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Table 2: Mean Distribution of the Effects of Having a Broken Family to the Senior High School Students Academic


Questions Mean Interpretation

1.As a student, is it easy to be part 2.92 Undecided

of broken family?

2.Do your parents care for your 3.83 Agree

progress in school?

3.Do your parents pay for your 3.54 Agree

fees on time?

4.Does lack of security from 3.42 Agree

home affects students to perform
poorly in school?

5.Do you perform properly in 3.58 Agree

your quiz, drama, and debate in
your school?

6.Does being part of a broken

family inspires you for your 4.13 Strongly Agree

Table 2 shows the mean distribution of the Effects of Having a Broken Family to the Senior High School Students
Academic Performance; resulting in a 4.13 mean which is strongly agree for a reason that students from broken
families cope with being independent and optimistic about their situation, they gain positive experiences despite the
traumatic family background especially personal growth and building stronger relationship for their future. On the
other hand, 3.83 agreed that even if their parents were separated, they still cared about and supported their progress
in school. While 3.58 also agreed that even though they were living in a broken household, this did not stop them
from performing and actively engaging in any school activities; most of the students participate in sports, academic
contests, and dance competitions. Also, 3.54 agreed that even if their parents were separated, they still supported
them financially and paid all their school fees. Then, 3.42 of them agreed that having a lack of security at home
negatively affects their performance at school due to the lack of attention and guidance given to them by their
parents. Lastly, 2.92 were undecided due to the fact that living in a broken household is uneasy because they were
not used to this kind of environment.

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