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Karina Moreno Gonzalez 

July 1st, 2022

First Draft

Extraordinary Age

If I lived to be 90 years old, I would have a huge house with a lot of flowers. If I lived

a lot of years I would try to live without so much hurry, I would probably have a lot of

money, If I had money, I would spend it on trips around the world.

If I were my relatives , I wouldn't hold grudges,I would advise to live in the moment,

every moment. If I could live my life over again I would say “ I love you” more and

“sorry” to, it is important that you never stop learning. If I had studied since I was

younger, I would have had more time to enjoy my work. I have only one big regret, I

wish I didn't get married so young. I really love my daughter but I wish I hadn't gotten

married so young. If I had time to talk to my young self, I would recommend

appreciating every moment of the time with his daughter. She loves riding the bike

that I bought. If she had been there, she would have seen her at every stage of her

life. I would have realized when he grew up so fast, If I had been nicer, I wouldn't

have offended anyone in my family, the people who appreciate me are very kind, I

will always be grateful.

If I could turn back time, I would already know what to do, but that's what it's all

about living the adventure of a lifetime.

Brenda Elizabeth Osorio Lobos

6th Semester

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