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Topic review 2

Question One

1) Issue

-Is the agreement among Bobby and Sky enforceable?


-A contract involves two or more parties who are competent to enter into a legally binding
agreement. While an contract can be verbal or suggested, it is for the most part recorded in writing.
In case an contract is enforceable, a court can constrain the parties to finish with what they agreed
to in the contract. A legally enforceable contract is more than a casual promise between friends. The
purpose of a business contract is to place legal requirements on the parties to follow through on the
agreement. The legal system is available to mediate if a party breaches the terms of the contract.

The 5 elements of a legally binding contract are made up of:

i) An offer.
ii) Acceptance
iii) Consideration
iv) Mutuality of obligation
v) Competency and capacity
vi) Application


-In the above case Skye made an offer to sell his vehicle, Bobby responded to his deal and delivered
a check of RM20,000 to purchase that vehicle, yet Skye didn't acknowledge the cash and adjusted his
perspective to sell the vehicle which implies there is no valid contract among Skye and Bobby on the
grounds that as to make valid contract mutual acknowledgment should be there between the two
players. Making it In-valid contract.


-Contract between Sky and Bobby is not enforceable and Bobby cannot sue Sky.


-Is here a breach of sales contract between Carol and Sky.


-A contract involves two or more parties who are competent to enter into a legally binding
agreement. While a contract can be verbal or implied, it is usually in writing. If a contract is
enforceable, a court can compel the parties to follow through on what they agreed to in the
contract. A legally enforceable contract is more than a casual promise between friends. The purpose
of a business contract is to place legal requirements on the parties to follow through on the
agreement. The legal system is available to mediate if a party breaches the terms of the contract.
-The 5 elements of a legally binding contract are made up of:

i) An offer.
ii) Acceptance
iii) Consideration
iv) Mutuality of obligation
v) Competency and capacity
vi) Application


-In the above case Skye made an offer to sell his car, Carol reacted to his offer and produced a
cheque of RM20,000 to buy that car, but Skye didn’t accept the money and changed his mind to sell
the car which means there is no valid contract between Skye and Carol because as to make valid
contract mutual acceptance must be there between both parties. Making it In-valid contract.

-Contract between Sky and Carol is not enforceable and Carol cannot sue Sky.

Question Two


-Offering a reward of RM 500 for return the Maine Coon cat in the list safely.


-By providing animal protection act, lost Coon cat should be hand overed safely to the authorised


-According to the animal protection act, on the following day a person found the lost cat and hand
overed to owner safely and the owner refused to pay him the reward he announced, by saying you
didn't make a deal for finding his lost cat.


-According to act paying reward is not acceptable. But he announced of paying reward, when he got
his cat back, he refused his announcement which is unfair.

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