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To creare your own Crusade Titan l egio n, choose four special rules
from those prese nted below. Th:se ar_e divided into l egio Traits, Legio
Specific Stra ragems, and Legto Specific Wa rgear. Any combination of
Legio Trait: Fury of the Fallen
Tht• tli ir;I for rrvrngc nms deep wit '1111the Lqrrn, 11 11.l ,rs P1111ffp; w,11 )!lndly
give up tl1 eir lives and even 11,crr Titans ,f it 11w111 s caum11; l1cmn to tllf rn emr-
Tr.tits, S1ra ragems, and Wargear may be chosen. However, players may This is es pecia ll y tnu whrn tlr r Pnn ct'ps ,sJ,1ii11~ tlll'l r ,lt-ath.
make no more than two selec tions from each category (i.e. no more

rhan rwo Traits, two Stratage ms, or two Wargear may be chose n). When one of the Legio's Titans is activart>J in rh e Combat Fhase. it cm
fi re each of its active weapons rw ice. Aftt•r the Ti tan has c,,m ple reJ its
Crusade Titan Legions ge nerate their Pri nceps Seniores' personal trait shooti ng, immedia tely roll on rhe Catastrophic Dam:1ge r:iblt> :ind :1ppll'
fro m the table on page 55 of the Adcplus Tita niws Rulehook. the res ults to th e Tiran.

I.EcroTRAITS Legio Trait: Gunnery Command

Traits represent overall doctrines and tactics of the Titan Legion Batllcficld cxptnc11Ct' and co11nllrn '1 01m of prnrfir.- m, onl1 11,1tm r.rng.-s
but may also represent things such as the unique effect s of their have given th e P1111ceps 1111cl Jvloclrn1t , of th e T,t,111 Lt-)!WII '1 k.·,·11 ;rn;,· o( th .-
home world or history. rn pc1b1l ilie, of ll1e1r Til1111s· 1wapom.

Legio Trait: Dark Reputation Tita ns field ed as pan of rhis Legio add 2 ro the result of any Co
TheTitan Legio n has a rep utation for relentless savagcty and is widely feared checks made when issuing a Fi rst Fire or Split Fi re ord,•r.
hy its wemies. Ene my Pri11ceps are slccled agai nsl md1!ales by th e slrengt h of
!heir god e11g111es, thougl1 Knight Banners arc not so fortun ate. Legio Trait: Loci of the Cause .
Whether rt is ,is hrro,' s of thf l111pcri11111 or f,111r urrd sol.l r,•rs III the Wnn1111<t,-r s
Ar th e end of the Movement phase, any enemy Kn ight Banners within annies, th e Tita 11 Legion lrns become 11 11 iron _(cir 1111•,r 111,ista's must' ,111 .I " "
3" of one of the Legio's Titans imm ediately become Shaken (see page impira tion to all wlw fight in th.-ir 11,11111·.
47 of rhe Adeptus Titanicus R11l ebool1).
During th e Strategy phase, allied Knight Banners add 2 10 the rt'sulr
Legio Trait: Deep War Vaults of any Command check when issui ng an orde r rhar has already been
For ccn luries Ilic Ti Ian Legion's Forge World has been 1111rnssi11g war nrnte,iel. successfully issued to one or more of rhe Legio's Titans.
Losses 111 baltle are swiftly replaced and th e Legio's Pru,ccps mourn lhc loss
of !heir Titans on ly for as long as it takes !heir Forge World tofurn ish Ihem Legio Trait: Motive Mastery
wilh a replacement. Tire Pri11Ceps of the Legio IHll'f 1.-,mrl to ll'rar tl11·11· Tit,111; like ,1 s...-011.I sb n
and can coax b11rsts of speed ,md ,kvastat111~ chorgcs r ut of tl,.-rr gr,l m g1111·s
If one of the Titan Legion's Titans is destroyed without havi ng via lhe consta11I com1ec fl o11 of thm MI U.
scored any hits on an enemy u nit, it is worth no Victory
Points to your opponent. Titans fielded as part of this Legio add 2 10 th e result of any Comm and
checks when issuing a Charge or Full Stride order.
Legio Trait: Elite Mago s
TheTilan Legion is well known for !he shill of ils Tech-Priests and Ma gi. Evrn Legio Trait: Splinter Legio
in th e heat of battle llme individuals ca n call upo n th e favour of the Om111ssrnl, As sides we re cl n11 1111 between Loya lists 1111.l Traitors, ti,,· Horn s 1-krrsr d,v,.l,·,J
countless Tilan Li'gio11s. So me Tn1itor Lcgios i11cl11,lc.l loy,rlr st clrn,.-nls, 11.J1ilc
tokeep a Tit~11 in the fig'1t, though its machine spirit might be ready to rebel.
some Loyalist Titn11 Lcgio11 s h11d P1i11Ccp; who hm 11:,I l1-.11 t0r. Tl, cs,· Tita11 s
and th eir crewsfo n11fd spli nter lrgio11s, 11cwr full r l111st.-.l hi1 th eir ,1ll 11•s b11t
The Legio's Titans can roll an extra repair dice during the _
com11111cd by haired fo r the bctrny,11 of 11,cir f,111111-r b11'thcrs.
Damage Control phase in addition to those indicated by th eir
servitor clades. In addition, Tirans fi elded as part of this Legio
Choose a Legio Trail from any Titan Legion. lf the Trait was chosen
may add 2 to th eir command checks when attempting to go onto
from a Traitor Titan Legion, then th e Crusad e Tit:m L,•gion must b,·
Emergency Repairs orders. Loyalist If the Trait was chose n from a Loyalist Titan Lt•gion, th en rlw
Crusade Titan Legion must be Traitor.
Legio Trait: Engines of War _ I
Th e Leg,os, Forge World is lmown 1r.or ,ts
. marn11ac
r. t1,re ofa particu ar Tila11
· L •lfed i11 the use of these Legio Trait: Survivors
cIass. An abundan ce of co mponents an d Pnnceps Sr"
· 11. w,·tl1in tJ,e Ti lan Lemon
·rt1ans means th ey have a greater representat10 b"
. By betray11 l or misforhme, tl, c Titan Lcgio11 has bl'C n brok.·11 by ,Is c,11·111ic;.
Those few Princq>s who remain 11111st cli ng lo th,· trn,lrl imrs of tl11·ir fo rcbc,m
. (e.g. War lord , Reaver )· The Titan legion
Ch oose a c1ass ofTnan
always substitute one of the mandatory Titans in a maniple with
. may
1111 d alfr mpl lo fig ht 011 '1S best they c,111 hffor,· they 11 rc J'i'l'11J r1111·11lf\, co111111 ittc,I
to the a1111t1ls of hislorr l
aTitan of this type. From rhe start of the fourth game round, the Titan Legion m.iy ch oose I
to end the ga me earlier than normal in the Strategy phase. llefore an y

Note that I he substitute
- .
Titan on Iy b ene fi ts from maniple
· rules that
. Stratagems are played, the legio player declares thar this will be rhc
reference Titans, and not those that reference a specific class ofTttan.
fin al round of the game. If rhey do, the game wil l conclude :1t the en,!
of th e current round .without any additional rounds being played.
For example if the Reaver from a Venator Light Maniple was replaced
Wi th a Warlord Titan, the Warlord would not benefit from th e • .
Opportunistic Strike rule - this specifically referen ces a Reaver [nan.
However, if a·Reaver from an Axiom Battlehn e Mani pie was replaced
~ a ~a~lord,-:ili~ Warlord would b~nefit f~om the Mi_g ht of th e
lttn:if!Si;µi rule since that refe rs to fttans m the mample.
I I ,,\l1 SPI 1'll I( l'RAl:\l"FMS Ll'gio Specifi c Wa rgcar : Armo11r Spikes
\t1111r I lll')!f Worldi (<11111011 l"m,qur hl11dr, ,w cf 11•1lm 11/ prnrl1i:w11111:1·
'il 1AlJ~l'n" trpll''l' lll th<' l.1•gi0\ •Jll'l lfic bJtd,•ftdd rc~ourccs ond
!\th•\ nf 1•11g,1g,•1111•111 1,1nt1i 11g l11:11n 111~,~rJ ai-tlll<'I y ,u ppo11 to di e use tr, 1l1r 1m1wu1 <' f Ihm I1lr1111 l l1 r<r n111\11vr 'J't'a! 111111 <wor,1 fip< ,1rr
l'' ..k1ll~,1 \ .11'01<"1111. 1t1111r 11!1111 nr11u1nrnir1ln11111111I r,111 lit· 111r,J h rlAAJr«n•r l'rnJCrp• to
)!lll t' IICIII) 11'1II Cll)!llll'I

I rftlt\ ~11nific Stratagem: Wur Dodtfoc (Vnrlcs)

W,11 l l11t l1 1111' 1c1•1 c,<' 1m u l,t\11111 cJ S1rar,1gcm uf 1h l• Tltau l.rg11111 ;\11y 111 tl11• I <'g10 , I 11 ,111, 1,111 lw 11pg1.1 d!'d 1r, have Armout ',pikes lor
111Jrtrttt\iM 1hr l' fkc1q,r 1hr Lrg111'~Wai Dor11 lllr, d1oml' ,lllV w pn1111 , ;\ J 11a11 w11h A111H1u1 \pilH•, 1m reaw, tlw 11umbe1 r,f Dire 11

I s1i,,1~w111 , 1nr luJ (uli M1,1lat\l'Ul ~ II Ol'll1U ll y litnllt•d 1(1 11t hc1 r11m
I r1,itm,. 111111• ~l1,1rn11c1n r,11t br uwd by uny Ll'lilll, th r n du• < 111qd1•
J'Ha11 I r111,111t,111 11111, k,~r ll fo1· 1 /\ 11 At,1gcm !'L•1111 h·,, Li mn 1111111,.il
111 11t11in lmu111 pf I pnint Lf d11• St1,111111rm 1, ~peel he 10 ,111nth<'1 I it.111
I q:1,,n , tl w11 it 1' gJ1 bt> pur.-l1 J,\'J tll 1h1•rnst 1i~1,•d ti, 11 :1 r 1111 1·
g1• 111·1:11r, wllt'11111,il<111g ,1 <i m," h .111 ,11 k from Di w 0 6 (<,ee p,tgl' 10 of
tl u• A,l,·1•1111 I 11111111111 ll11/rl111"l:l

J egio ~,,cc ifil Wu rgl'ar· Auxi liary Sh iel d Ca pad lors

1(1•,111111/,11 11,·11r•f!I' rn i/1111<' l•uill 11110 Ilic I il,11i'11•01d 1/111•/d nn,11·, ,11/0111111g 11

11, 1,'1111111 p1111•r1 (1 <•111 l/1 r 1r,lflPt Ir• ll1r 1l11rl,/1 w1il1 m,m111111n r/f,mnr1 I fi r
Nt•II• 11,Jt \X',ll 11on , 1111• 111:1y bl' d11"<'ll 11101 c d1 a11 L•ll rc1p1 p, 11lrd 1·ad1 /11lf!l/111 ,,( i/1nr 11•tl• /111111 , i/i('IJ 11 \f, /11111'(1/fl, ,111,l (l ll (f 111rrl illfl' (1flfll()f ,,,.
ll\H,ll lrc or dm 11111' 11ppli1•~ tn J d1tl c1c11t S11 ,11 ,1gc111 1q•l111('(/ 1111 11 I 11/fn ll1r hnlllr

Ln:10 S1'l r11tr W ARt,LAR i\ nr ul tlw Lcg10\ T11a11 s 1,111 br "11!!' ,1 drd IO h.1v1· i\uxtl1arv Slurld
\\:,'J tgc.11 1cpn.-,1•111, dw<1• \\'!'JJ\1•nb ,1 11d ,•11l11,1nu• )J1·m11cd hi' C.1p,1c Jl ors /or 10 110111 1, I hl' ri1a11 c,111 d<'d ,11T Vo ids to htli' <~re page
lhl' 1Jt tll1 l 1·11h1 n ,,, r ctli 'I'' 11111d1 11 r d Ill ,11 \ 1 ,t,IJllt,il l1lllllbr1, \4 ,,r Ihe A,lr,.1111 I !111 11 1111, l\11/rhooli ) w1 1hou1 h,w111g to p11,h the reactor
hv 1h ci1 bu ~c w,,dd /\, ,r,un a, thl' I 11 ,111 \ , l11 l' IJs tr, ll,1p,e, 1hr bcn!'fi1 , from 1his piece·
ol W,1112r,11 arc IP~ I fm dn· n•111 ,1111dt•1 of thl' ha11l e, rvr n ti 1hr l ttan~
Len lo Spcdlic \'\,1.1rijcl1r: Abloth-c C<:ramif c Pln t i11g , l111• ld, ,m• l.t tl't rc 1g111 tl'd
l'"l 111.111rc,l l,1\ot'J 111111pu1 l1,1, l•n H ,,J,lrd 1,, 1111 v 11/ tl1 r I tlJJ,11\ n 1/1r11/ lnrnl11'111.
I l1c,r 11l,,tc, ur~ 11•11,,1!1 1•1tl1 ,:,~•,I /111 ,, ""81.- h,11/,-, hul 111" ,, ,•j trn rnn1111l1It• Lcgio Specifi c Wargcar: Blind Missil es
l'"'lrcl tlt r I il1111 /1v111 tlr,11 If< fl t•11 1•1 , , 1t1, 11I .l,1111,11;,• lll111,l 1111<1i/n r,,.loJr nl'rr ll1r /,,,lllr/ir/,/ 10 onllr II rnrl11111 n(
,· lrd111111r1~11rlt1111/r /11rcd /og, (oi/111~ hlll/1 ,11/i •,111 m l 1m1011 m1,/ thr 1111kd 01',
Any 11fthr J <')!ll'•~ I 11,u,,, •Ill h<' 111•p.1,1dcJ t1•· Ah lJ11v1• Crr.1m11 ,· I ltr 1111 /r .l11111'l>,1rk o( 1/1,·<,· 1•,11 nl/!<'' "ll1rn rffcr l1 ,11!' 11 r•f11ni•111l1 1lto1t ltl'fJ.
PIJr ing fu1 ~o 1•,11111, At th_c , 1.111 11[ th e ba1d1·, ,1 r11 JJ1 cq1o p1wd w11h
Ahlmv<' ( r1~11111 c l'l.i 111~l: ui1 ~h~1· .. 1Llw1 11 ~ !J11dy, I,<'!!'• 111 I lrJd 1\ ny of th e Lcg10\ I 11.11is arml'd 11·11h 1•11hcr /\poca kp~<· Mmile
rh,· I t1Jn 1~111<11n tl, o hw11" 11.) t1u' .111 .1.LkcL'~ ;11 rn u111 1011 ," .11r,u lt ol La 11 11r hris 01 an A11or;,ly11,1· l\ ltsstlc Lau nchc, c.111 bl' upgrJdeJ to ha\'e
drn1Jl(l' ali r.1dy 111fln l<'d "" 1ho I hu,c.u l1.1u111, 11 , ·" 1111!1 c,11rd by Ihr Hl111d Miss tl rs 101 w p,11 11 1,. l)ncl' pl't g.nnc , a T11 .1n ,1rmcd w11h Bl111d
L1H11111 .rnu I,,.,. J',l)!C J 1 nf d1l' A.J.cpl11, I1l,1111rn1 Rulcl>t•(lli) l\ t iss dcs m;1y Im• ,1 hhnd ,,ilv<1 w11h 11 , i\poc.1lvpsc 1\11,sile Launcher or
Apt1ca ly11sc M1s,i11· La1111rhl'1 ~ rcJthct 1h.111 finng them normJlh PIJcc
Addi11unJII} , ii tl11· I tr.,d 1,, 111,-c n, 111 ,1C;, m p.11g111hl' I 11.1 11\ tl 1l' ;" lll,1~1 111arkt•1 :nwwherc w1tl1n1 1.111g1· and finng .1rc of rhe m1~stle
nr w wOI ,1lw.11·, , 11n·1yc• 1hr .!1·,11 ui•1111J1 ctil 11•11' I i1,1111111 ,1 i I ht'<' la1111ch<'rs r im m.1rke1 1cma1m 111 plarl' 11n1il thl' cn<l of the round and
cuu11 1s JS linl' of s1gh1 hlorking tt•rra111 .
11 .,1w f:l ,o/ ,i1~11,lr,1 1li >.

l~fl SpN·lilc \X'nr~et1r: Cn1snde B111mer~ . An11of rlw legio's Tita ns can be upgrndcd to have Plasma Rifling for
tlu t ,):~•·( 111,111 , i,.,.,, h1r111(1 , ,,, Ihm ,ln·,h 1111.I th,· i:lonou, tnu,uph, "' flu· w points p<'rTi1an. When firing a weapon wi th the word Plasma or
\ (111,,1,1( ~llf'j\lThrl!! t,'(l(ljh ,li,rn• !!"'"' 111 ,p1mfro11 from Iii,·,.· l't' llllllrll'r( Lnsl'r in it s name (e.g. Plas ma Olastgun, Paired Lase r Olasrers) the
.,, 1•._ 1,,,'I Jri.1th,• krw1d(,l!,'f !hut th,·1r 111,1111 .. nll11·i l1twr 11 rwr bm1 rlcfrn tnl. Tirnn can push i1 s rra ctor to increase borh the short and long ran ge
of rlw weapon by 6".
-1.n, ,,,.thC' l !'!11<,'~ l'ir;1ns rn n bt> llp).! radt'd 10 havr Crusadr Banners fo r
, !"' 1111 ,._ I m·n,111' K1: 1i:hr ll~mrwrs wi1h111 t /' of a Tir:in wirh Crusade
t:Jnnr~ 1i:n0rt' rh<' dlt'rtS 01 bi'ing Shak,·n.
Legio Specific Wargear: Ranging Auspexes
J'or11i111g lms nrrnys stud tlir Tita11's rom 111n11d ca nopy, nllowi11g ds Pri11ceps at1
1111eq11nll ed 111e111 of 1hr l111 1tlcficlrl. Through these telescopic eyes Ilic d1slan cc to
l tgio ~pt-cifir Wnrgcu.r: Macro Mngnzines ,·11m1 1rs (1111 1,.. s1111ftl y drt,-r111111erl, allowing for the most effective weapo11 volleys.
\,iJ1lu111.1! ~mm,, ' .•'!'1'1'1~ h,ll'( b,'t'JJ l•udl 111111 th,· 1'1tn11 , nllow111g for longer
1-~"'' .,i ,11,tJ111d ~,r. rl1r11).!h wrll d11drl,· .i ,11?11111,I 11!1,1, k, 11111 ,·xtrn orilt 11111 rr
,.1,1 ;•r.•11 /,11,i-tn•rh1r slhlulil ti,.- T1t,111111.-t'l w11h ,, .lcstrnrt 111.- mil.
Any of th e Lcgio's Tita ns can be upgraded to have Ranging Auspexes
for JO points per Tita n. In the Combat phase, a Ti tan equipped with
Rnngi ng Auspexcs can measure the range between itself and potentia l
:\nl' ,,f thf Le-gk,\ Titan~ can bt' upgraded to haw Macro Magnines rnrgt· ts bcforr firin~ its weapons.
,~,, ;,, roints. lncre.1se rh~ dicl' \'Ulllt' of any Rapid weapon th<· Tiian is
JmtN \\1th h_:. Add 2 to tht• rrsu lt wlwn rolling on the Catas tro phic Legio Specific Wargear: Reactor Fetters
Pm1a.,:~ table' tor a Timn with M:tcro Magazines. Adci1tro11al uru ls n11d hcn l m1'1s arc bwlt 111to theTitnn's reactor, prolectmg 11 from
ovr rlonds or exmsive pin min build 11p. Wl11le tlrn makes tl1eT1ln11 safer tocommand, ii
lrgio Sp«ific Wnrgear: Multiple Warhead Launchers also l11111ls the011tp11I of tlie reactor slio11ld Ilic Pn11ceps nwl to roll upo11 1t III n hu rry.
~•""' Tit,111 L,·gwm t'mpl(l)'fi1 multi pit' m1 rh.-11ils 011 tl1,·1r missiles, the
:r:lnanrc frui:111rnh11g III fl1ght to rnh1rnte thr tnrgd 111 l11111ilmis of explosive Any of the Legio's Titans can be upgraded IO have Reactor Ferters for
r_,,,,i,k ~u:h 1111 ,,d.-s 1111' pmclmdly md1·ss ,1gm11st Titnm but rn n be cffcct ,ve 25 poinrs. A Titan with Reactor Fert ers may vent plasma in the Damage
;: ,1,-.mng .im1, o_f sup!',,rtmg u11its. Conrrol phase on a repair dice ro ll of 3+ rarhcr than 4+. However, it
may nor volunrarily push its reactor more rhan once in each phase.
:\n\' ,,f the Legio's Ti rans
armed with Apocalypse Missile Launchers
,,ran :\pocalvpse Missile Launcher can be upgraded to have Multiple Legio Specific Wargear: Warchest
~'arheld Launchers for 20 points. Instead of usi ng the normal profile Tlie Ti tan Lcgw11 hns amassed vnsl stockpiles of m1111itions during th e
of HS missile lau nchers, the Titan can fi re multiple warheads. Use the Gren I Cnisade. 111 these deep vaults are weapons, battle systems, and special
r.nge. ii.nng arc. and to hir modifiers of the missile launchers, but a111n1111iil1om fi-oin olherTitnr1 l egrom eilher gifted lo them through alliance
reduce the STR IO 3 and rriple th e Dice. or confisca ted d1m11g th efirs t betrnynls.

legio Specific Wargear: Plasma Rilling The Titan Legion ca n choose a single piece of Legio Specific Wargear
GJs rl1un11rls nllow fo r erress plasm11 .from the Tiln11's rrnclor to be fw111clled belonging IO another Legio. This wargear can now be purchased for
mt., the _/inn~ rlmmbas of its energy 1l'enpo11s, exlerid111g tl1eir rn11ge mui the Titan Legion's Titans, though it must still adhere to all of the rules
1n.1ram1g tl1e1r lethality. Tlmr 111t'clrn11 isms nrc 1101iv1tJ1011t their cla ngers, presented in the wargear's description (i.e. an upgrade only usable by
lwiwva, and rnn put extrn strain or, theTitmi's rt'nrlor. Warlord Titans can only be bough t fo r the Legio's Warlord Titans).


JULY 2019 109

u y


Anuj Malhotra: My name is Anuj Malhotra, one uf l he I Jonis Taking 111to acrnu nt tlw har kgrouml J'v1· J,:vl'iPp"d Im my Lq:su. I w,h
<'Xci tl'd to 5\'c tlw nr·w 'hutld your own Lrgu, s;111dh, ,x , tyl,· 1ul,., ,11 11 I
lfrresy: Agl' of Darkness game designers here al Canll's Workshop and
an e111husias1ir collector of Adeplus Ti1a11irns. 1lnving pai111rd a cou pIt· aprl y 1h1·m to how I th ink my Ti1a1p; rnttld b,. r<•pn·wtsrt"d 111 g,HlH·. I hr
of Titans, I was inspirecl ro crealc my own Titan Legion, and wi th 1h e Elite Mago• Lrg10 Tran , fen t·xa mpl1·, wottld , rrvr th,· I lc,·p l>w,·llrs-
new Legio cus1omisatiun rul es, I felt it was 1he pcrfc•cl oppor1t111i1 y 10 wr ll , as rad1 t·nginr i\ all bu 11sol.11 cJ 111 the darknr,, from 11, lm·thn·11 ,\
damageJ Ti1 an ha, l11tlc- hope of \1J 1v1va l ti r.,ng11,g tar ;1ll'ng 1ht· 1t·:1l111nr.

li develop my Legio for tlw 1able10p.

The Legio Naessias (also known as the Deep Dwr llc·rs) hail from
for eve n a small hull breads c.111 rrrnlt In a tort urom, ,lrownsni: dc·,, th
!11 ai d of th e-t· rangin g m1 ,,iom, th e Lri:10 Nat•\>,Ja, al,o pav, gr<•,11 hl'l'd
ro tlw risk of rrea1ing fsrin )( >,o]ution, aga1mt frll'ndly t·11g111e1 when
the oceanic Forge World of Daxxos, where they defe nd th ei r
th l'y arc occl u<l r<l behind swirling 1·ddir, of 11lt. To t·n,un· 1h1, dot", 1101
I stackforges from deep -sea mcgafauna such as va~t pn·dalory whales
and fanged megadrrrapods. Indeed it is from one of th ese beasls, 1he happen, eac h engine is coa ted in a 11111qur patrern of b1ol um 11t1•>,( 1· 111

dread Kraky11l'kin, that th r Titan Legion deri ves its heraldic icon, paint and equipped with th e Ranging Au• pexea Warg1·a1 ttpgraclr
1hc hooked tentadl' uf Daxxos. Though relatively small, th e Deep
Dwrllcrs arc a proud Legio, equ ally capable of wagi ng war in th e Repu ted to s1rike wi th the remor~c lt•,rncs\ of th e ,ra JO ,torm , rhc
briny depth s of tlwir home world as on 1he battle-ravaged city s1ree1s Legio Narssias favours th t· use uf energy wt•aponry, pamntlarlr la\t·r,,
of a hun dred worlds. During 1hc years of 1he Horus Heresy they as th e short , sharp rC"l ease of power boils tlw c•tea11w11h r,1rh 1rrth and
rem ained fi ercely loyal to Terra, taking pan in th e battles of Drussc n, is not diminished by press ure and water n·si,tann· in di e ,mw rn annrr
Tallarn, and th e Solar War, th ough it wou ld cos t th e Legio dearl y. as more conve nti onal projcculc-bast•d weaponry h ,r th 1, rr.11011, 1h1·
Lcgio ensures th at eac h of tts Tit an, is t•quippt·d w11h the Pla• ma
Pragmatic and relen tless hunt ers of th e deep-ocean flo or, the Legio Rifling Wargcar upgrade. Advancing n·h·11tlc·,,ly whd,t 11nl1•J,hJJ1~
Naessias has adap ted to war under ci rcumstances alien to many eye-sca ring bursts of enNgy, th e Deep Dwellers arc al,u notorwtt , f,,r
oth er Titan Legions. Training and operating under almost perpetual abandonin g rank s wh('ll th e cswm y do, t' S ro 111 , read strnl,· 1111 11 tla· pw,
Zone Abyssia condi tions, the Deep Dwellers earned their cognomen of dea th with tlwir mag11a-harpoo11s ra1, l'd. ·1hl')' ,rort· 1h1·1r I.di, 111 tht·
in a light!ess world defi ned by its crushing pressure an<l unseen, fo ~hi on of th C'ir home world, spt'artng t·m·m1e, in plart· whdt· p111np111g
constant threat. To survive in such an environment requi res a specific fire into 1hcm to ens ure tl1 t·y cannm hrc;sk free· to , tt· r and hann
regimen of train mg, strategy, wargear, and culture amongst th e th e stac kforgcs. To make this sudden rn,h forward, , tlw t'l1j:tm·, uf tlw
scions of th e Legio. Lt·gio Nat•ssias make u~c· of Lt·gt0 Tr.111: Motive Mas tery, u, 1ni:: tt 111
hope of winning rl' nown , honour, and addttiunal kill -inpc".

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