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1 Complete the environment words. Use letters 4 Match the words to make phrases.
from the list. leave | recycle | reuse | charge
-od | -ste | -inct | -s | -ution | -lts save | disconnect
1 me lts 1 reuse , recycle - plastic bags
2 law 2 , waste - energy
3 wa 3 - a phone
4 ext 4 throw away, - waste
5 poll 5 - your TV on standby
6 flo 6 - the electricity

2 Use words from Exercise 1 to complete the 5 Choose the correct option.
definitions. 1 My battery has run out. I need to charge / save it.
1 When an animal no longer exists, it is ex tinct . 2 Don’t leave / save your computer on standby.
2 Toxic waste in water or air is called 3 Throw away / Disconnect the electricity before
p . leaving the house.
3 When water from a river covers land, this is called a 4 Charge / Throw away rubbish.
f .
5 Switch off the lights when you leave a room to save /
4 When ice turns into liquid, it me . leave energy.
5 L are the rules of a country. 6 You should recycle / disconnect all those papers!
6 W means rubbish.
6 Find 6 words from Exercise 5.
3 Complete the phrases with the missing letters.
1 Wha t a g r eat id e a! hjiop
asdfgthr ty s av e
2 T at’ a az in ! ow nh
away b klow
3 O ,r a ly? fe re l eav d o t u i c h a rg e d fbas
dvio d ba
4 In e ble!
ehi svdisconnectz osp
re e um
5 W w! cyc
l e d f b as h t ro w re us
6 oo !
7 Ho ex it ng!
8 Th t oun e c t ng!

Think Level 2 Basic Vocabulary Unit 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018
Name  Class  Date 

Answer Key
1 4
1 melt 1 reuse
2 laws 2 save
3 waste 3 charge
4 extinct 4 recycle
5 pollution 5 leave
6 flood 6 disconnect

2 5
1 extinct 1 charge
2 pollution 2 leave
3 flood 3 Disconnect
4 melt 4 Throw away
5 laws 5 save
6 Waste 6 recycle

3 6
1 What a great idea! 1 throw away
2 That’s amazing! 2 charge
3 Oh, really? 3 save
4 Incredible! 4 leave
5 Wow! 5 disconnect
6 Cool! 6 recycle
7 How exciting! 7 reuse
8 That sounds exciting!

Think Level 2 Basic Vocabulary Unit 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018

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