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SDC Module 3 new exam update 2022 actual questions and

________________________is an absence from duty that has not been approved by
and appropriate management official putting the employee in a non-pay status by 15
minute increments - ANS IS *AWOL

Federal Employees Compensation Act provides compensation benefits to feral

employees who are: - ANS IS *disabled due to injury or illness sustain while in the
performance of duty.

Leave without pay has an effect on what employee benefits - ANS IS TSP, Leave
accrual, retirement

The most commonly requested type of leave are: - ANS IS annual leave, sick leave,

Supervisors are responsible for the overall__________________,

____________________, ___________________ of their emploeyee's annual leave
throughout the leave year so that the agency's mission and employees's needs are met
and so that employees not not apporach the ed of the leave yeare with a significant
amoutn of annual leave tehat must be forfieted - ANS IS planning, coordination,

When in doubt about a leave request , a supervisor should always do what? - ANS IS
Discuss it with their leadership
*Contact their HR representative or CPAC
Confront the employee
Confer with JAG

_____________________is the maximum amount of advanced sick leave a full time

employee may have to his or her credit at one time - ANS IS 240 hours or 30 days

______________________ is a temporary non pay status absence and time off from
duty granted at employees request, at the supervisors discretion and within organization
policies - ANS IS LWOP

Who makes a determination if an incident or injury claim should be filed - ANS IS

local human resource office
office of workers compensation

You are the most important link to workers compensation because you: - ANS IS know
the injured worker and type of work being performed
When an employee jointly with their supervisor, files a completed injury claim form using
the electronic date interchange, with whom should the claim be filed? - ANS IS
personnel office
chain of command
*injury compensation program administrator
command safety officer

After the claim goes to the ICPA it is then adjucated by the - ANS IS (DOL) Office of
Workers Compensation

As a supervisor, you should establish a safe work environment and safety-concience

work force. Supervisors should also: (Select the correct action) - ANS IS File Claims
only after an investigation is completed
work with HR to place employee on leave without pay
Get to know your ICPA
*Contact your local collective bargaining unit to document workplace rules on safety.

As a supervisor in a worker's comp action you must report: - ANS IS relevant fact and
details that lead you suspect fraud

What authority should a supervisor use as a guide for the legal framework for labor
management/employee relations? - ANS IS National Labor Relations Act`


A collective Bargaining agreement is a written agreement between an

____________________and a labor untion, usually for a certain duraiton - ANS IS

CBA are ___________________that both sides (employers and labor union) must
ahere - ANS IS legally binding contracts

The two categeories of complainst detailed in the US FED SErvice Labor Management
Relations Statute - ANS IS *formal allegation and letter of protest
unfair labor practice charge and grivances
Compesatory impairment allegation and civilian policy notification
Third party complains and contractual infrigements

Some common supervisor mistakes result in unfair labor practices. To best avoid ULPs
supervisors should - ANS IS Recognize employees right under the CBA

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