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Code of Conduct and Ethics

1. Objective
The objective of this policy is to establish the principles and code of ethical conduct by
which the School shall operate and employees conduct their duties on behalf of EISB.
 EISB conducts its business with honesty, integrity, and with respect.
 EISB recruits and promotes based on the employee sharing the School’s values and
having the skills, qualifications and abilities required for the work to be performed.
 EISB is committed to providing a safe and heathy working environment.
 EISB believes it is essential to maintain clear communication with employee,
normally through internal information sharing.
 EISB expects its employees to avoid any personal activities and financial interests,
which may conflict with their commitment in effectively performing their jobs. Any
conflict of interest arising during the employment period must be communicated to
the HR Department.
 EISB expects its employee to act honestly, conscientiously, reasonably, and in good
faith always having regard to their responsibilities, the interests of EISB.
2. Use of EISB or the school’s name
 All employees should refrain from using The English International School’s name or
logo or any representative of it in any communication or activities that are not related
to their role.
 Employee’s may only represent the school in writing or verbally, after obtaining prior
permission from the HR Department and School Director.
Quality Standards
 All employees are expected to make themselves familiar with these policies and abide
by them. Should the employee require any clarification, they should contact the HR
 Ignorance of policies and procedures, work instructions, job descriptions, or any other
published directive shall not be considered a reasonable excuse for unsatisfactory
3. School tools and property
 All employees are given varying levels of access to school property to perform their
duties. Equipment may include computers, mobile phones, scanners, printers, and
access to the internet, amongst others.
 Some employees may also be given access to and/or responsibility for property or
vehicles as it is related to their duties.
 All employees are required to use such equipment, vehicles, property, and technology
for work-related matters only, and in a manner, that is in line with the prescribed
method of use.
4. Use of IT equipment, internet, and social media
 Access to computers, emails, the internet, intranet, telephones, printers, and scanners
exist for conducting business and are not intended for personal.
 They shall not be used to impair business or the employee’s performance.
 They shall not be used to commit an illegal act/crime.
 They shall not be used to violate the school’s anti-harassment policy.
 They shall not be used to express political or religious views.
 An employee may use the internet for occasional personal matters, but must not
access social media for personal purposes during working hours.
 Employees should not have students as friends or followers on social media.
 Employees should not store photos of students on personal phones or cameras.
 All electronic storage, data files, and programs used in the school's owned computers
are the property of the school. No employee has a personal right to or any right of
privacy to any information stored or created on the employer’s computers. If in doubt
regarding any aspect of using the network, computers, or email facilities, the
employee should seek the advice of the IT Department.
5. Mobile Devices
 The use of any cell phone or wireless device is strictly prohibited in general areas,
also while in the presence of students, parents, and guests.
 Employees are permitted to use personal cell phones in cases of emergencies, or
during break time. Cell phones are to be used in the designated areas only. i.e. (staff
room and offices).
6. Grooming and personal hygiene
 Employees must be physically clean, well groomed, and take steps to ensure
appropriate general body hygiene.
 Employees should avoid using excess perfume or smell of smoke or sweat.
 Female employees should avoid wearing excessive makeup.
 In most instances, an employee may wear his/her hair the way they choose while
working, it should always remain well trimmed and groomed.
 Beards, moustaches, and sideburns are to be neatly trimmed and groomed.
 Proper handwashing techniques are important for personal safety and hygiene and
control of infection.
7. Conflict of interest and gift acceptance
 Employees are required to respect the school’s Code of Conduct and to maintain the
highest level of integrity and professionalism in their business dealings and
 A conflict of interest may arise in many situations. For instance, it can come from
knowing someone personally and personally being involved in something.
 Employees are expected to shield themselves against situations where they may be
the appearance of a potential conflict of interest and their judgement could be
compromised, or even questioned.
 If an employee anticipates a situation that could pose a potential conflict of interest,
the employee is required to identify the situation, he/she should declare the potential
conflict of interest and remove themselves from any associated decision making.
Failure to do so could form grounds for disciplinary investigation and action, up to
and including termination of employment.
 Any employee who is given a gift, vouchers, offered services, or promised any
payment/commission by students, parents, suppliers, vendors and others, must not
accept any such gift no matter the monetary value, as it creates the impression of
compromised decision-making.
 Any employee given a gift must decline politely, explaining the reason for doing so.
 The only exception to declining gifts can be:
 Gift baskets of edible items or flowers sent to a group of individuals or a
specific department as appreciation for their effort and hard work.
 Promotional merchandize or samples that bears the company’s logo and has
no resale value, and which cannot be influencing a deal or decision.
 Gifts exchanged internally by colleagues with one another at special occasions
which cannot be creating a culture of favouritism or bias.
 Gifts accepted must be registered using the gift registration form.
 Any employee is unsure about how to handle a situation regarding a gift, they should
refer to their immediate supervisor and/or HR Department.
 Employees are strictly prohibited to request any gift or financial aid for themselves.
 Employees found in breach of this policy will be subject to disciplinary investigation
and action, up to and including termination.

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