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Eman Mohammed Elsaeed
Assistant Lecturer of Anatomy & Embryology

 Definition:
It is avascular irregular connective tissue with gel-like matrix that has a degree
of rigidity & elasticity.

 Types according to composition of matrix:

1. Hyaline cartilage
2. Fibrocartilage
3. Elastic cartilage
 Hyaline cartilage is present in:
❑ Costal cartilages of ribs
❑ Cartilages of respiratory airways
❑ Articular cartilages of synovial joints
 Fibrocartilage is present in:
❑ Discs within joints, e.g. tempromandibular joint.
❑ Intervertebral discs.
 Elastic cartilage is present in:
❑ Auricle of the ear
❑ External auditory meatus
❑ Tip of nose

 Definition:
articulation between 2 or more bones.

 Types according to nature of tissue between articulating bones:

1. Fibrous
2. Cartilaginous
3. Synovial
 Fibrous joints:
▪ No or very limited movement.
▪ Example: sutures of the skull.
 Cartilaginous joints:
▪ Slightly mobile.
▪ Example: intervertebral discs.
 Synovial joints:
▪ Freely movable joints.
▪ The articular surfaces are covered by hyaline cartilage.
▪ The synovial fluid fills the joint cavity.

▪ Examples:
1. Ball & socket: hip joint.
2. Hinge: elbow joint.

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