy lifestyle as well as life skills, substance
use, suicide prevention, self-care. How to achieve these things and how they affect you
Assessing Sleep in Adolescents through a better understanding of sleep physiology
- Adolescents need around 9 hours of sleep each night.
- Lack of sleep affects physical and mental health.
- Can lead to an increase in anxiety.
- More likely to engage in high-risk behaviors if you do not get enough sleep.
Mental Health benefits of interactions with nature in children and teenagers: a systematic review
- Interacting with nature is great at reducing stress.
- Significant positive association with nature and with health-related quality of life.
- The overall changes do not produce a significant outcome, but still contribute positively
to mental health.
Media and Childrens aggression, fear and altruism
- Effects are based off type of content consumed, not amount of time consuming.
- Exposure to media online can increase anxiety and fear.
- Consuming positive and healthy content can have positive impacts on your mental health.
- Check and review the content you consume.
Managing stress for at-risk students
- Stress can be managed anywhere.
- Dropping everything and taking a few minutes to relax can help clear the mind and
reduce stress.
- Focusing on positive attitude and mindset can rewarding it can help that mindset become
- Music plays a role in reducing stress
- Journaling
Mental Health Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Social Isolation played a big role in the downing of many individuals’ mental health.
- Important to have social interaction and be out and engaging with the world and others
whether you have been impacted by the lockdowns or not.
- Doing so can help if you struggle with depression or other illnesses that were developed
Promoting Good Sleep
- Good night sleep looks like 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Exercise throughout the day can lead to improved sleep quality.
- Reading or listening to music before bed.
- Taking a shower or bath.
- Stress is a leading factor in poor sleep quality.
Anxiety disorder: definition, symptoms, causes, epidemiology and treatments
- Causes can be biological, psychological or social.
- Staying physically active and keeping a full calm mind can help reduce anxiety.
- Prioritizing sleep can improve your mood and energy which can reduce anxiety.
- Eating a nutritional diet and avoiding alcohol.
- Socializing with others is important.

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