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So let's go now with another type of

construction industry relationship, which is the finish to

finish relationships. This one is also common in
the construction industry. The finish-to-finish relationship
requires the following. It requires the finish of
the successor to occur at least lag days after
the finish of the predecessor. Again the finish to finish
relationship requires the finish of the successor to occur at least lag days
after the finish of that predecessor. And also here you can find some
examples where you have a lag of zero. For example,
let's also go with the first one here. Let's say we are tying the steel rebar and
then we going to place the forms. So, imagine we have a wall,
all the steel rebars. And, the workers are working
to put all the forms all around the steel rebar of the walls. And at the same time
another labors
are tying all of this rebars together. That right practice is to finish
the two activities at the same time. You're going to finish
placing the forms and tying all the rebars from all the up all
the down, all the levels of the wall. And as you can see here the early finish
time of both activities are the same, 33. It's not necessary to start at
the same time as we can see here. The tie rebar starts at day 30, placing the forms
start one day after the
tying of the rebar, which is still fine. What we are highlighting
here is the finish to finish relationship
to these two activities. So let's take another example by
highlighting a lag as we can see here. These two activities has a finish to finish
with a lag of three days. As we can see here placing the wall rebar and then we
completing the wall forms,
three days after we finish placing the wall rebar. Because if you would think about
from construct-ability point of view. Sometimes you want to clear
the area from placing the rebars, either from your workers laborers,
or highlighting it from lowering from a crane, and placing the rebars. And then you
ask your workers to continue
working on that, three days after to make sure that this is the forms will be
done after you finish placing the rebar. So this an example of a finish
to finish relationship. Another examples of a finish to finish
relationship is, we cannot finish, let's say,
the back filling activity of a trench until we make sure that laying of
the part activity is complete. So this are another examples and
I encourage you to keep thinking about other examples of finish
to finish, start to start relationships. So what we covered here so
far is that mainly three types of construction activities
relationships from the finish to start, from the start to start,
from the finish to finish relationships. And we give examples
with lag equal zero and other examples would lag equal one day,
two days, and three days and more.

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