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Some teachers believe that it is crucial for all adolescent school learners to

exchange courses internationally. The merits of this idea are learners who go to
developed countries to study have access to advanced learning equipment and have
easy access to jobs after studying in advanced countries while the demerit of it is
that it is very expensive. In this essay the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

To start with, students who get the chance to study in a developed nation get
access to advanced equipment. Advanced countries have more learning equipment
compared to developing countries which makes it easier while studying. When it
comes to practical work, students find it easy to study without suffering and this
make them have a sound mind.
Also students get access to jobs after schooling in an advanced country. To get job
after studying make standard of living easy in this world. How can a person live
without working? Its impossible, so to make someone physically and psychologically
stable one has to work to earn a living. For instance, equipment such as laptops,
smart phones etc are more in the developed nations and also in the developed
countries learners have accessed to job opportunities since it is easy to get one.

On the other side, it is very expensive to study in a different country because you
become new to the environment. For example, in the advanced countries school fees
are more costly compared to the undeveloped countries. Getting money for the
payment of fees and feeding becomes burden to the students.

In conclusion, it is beneficial for students who study in an advanced countries in

the sense that they have access to advanced learning equipment and job
opportunities; however, it is very expensive. With these views the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages.

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