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Julian Opie

Julian Opie is an artist who specializes in simple but

visually appealing artwork. He is 64 and was born in
London. I like Opie’s art because it is so simple but at
the same time really good and appealing. I like this
image but not as much as the one below because this
one has darker and more boring colors whereas the
one underneath has a bright background and a bit of
tone on the face to make it look more 3d and
professional. Overall, I really like his art. When I tried to
draw something that Julian Opie would draw, it turned
out really well and I think it looks quite similar to
something that he would draw. The image with all the
faces shows a lot of his artwork. My favorite is the
bottom right image because it
has a bright background which makes it
more visually appealing and visually
pleasing. The glasses are also very well put in the

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