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Choose the right location: Select a location for your water softener that is
easily accessible for maintenance and is close to your water supply and
electrical outlet.
2. Shut off the water supply: Turn off the main water supply to your home before
you begin the installation process.
3. Install the bypass valve: Install a bypass valve to allow you to shut off the water
supply to the water softener for maintenance or repairs.
4. Install the control valve: Install the control valve at the inlet side of the water
softener tank. Connect the control valve to the bypass valve and the water
supply using copper pipes.
5. Install the tank: Install the water softener tank in a secure location. Connect the
tank to the control valve using the provided connectors and fittings.
6. Connect the drain line: Connect the drain line to the drain fitting on the
control valve and run it to a nearby drain.
7. Install the brine tank: Install the brine tank near the water softener tank.
Connect the brine tube to the control valve and the brine tank using the
provided fittings.
8. Add salt to the brine tank: Fill the brine tank with salt and add enough water to
dissolve the salt.
9. Turn on the water supply: Turn on the main water supply and check for leaks.
Fill the water softener tank with water and let it run through a regeneration

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