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The following testimony was submitted for the June 7, 2022, meeting of the Board of Education.

The “…”
designation indicates the cutoff of testimony due to it exceeding the word the limit. The full version of
such testimony has been provided to the Board

ITEM 6.03 Opening and Patriotic Exercises – Code IKA

1. The students need an American flag in the classrooms to face while they recite the
pledge of allegiance. I support this policy.

Peggy Williams
Severna Park

2. I support the Opening and Patriotic Exercises Code IKA policy. American flags should be
in every classroom.

James Elbourn
Severna Park

ITEM 8.0 Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items

1. Those who oppose this policy say that the school’s duty is to protect and affirm
marginalized students. Does displaying BLM and Pride flags really protect and affirm ALL
students? Or rather does it exclude a lot of others, or maybe even the majority?
The school’s duty is actually to provide a quality education and to challenge ALL
students regardless of race, gender, gender identity, religion, etc. Perhaps the reason
for the sudden low school rankings is because the focus has been on social justice:
who’s marginalized, who’s underrepresented, who’s excluded, who belongs and who
does not….
No one is saying that we can’t be a mix of religions, races, or ideologies, or that we want
to limit self-expression. And we are not “biased parents,” as some people claim we are.
We just don’t understand the need to display multiple flags representing all these
different groups when the American flag can get counter the divisiveness and unite all
under one umbrella.
Let’s continue to elevate ALL students by rejecting the divisive practice of the
preferential display of certain flags in classrooms and instead, publicly show recognition
for ALL students by displaying the American flag. For decades, that flag has embodied
the struggles of all who fought for civil rights and freedom from oppression. Given our
history, I can’t think of a better symbol to display the strength and determination of
people striving for those goals. Please support this policy.

Peggy Williams
Severna Park
2. Please support Policy IS - Display of Flags. Children need structure and boundaries in
school – with a focus on education. Schools should be a safe space for all students,
without the division and problems of adult society, where they are allowed to be
children - to learn and thrive in an academic environment. Allowing flags other than the
American, state, and local flags only calls attention to division and separates groups -
something we should be working against, not advocating for. It brings in outside issues
and makes them prominent in our schools, where they should not be. Teachers and staff
should be neutral in their political beliefs and should not be allowed to push their own
ideals on their students. This is antithetical to the American system of education of
teaching children facts and how to critically think. There is a very loud side of this
debate that uses extreme emotions In an attempt to influence this decision regarding
this policy. Instead of being led by emotions, please consider the facts of this matter. In
today’s divisive environment, it is important to focus on what unites us, what brings us
together, our commonalities. We are ALL Americans or are here in this great country
because we believe in the American way of life. This is what AACPS should stand behind
– the fact that we are ALL united under ONE flag - the American Flag.

Jennifer Fold

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