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1. Based on the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Right. - Sharing
of benefits is:

Statement 1 - Benefits resulting from any scientific research and its applications should
be shared with society as a whole and within the international community, in particular
with developing countries.

Statement 2: Benefits should constitute improper inducements to participate in research.

a. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true

b. Statement 1 and 2 are false
c. Statement 1 and 2 are true
d. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false

2. Statement 1: Human rights cannot be taken away from you or give it away to others.
Statement 2: human rights can be suspended or restricted.
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. First statement is false and second statement is true
d. First statement is true and second statement is false

3. Biological vulnerability:
a. Asthma
b. Heart disease
c. Schizophrenia
d. Heart disease and asthma
e. Heart disease, asthma and schizohprenia

4. The fragility of human organism origination from either natural threats or environmental
and other natural or man-made threats:
a. Biological vulnerability
b. Biological and corporeal vulnerability
c. Biological, corporeal and social vulnerability
d. Corporeal vulnerability

5. Based on the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Right. - Sharing
of benefits is:

Statement 1 - The promotion of health and social development for their people is a
central purpose of governments that all sectors of society share.
Statement 2: Benefits resulting from any scientific research and its applications should
be shared with society as a whole and within the international community, in particular with
developing countries.
a. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
b. Statement 1 and 2 are false
c. Statement 1 and 2 are true
d. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false

6. Mr. CD, 30 years old voluntarily went to the clinic of their Family physician for a
consultation regarding his dysuria, this is:
a. Tacit consent
b. Advanced consent
c. Proxy consent
d. Formal consent

7. Which is a weak notion of sustainability?

a. Strongly anthropocentric
b. Integration of 3 spheres
c. Natire has intrinsic value
d. Economic growth and social development are not the priority

8. All human rights have equal status, and cannot be positioned in a hierarchal order:
a. Interdependent
b. Interrelated
c. Inalienable
d. Indivisible

9. The autonomy of persons to make decisions, while taking responsibility for those
decisions and respecting the autonomy of others, is to be recognized. For persons who
are not capable of exercising autonomy, no measures are to be taken to protect their
rights and interests.
a. First statement is correct, second is false
b. Both are correct
c. Both are wrong
d. First is wrong, second is correct

10. The basel convention that prohibits exporting waste to countries whrere there is no prior
informed consent from the importing countries.
a. Public health research
b. Public health ethics
c. Public health practice
d. Public health law
11. Mr. AJ, 70 yearls old while still capable designated his eldest son by entrusting him with
the mission to decide for him in the event that he is no longer capable of doing so. This
a. Doctrine of full disclosure
b. Advance directives
c. Doctrine of emergency
d. Doctrine of therapeutic presentation

12. Permission of the patients is secured for people who will be present during discussion.
Sharing patient’s information in the Web for the purpose of teaching/ consultation is
allowed so long as it will be for the benefit of students.
a. First is wrong, second statement is correct.
b. Both are correct
c. First is correct, second is wrong
d. Both are wrong

13. A right that cannot be repealed by human law:

a. Inalienable
b. Interrelated
c. Indivisible
d. Interdependent

14. When physicians, made medical decisions taking into account only their own values,
they felt they were also respecting the values of their parents:
a. Respect for Person (autonomy)
b. Principle of Paternalism
c. Principle of Non-Maleficence
d. Principle of Justice
e. Principle of Beneficence

15. Privacy is the right of an individual or a group to be free from intrusion from others, and
includes the right to determine which information about them should be disclosed to
others. Confidentiality is an attribute of persosnal information requiring that it not be
disclosed to others without sufficinet reason.
a. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
b. Statement 1 and 2 are false
c. Statement 1 and 2 are true
d. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false

16. Which is a strong notion of sustainability?

a. Strongly anthropocentric
b. Nature has instrumental value
c. Separation of economic, political and ecological spheres
d. Nature had intrinsic value
17. The belief that certain behaviours like not smoking in public and cultural patterns should
be promoted in all societies, regardless of local cultural norms.
a. Relativism
b. Liberalism
c. Utilitarianism
d. Communitarianism

18. This Guiding Mexico principle means dealing ethically, honestly, and respectfully in
everything we do:
a. Transparency
b. Integrity
c. Independence
d. Accountability

19. Justice is both a principle and a virtue relating to the rightness on people’s interactions
and relationships. As a principle, it is the constant will to render what is right (one’s due).
a. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
b. Statement 1 and 2 are false
c. Statement 1 and 2 are true
d. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false

20. The following pertain/s to the Mexico Principle, Except:

a. Companies may sometimes not respect patient privacy
b. Companies that develop, manufacture biologic products
c. Interactions are made in the best interests of patients.
d. Voluntary Codes of Business Ethics in the Biopharmaceutical Sector

21. A 26 years old healthy male dies in a fatal motorcycle accident. He has advance
directives about his organ donations. Health care rationing of organs take multiple
factors into account for deciding of who will be recipient of organ. Principle of distributive
justice, beneficence and expected life expectancy after organ transplantation were taken
into account. The most likely recipient of organ will be:
a. A 37 years old female with heart failure and HIV positive
b. A 44 years old alcoholoc with irreversible liver failure
c. A 33 years young entrepreneur with acute renal failure
d. An 11 years old male with multi organ failure and brain death

22. With regard to the principle of Autonomy, patients have the right to:
a. Access to their notes
b. Fair distribution of scarce resource
c. No harm from physician
d. Free will and accord
23. Paternalism in medical ethics is:
a. A man who fathers a child should take responsibility for the child
b. Physicians know what is best for the patient better than the patients themselves
c. Parents should make decisions for their sick children not the physicians
d. Each patient is the best judge of ehat is good for herself/himself.

24. Statement 1: Beneficence includes physical and mental well-being, but not social

Statement 2: research participants such as the poor and those with limited education
need special protections.

a. First statement is correct, second is wrong

b. Both are false
c. Both are correct
d. First statement is false, second is wrong

25. Stopping a medication that is shown to be harmful is an example of:

a. Beneficence
b. Justice
c. Non-maleficence
d. Autonomy

26. Which of the following is not derived from the principle of respect for patient autonomy?
a. Protect confidential information
b. Tell the truth.
c. When asked, help other make important decisions.
d. Never, in any circumstance, override the express wishes of the patient
27. A 48 hours old baby girl is admitted in neonatal intensive care unit. She is suffering from
sepsis accompanied with multi organ failure. She has to be put on mechanical ventilator
support, pupils are fixed dilated, motor and sensory responses are absent. Physician
counsel’s the parents about brain death and explains that it is of no use to keep the baby
alive with evident brain death and aks for parents’ permission to off the artificial
mechanical support. But parents insist to continue life support. Social and ethical
principle that come in conflict with health case system is:

a. Religious and cultural beliefs to not end life

b. Cost related to futile treatment and medical concerns
c. Parents’ wishes and futile medical treatment
d. Respect for autonomy of surrogate decision maker

28. The bases for judging a patients’ competence to decide is relative to:
a. Nothing–the patient is either competent or not competent
b. The patient’s desire to make decisions about his or her care.
c. The presence or absence of an adequate surrogate decision maker.
d. The particular decision to be made.

29. Individual’s capacity to think, decide and act on the bases of thought and decision freely
&interdependently in known as:
a. Confidentiality
b. Justice
c. Autonomy
d. Beneficence

30. A private hospital is having a large number of unreported incidents of needle stick
injuries and workplace violence. No reporting system and compensation for health care
providers is in place for such incidents. As contrast patients are well protected against
harassment and spread of Hepatitis B and C infections. Victims of maleficence here are:
a. Families
b. Patients
c. Employees
d. Communities

31. Statement 1: The ideal of non-maleficence requires that risks associated with research
participation must be reduced to a minimum.

Statement 2: Social and economic conditions that make persons vulnerable do not have
to be considered by researchers or sponsors.

a. First statement is false, second is true

b. Both are correct
c. Both are false
d. First statement is correct, second is false.

32. Statement 1: consideration of any potential benefits to the communities where the
research will be conducted is not part of the beneficence principle.

Statement 2: protection of the research participant is more important than the pursuit os
new knowledge.

a. First statement is false, second is true

b. Both are correct
c. Both are false
d. First statement is correct, second is false.

33. The best definition of an autonomous person is someone who:

a. Meets all eligibility criteria for a study and asks the investigator if she or he may
b. Understands the risks and benefits of his or her participation and is able to make
a voluntary decision if adequate information is provided.
c. Is willing to accept certain risks if the research will benefit others in the future.
d. Has reached the legal age to provide informed consent.

34. The harm principle expresses that:

a. People should be free to harm others if you are acting self-defense
b. People should be free to do whatever they want so long as they don’t harm
c. People should not harm minority groups with hateful offensive speech.
d. Animals should not be harmed

35. Double effect in medical ethics normally involve both harms and benefits, this means
that these two principles will always be applied together:
a. Autonomy and Justice
b. Beneficence and Autonomy
c. Beneficence and Non-Maleficence
d. Non-Maleficence and Justice

36. A 6-year-old boy who just been in a vehicular accident is rushed in the ER because he
has severe blood loss requiring transfusion. The boy’s parents refuse to give consent for
the transfusion because they are Jehovah’s Witnesses. The physicians goes to the
judge and get a court of order for the transfusion citing which of the following principles
of medical ethics?
a. Autonomy
b. Confidentiality
c. Nonmaleficence
d. Justice

37. Which of the following statement is under the medical model of paternalism?
a. Patient is more powerful and more knowledgeable thant the physician, therefore
more capable of making decisions.
b. Patient is viewed as an expert about one’s own life
c. Patient is an expert in the field of mental health
d. Patient is less powerful and less knowledgeable then the physician, therefore
less capable of making decisions.

38. All of the following are true about non-maleficence principle, EXCEPT:
a. Includes principle of double effect.
b. Includes an obligation not to inflict harm intentionally
c. Includes informed consent and truth telling
d. Physicians must refrain from providing ineffective treatments or acting with
malice toward patients.

39. If research will be done involving pregnant women, participation requires:

a. Permission of the father
b. That the study be conducted first in men
c. That women have completed the first trimester.
d. Consideration of risks and potential benefits for the fetus and the pregnant

40. All of the following are true about the principle of justice, EXCEPT:
a. Requires that people be treated fairly.
b. Actions are consistent, accountable and transparent.
c. Ordered by court
d. Respect of the Law

41. Electroconclusive therapy is a treatment modality wich is primarily provided to individuals

with severe episodes of major depression, when usually multiple attempts to utilize
treatment alternatives ( psychotropic medications and psychotherapy) are either
ineffective or poorly tolerated. In a minority of situation, where there is a high degree of
urgency of administering ECT.
In this scenario, which is the most relevant option for consent when ECT may be stronlgy
considered as treatment for major depression?
a. The presence of psychosis or other irrational thought patterns ,ilitates against
capacity to consent.
b. The attending mental health professionals should no longer consider the patient
as a consenter because of his/her depression.
c. While it is the physician’s duty to make recommendations, the physician could
put pressure in the patient to accede to the treatment, of threaten the patient
forms of adverse action.
d. In some applicable regulations, where the capacity to consent is lcking, surrogate
consent by the primary significant relative can provide consent for ECT.

42. An elderly man with end-stage emphysema and chronic depression presents to the
Emergency Room awake and alert and complaining of shortness of breath. An
evaluation reveals he has pneumonia. His condition deteriorates in the ER and has
impending raspiratory failure, thoush he remains awake and alert. A copy of signed and
witnessed living will is attached to his chart which stipulates that he wants “no invasive”
medical procedures that would “serve only to prolong my death”. No sussogate decision
is available. Should mechanical ventilation be instituted?
a. The presence of a living will or other advance directives obviates the
responsibility to involve competent patient in medical decision making.
b. Even if the patient refuses mechanical ventilation therapy, his wishes need not be
honored because he is at the Emergency room.
c. The potential risks and benefits of mechanical ventilation need not be presented
to the patient because og the presence os a valid living will.
d. If the patient has remained awake and alert, his living will is irrelevant to medical
decision making.

43. In case of a referral; mental health professionals will continue to be responsible for the
patient until the responsisbility has been formally transferred.
a. Moral standards
b. Benevolence
c. Patient welfare
d. Competence
e. Responsisbility

44. As members of the profession, they will not violate ethical standards and, when such
violation comes to their notice, stepswill be taken to correct it.
a. Responsibility
b. Moral standards
c. Patient welfare
d. Benevolence
e. Competence

45. Mental health professionals will always safeguard the interests of the patient and
a. Responsibility
b. Moral standards
c. Patient welfare
d. Benevolence
e. Competence

46. A year-old woman with Multiple sclerosis is hospitalized. The attending physician feels
she may need to be placed on a feeding tube soon to assure adequate nourishment.
The physician asked the patient about this in the morning and she agreed. However. In
the evening (before the tube has been placed). The patient became disoriented snd
seemd confused about her decision to have the feeding tube placed. She tells you she
didn;t want it. The physician revisits the question in the morning, when tha patient is
again lucid. Unable to recall her state of mind from the previous evening, the patient
again agree to the procedure. Is the patient competent to decide?
a. The patient is not competent to decide becasue he underlying disease is NOT
impairing her decision making capacity.
b. This patient is competent to decide during he lucid periods.
c. The patient’s decision making capacity is questionable, and getting a surrogate
decision maker involved can help determine what her real wishes are.
d. In this situation, where th patient is changing her decision, the doctor shoul
decide whether or not to place a feeding tube.
47. Your mentor or faculty shares information with others about your disclosure during
supervision. The information was “pesonal” and had a little if any bearing on your work
with your patients. What is the primary ethical principle violated by your mentor?
a. Justice
b. Beneficence
c. Respecting for autonomy
d. Fidelity

48. Jose is a 62 -year old man who had a needle biopsy of the pancreas showing
adenocarcinoma. You run into his brother who is severely anxious in tha hall, and he
begs you not to tell Jose because the knowledge would kill him even faster. A family
conference to discuss the prognosis is already scheduled for later that afternoon. What
is the best way for the doctor to handle the situation?
a. The doctor shoukld ask Jose how he wants to handle the information in front of
the rest of the family, and allow for some family discussion time for this matter.
b. The doctor should tell Jose’s brother that withholding information is not permitted
undar any circumstance.
c. The doctor shall honor the request of the family member who is protecting the
patient from the bad news.
d. The brother should withhold informing Jose about the pancreatic cancer because
of the grave diagnosis.

49. The Mental Health Act general provides which of the ff?
a. Provides involuntary hospitalization with the consent of the relatives which to a
large extent obviates the need of a judicial order for every patient.
b. Temporary hospitalization to regain sanity is a much preferable option to staying
chronically sick.
c. A large number of patients are treated as outpatients and the only available
consent is that of the concerned relatives.
d. Facilitates the means by which relatives seek hospitalization of the individual on
account of malicious intentions, and treating physician would wary of this.

50. As a scientist, mental health professionals, would serve the society through observation
investigation and ecxperimantation, of a well planned and ethically carried out research.
a. Patient welfare
b. Moral standards
c. Benevolence
d. Competence
e. Responsibility

51. What ethical principle assumes the three standards of impartiality, equality and
a. Doing no harm ( Maleficence)
b. Respecting autonomy
c. Being just (Justice)
d. Benefiting others (Beneficence)

52. A Hungarian-American psychiatrist who believes that it does not make sense to classify
psychological problems sas diseases or illnesses, and that speaking of mental illness
invilves a logical or conceptual error:
a. Aaron Beck
b. Thomas Szasz
c. Carl Jung
d. Sigmund Freud

53. This declaration is a formal statement of ethical principles published by the World
Medical Assocoation to guide the protection of human participants in research.
a. Belmont report
b. Nuremberg code
c. Helsinki declaration
d. Geneva declaration

54. An elderly woman told her daughter that if she ever ended up with Alzheimer;s disease,
she wouldn’t like to live like that. Years later, the lady developed dementia and her
daughter had her moved into a nursing home. Although shi did not recognize her
daughter, she enjoyed the company of other patients. When the old woman stopped
eating, her daughter was asked whether the mother should receive a feeding tube. Her
decision would be most likely:
a. The daughter may approve the insertion of feeding tube with provision that future
triggers could lead to its removal.
b. Before placing a tube, the daughter should obtain a court order.
c. She should consider her mother’s preciously stated wish as an advance directive
and must not place a feeding tube.
d. The daughter cannot decide for her mother because of lack of both power of a
lawyer for health care on an advance directive.

55. They will at all times be responsive to the moral codes and expectations of the
community they serve, and will not let their behaviour in any way malign their profession.
a. Responsibility
b. Moral standards
c. Patient welfare
d. Benevolence
e. Competence

56. This particular Act, allows specified relatives to give consent for admission in mental
hospitals and for treatment on outpation basis.
a. Mental Health Act of 1987
b. Mental Health Act of 1977
c. Mental Health Act of 1997
d. Mental Health Awareness 1967

57. Till recently, after seeking consultation, psychiatrists generally decided treatment which
they felt to be best in the interest of the patient. This method of practice is known as:
a. Patient Autonomy
b. Psychiatrist Code of Ethics
c. Ethical paternalism
d. Medical paternalism

58. The code of Ethics, promulgated by the World Psychiatrist Association in 1977 is named
a. American Psychiatrist Association Code of Ethics
b. Declaration of World Pshychiatrist Associaton
c. Hippocratic Code of Ethics
d. Declaration of Hawaii

59. Which of the following statements shows competence of the patient to comprehend
information with the Informe consent?
a. Psychiatric patients have insight and hence can be able to give consent for their
b. Whether a mentally ill person is likely to possess such an ability has been
resolved a long time ago by several researchers.
c. Refers to the patient’s ability to understand the nature and severity of his
presenting problems.
d. Patients give consent, but it may be for the wrong reasons.

60. In 1986, the US Supreme Court in a decision of Ford vs. Wainwright prohibits execution
of inmates who have been ruled as too mentally incompetent to understand their
convition and subsequent punishment. The main question and principle here is:
a. Beneficence
b. Respecting Autonomy
c. Fidelity
d. Justice

61. The use or administration of off-label pharmaceuticals or other non-standard

interventions which may be permissible under certain circumstances during this
pandemic refers to:
a. Therapeutics
b. Formulary
c. Pharmacovigilance
d. Compassionate use
62. Which among the following can address the vulnerabilities of patients?
a. Autonomy
b. Urgency
c. Beneficence
d. Equity

63. According to the guideline pertaining to fairness, this must be pursued in all levels of
a. Allocation of acutely scarce resources
b. Attaining zero risk fir mortality
c. Hundred percent assurance of wellness
d. Transparency and respect for autonomy

64. When experimental interventions are to be utilized, which is important to secure from
a. Contract
b. Verbal approval
c. Informed consent
d. Good communication

65. Procedural fairness which needs to be observed at every level of decision-making at the
hospital includes:
a. Confidentiality and privacy
b. Autonomy and self-reliance
c. Beneficence and non-maleficence
d. Transparency and fair hearing

66. In particular case where patient is suitable for admission but it’s beyond the hospital’s
capacity to provide corresponding care requirements, which of the following should be
a. Provide space inside the tent where the patients can wait for their return
b. Make the necessary referral to another facility
c. Reiterate the hospital’s incapacity and tell the patient to go to another hospital
d. Provide assurance of admission after another patient’s discharge

67. The personal information of persons identified through contact tracing should be made
public. Measures to address stigmatization are temporarily put on hold to take care of
more important concerns during the pandemic.
a. BOTH statement are TRUE
b. BOTH statement are FALSE
c. The FIRST statement is FALSE while the SECOND statement is TRUE
d. The FIRST statement is TRUE while the SECOND statement is FALSE
68. Whenever possible, a hospital should separate triage responsibilities from the provision
of direct care by Healthcare workers (HCWs). This means that HCWs who have triage
assignments can simultaneously provide direct care to patients.
a. BOTH statement are TRUE
b. BOTH statement are FALSE
c. The FIRST statement is FALSE while the SECOND statement is TRUE
d. The FIRST statement is TRUE while the SECOND statement is FALSE

69. When a Covid-19 patient is capable of attending to the advance directive, which of the
following can be done?
a. A representative should accomplish the Substitute Decision-Maker form.
b. A hospital staff should sign a waiver of his incapability.
c. The patient must be compelled to accommodate the directive.
d. The patient should be referred to another institution.

70. According to the guideline on ICU care, hospitals chould adopt robust criteria for ICU
admissions and favor particularly those who have:
a. Acute, irreversible conditions
b. Chronic conditions
c. Irreversible conditions
d. Acute, irreversible conditions

71. Hospitals may consider realigning the functions of this committee to allow oversight on
the off-label drugs for non-research purposes:
a. Infection Control Committee
b. Therapeutics Committee
c. Ethics committee
d. Safety committee

72. If a patient is anticipated to require resuscitation and subsequent ICU admission and the
hospital is capable of providing the service, the hospital personnel:
a. May no longer do appraisal since all policies are acceptable to the patient
b. Should refer so as not to load the ICU with patients needing resuscitation
c. Should ask permission only from the patient regardless of circumstances
d. May proceed with resuscitation once acceptable with patient and his family

73. Advanced care planning:

a. Should be initiated at the earliest appropriate time.
b. Is preferably done after hospital admission
c. Is discouraged to be accomplished by patients
d. Makes hospital stay inconvenient among Covid-19 patients.

74. Differences in care and treatment can only be based on appropriate medical criteria
using which of the following?
a. Department of health-conducted statistics
b. Sound opinion and use of logic
c. Evidence-based, clinically prognostic parameters
d. Institutionalized and experience-based data

75. If the informed consent template for off-label use of medications or investigational
interventions for Covid-19, which is NOT inlcuded under “rights as a patient”:
a. Withdrawal of consent is allowed
b. consent submitted is irrevocable
c. No explanation needed if consent is withdrawn
d. Withdrawal of consent will not be taken against the patient

76. During this time of the pandemic, urgent care must still be provided for non-Covid
patients. It is to the extent that hospital capacities can allow it.
a. BOTH statement are TRUE
b. BOTH statement are FALSE
c. The FIRST statement is FALSE while the SECOND statement is TRUE
d. The FIRST statement is TRUE while the SECOND statement is FALSE

77. In which of the following activities is the WHO Working Group on Ethics and Covid-19
NOT engaged with?
a. Mandate on resource allocation to chosen countries and favored regions.
b. Providing ethics input into the WHO’s clinical management guidelines and
c. Advice on the criteria that must be satisfied for SARS-CoV-2 challenge studies to
be ethically acceptable
d. Advice on ethical considerations on COVID-29 research.

78. If the hospital and its personnel are not equipped for resuscitation of Covid-19 patients:
a. No resuscitation measures are to be initiated.
b. Resuscitation followed by referral can be done.
c. Resuscitation should be carried put at all cost
d. Resuscitation measures sre to be attempted.

79. If PPE is inadequate, a health worker may choose to be excluded from contact with
suspected or confirmed Covid-19 cases. The healthcare worker may be expected to
perform non-fronline duties though.
a. BOTH statement are TRUE
b. BOTH statement are FALSE
c. The FIRST statement is FALSE while the SECOND statement is TRUE
d. The FIRST statement is TRUE while the SECOND statement is FALSE

80. In the informed consent template, details of the patient’s medical treatment:
a. Are not to be made available to FDA
b. Are to be made anonymous once used for research purposes.
c. Are to be made available to all hospital staff.
d. Should not be available to authorized, related government agencies.

81. Which of the following allows for the concentration of disease-causing gene variants that
are certain to be passed down from generation to generation.
a. Xenotranplantation
b. Germ-line Gene Therapy
c. Genetically Modified Food
d. Germ-line Genetic Interventions

82. Modified TRUE or FALSE

Statement 1: we only have a moral relationship with generation of the immediate future.
Our obligations ony extend to the succeeding three generations.

Statement 2: All future generations can claim that we take them into account. We
therefore have responsibilities to even far-distant future generations.

a. Statements 1 and 2 are both TRUE

b. Statement 1 and 2 are both FALSE
c. Statement 1 is FALSE; Statement 2 is TRUE
d. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE

83. Modified TRUE or FALSE

Statement 1: Economic growth has consequences such as decreasing inequity or

environmental degradation.

Statement 2: Economic growth is often based on natural resources.

a. Statements 1 and 2 are both TRUE
b. Statement 1 and 2 are both FALSE
c. Statement 1 is FALSE; Statement 2 is TRUE
d. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE

84. Arguing that we have responsibilities to posterity or obligations of justice towards future
generations, one of the 2 positions are usually defended which says that we only have a
moral relationship with generations of the immediate future. Which of the following is
a. Central here is the concept of ‘common heritage’.
b. These people of the future could be your children and great-great grandchildren,
or any people who are born after you.
c. Crucial here is the view that it makes only sense to talk about moral responsibility
if there are moral relationships.
d. Eart’s resources belong to all generations.

85. It is defined as the area of the planet where organisms live, inculding the ground and the
a. Biosphere and biodiversity
b. Biodiversity
c. Environment
d. Biosphere

86. Modified TRUE or FALSE. Xenotransplantation

Statement 1: Live cells, tissues, or organs from another human source

Statement 2: human body fluids, cells tissues or organs that have had ex vivo contact
with live nonhuman animal cells, tissues or organs.
a. Statements 1 and 2 are both TRUE
b. Statement 1 and 2 are both FALSE
c. Statement 1 is FALSE; Statement 2 is TRUE
d. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE

87. Which of the following statements is incorrect about environment?

a. It can be living (biotic) or non-living (abiotic) things.
b. It is where lives occur on, above and velow the surface of Earth.
c. It includes physical, chemical and other natural forces
d. It is everything that is around us.

88. It is the belief that human beings are the most important entity in the universe.
a. Intergenerational model
b. Revolutionary principle
c. Anthropocentrism
d. Interdisciplinary Studies

89. It is the process by which the genome of an individual is edited in such a way that the
change is heritable.
a. Xenotranplantation
b. Germ-line Gene Therapy
c. Genetically Modified Food
d. Germ-line Genetic Interventions

90. It is when DNA is transferred into the cells that produce reproductive cells, eggs or
sperm, in the body.
a. Xenotranplantation
b. Germ-line Gene Therapy
c. Genetically Modified Food
d. Germ-line Genetic Interventions
91. It is also known as the ecosphere. It is the worldwide sum of all ecosystems. It can also
be termed the cone of life on Earth, a closed system, and largely self-regulating.
a. Biosphere and environment
b. Biodiversity
c. Biosphere
d. Environment

92. It is when a threat to health or environment is serious and imminent, and we cannot
afford to wait for a high degree of proof before acting to prevent damage. because , if we
wait too long, especially the interests of future generations will bw irreversibly damaged.
Which of the following is correct?
a. Preventive model
b. Precautional model
c. Protective ans safety Principle
d. Precautionary Principle

93. Arguing that we have responsibilities to posterity or obligations of justice towards future
generations, one ofthe 2 posotions are usually defended which says that all future
generations can claim that we take them into account. Which of the following is correct?
a. Activities of present generations are limited by the obligation to take into account
and safeguard the development and needs of future generations.
b. That which belongs to all humanity cannot be considered simply as unexplored
and unclaimes territories suitable for expropriation and axploiutation on a
first-come, first-served basis.
c. By promoting obligations to future generations as a matter of justice, a new
discourse of intergenerational justice has been introduced.
d. Our obligations only extend to the succeeding three generations.

94. Modified TRUE or FALSE

Statement 1: sustainable development is defined as a development that meets the
needs of the present without compromisisng the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.

Statement 2: The only constraint on sustainable development is the state of technology

and social organixation in society.
a. Statements 1 and 2 are both TRUE
b. Statement 1 and 2 are both FALSE
c. Statement 1 is FALSE; Statement 2 is TRUE
d. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE

95. It is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

a. Biodiversity
b. Biodiversity and environment
c. Biosphere
d. Environemnt

96. These are foods derived from organism whose genetic material (DNA) has been
modified in a way that does not occur naturally. E.g. through the introduction of a gene
from a different organism.
a. Xenotranplantation
b. Germ-line Gene Therapy
c. Genetically Modified Food
d. Germ-line Genetic Interventions

97. Modified TRUE or FALSE. How do we represent the future in present decision-making?

Statement 1: A solution to this problem is to have others who act on their behalf.

Statement 2: Some have proposed the establishment of an office of guardian to

represent future generations at national, regional and internantional levels.
a. Statements 1 and 2 are both TRUE
b. Statement 1 and 2 are both FALSE
c. Statement 1 is FALSE; Statement 2 is TRUE
d. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE

98. Modified TRUE or FALSE

Statement 1: It implies that the activities of present generations are limited by the
obligation to take into account and safegurad the development and needs of future

Statement 2: The concept of moral responsibilities towards future generations is not

related to the concept pf interr-generational justice
a. Statements 1 and 2 are both TRUE
b. Statement 1 and 2 are both FALSE
c. Statement 1 is FALSE; Statement 2 is TRUE
d. Statement 1 is TRUE; Statement 2 is FALSE

99. It is any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation or infusion into a
human recipient.
a. Xenotranplantation
b. Germ-line Gene Therapy
c. Genetically Modified Food
d. Germ-line Genetic Interventions
100. According to Agius 2006, there are three factors that are responsible for the
contemporary sensibility towards future generations. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. Present-day reality is independent and not related: for example, environmental
disasters in one region will affect other regions and other generations.
b. The increasing awareness of the finitude and fragility of our existence and ‘our
one and only Earth’, as the WHO Secretary General said in 1998.
c. If the present trends continue, the world will be more crowded, more polluted,
;ess stable ecologically and more vulnerable to disruption.
d. Technology has altered the nature of human activity which is now impacting on
not only the lives of people living now but of those who will live in the future.

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