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Surat Keterangan Vaksinasi COVID-19

Certificate of COVID-19 Vacc i nation

Sertiflkat ini diberikan kepada

-+- ~

This is to certify that


Tonggol Lahlr
Oo• of 811'11>

3671052603740003 26 Maret 1974

ID :60cffb9bdea6b4c394da11bf
pada tanggal 28 Juni 2021
on date June 28, 2021

teloh dilokukan vokslnosl COVID-19 untuk dosls pertomo

---- -·- -
has been vaccinated for the 1st dose of the
- ·--
Sinovae COVID-19 (Batch ID : 24004021)

sesuoi dengon Peroturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

in accordance with the health regulation of Republic of Indonesia


~~rat Keterangan Vaksinasi COVID-19
Certif i cate of COVI D -19 Vaccination

Sertifikat ini diberikan kepada:

- - --
This is to certify that


. ,
NIK Tonggol Lohlr
10 Nu.-nb<>f 0oa al' 8/tdl
3671052603740003 26 Maret 1974

ID : 60cffb9bdea6b4c394da11bf

pada tanggal 29 Maret 2022

on date March 29, 2022

telah dllakukan vaksinasi COVID-19 untuk dosis booster pertama

,, ..... ····-· -······--··-····•·••·....-·-······- ·-•-•· -· --···-••,-..•-----··-·-··- ....... ---····-····-•···-...-·-····-- -··-·-·····-··-··-·-··- ·····••··•··-· -···•--· -·
has been vaccinated for the 1st booster of the

Moderna COVID-19 (Batch ID : 006H21A)

sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republlk Indonesia

in accordance with the health regulation of Republic of Indonesia

kM 3 U_
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Surat Keterangan Vaksinasi COVID-19
Certificate of COVID -19 Vaccination

Sertifikat ini diberikan kepada:

This is to certify that


3671052603740003] .

ID : 60cffb9bdea6b4c394da11 bf

pada tanggal 28 Juli 2021

on date July 28, 2021

telah dilokukon voksinasi COVI0-19 untuk dosis kedua

has been vaccinated for the 2nd dose of the

Sinovae COVID-19 (Batch ID : 24002321)

sesuai dengan
Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
in accordance with the health regulation of Republic of Indonesia


kH 3 U_
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