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Czarina A.

Grade 11- A. Mabini

COVID restrictions are being eased and livelihoods are slowly being revived as infections go down in
the country. Yesterday, several cinemas reopened in Metro Manila. Children can again enjoy the
outdoors, and schools at all levels are being readied for pilot runs of face-to-face classes.

Child welfare advocates say allowing greater mobility for minors is good not only for their physical well-
being but also for their mental health. Children are typically highly resilient and can quickly bounce back
from pandemic-induced cabin fever.

What might be more complicated to deal with is adult anxiety arising from the pandemic. The loss of
jobs, shutdown of businesses, illness and, most seriously, the death of loved ones and friends are
causing profound psychological distress, with several cases lasting longer than usual, according to
mental health advocates.

After consultations and a two-year review of the studies on persistent difficulties associated with grief,
psychiatrists in the United States have described chronic or complicated bereavement as prolonged
grief disorder. PGD has been added to the afflictions listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders.

The pandemic has swollen the ranks of those suffering from mental distress even in the Philippines.
Some psychiatrists refer to it as collective anxiety. The Department of Health estimates that amid the
pandemic, at least 3.6 million Filipinos have grappled with depression and other mental health issues;
the World Health Organization places the number at a higher 4.5 million.

While dealing with mental health issues is a deeply personal process, the government can provide
support to enhance the healing. Republic Act 11036, the Mental Health Act, was signed in 2018, and
the implementing rules and regulations passed the following year. The law provides mechanisms for
assisting those suffering from mental distress. In the pandemic, this aspect of public health needs as
much attention as physical and economic health.

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