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Week _







-Y axis


-assigned latitude with 0 degree

-divide the earth into Northern and southern hemisphere


-vertical imaginary lines

-X axis

Prime Meridian

-divide the earth into western and eastern hemisphere

Week _

Geographic Coordinate System

-used to located places using degrees


-pair of numbers that describe the position of a point.

Week _

Rotation - reason of day and night

Revolution - 365.25 days

North and South - causes seasons

Week _

Natural resources

-gathered from nature

Man-made resources

-chairs, tables

Natural resources

1. Renewable

- resources that can be replaced after consumed

2. Non renewable

-can't be replaced after consumed

Week _

No land borders

Pacific ring of fire- volcanoes

Luzon straight - north Japan-north

Philippine sea - east Taiwan- north

Celebs sea - south China- north Malaysia-south

South China sea - west Vietnam- west Indonesia-south

Philippines is surrounded by body of water

Week _

1. Plain

-broad flat area

2. Mountains (Range)

-Highland with relatively small summit area

-chain of mountains

3. Hill

-less masive than mountain

4. Plateue and Cliff

- with a top that is brood


-hill or outline formed by earth's crust

6. Valley

- long and flat between 2 highlands

7. Delta

- like valley

8. Swamp and marsh

- wetland surrounded by trees

9. Cay

- coral reef or sand bark

10. Peninsula

- place of land surrounded by water

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