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Topic: What should we do or shouldn’t when we review food?

Nowadays, when social networks develop, we have many

opportunities to access information quickly. In addition, individuals
working in the field of media creation always try to create attractive
videos to attract viewers. Especially reviewers tend to make videos
about food reviews. However, nowadays food reviewers tend to
criticize food stores based on strict evaluation criteria.
Therefore, in order to become a true food reviewer we need to
evaluate the food objectively. The exactly evaluation of the
deliciousness of food depends on the taste of each person as well as
customs, cultural features, culinary customs of the region or due to
environmental conditions in each region that also affects the
processing and taste of that dish. For example, if we are a Southerner
who tends to eat sweet when you first eat central dishes that tend to be
salty, it will definitely not suit our taste. Therefore we absolutely do
not criticize when the food does not suit our taste.
On the other hand, we should be no negative or disparaging
statements for the purpose of increasing interaction for our video,
which affects the restaurant's reputation and brand value. If the
restaurant does not cook delicious food, do not post criticism publicly
because doing so will accidentally "kill" the lives of many workers.
Therefore, we should only give advice gently to the restaurant owner.
Furthermore, we need to be responsible for our statements when
evaluating food service establishments if we do not want to be liable
to the law.
Consequently, should be an objective food reviewer, not for personal
gain that using negative statements or criticisms that affect the
restaurant's reputation and revenue.

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