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Assessment Results:

Cognitive Testing Results

* completed the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition, Normative
Update (KABC-II-NU). It is a standardized measure of intellectual ability, which has a mean of
100 and a standard deviation of 15. There are five global scales: Sequential, which measure the
ability to take in and manipulate information in short-term memory; Simultaneous, which
measure integration, manipulation, perception, synthesis and storage of visual information;
Learning, which measures concentration, attention, short-term memory, and storage of
information; Planning, which measures reasoning ability, decision making, planning,
organization and perception of sensory information; and Knowledge, which measures the
knowledge that an individual has learned from their environment. The Fluid Crystalized Index
(FCI) is obtained by combining all the indices into an overall score, which measures general
intellectual ability or cognitive ability. Cognitive ability or intelligence refers to a student’s
learning potential. It involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly,
comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.

1. *’s cognitive ability is below average. On the KABC-II-NU, * achieved an overall score or
Fluid-Crystalized Index (FCI) of , which falls in the below average range. His Sequential
processing (), Simultaneous processing (), and Learning () are in the below average range. In
contrast, his Planning () and Knowledge () scores are in the average range. Scores ranging
from 85-115 are considered average. His Sequential Processing is an area of personal
weakness and his Planning ability is a personal strength.
2. * demonstrated below average short-term memory skills. Sequential Processing is the
ability to take in and hold information, then use it within a few seconds. This scale is
composed of Number Recall (repeating verbatim, orally presented number sequences),
Word Order (touching a series of pictures in the same sequence as named by the examiner),
* had difficulty repeating number sequences and remembering the correct sequence of
pictures named by the examiner.
3. *’s visual processing skills range from average to extremely low. Simultaneous Processing
is the ability to perceive, store, manipulate, and think with visual patterns. This scale is
composed of Rover (moving a toy dog, on a grid with obstacles, to find the quickest path to
the bone), Triangles(reproducing a printed two-dimensional design using yellow and blue
triangles), and Block Counting (identifying the number of blocks in pictures of stacks of
blocks when one or more is partially or completely hidden from view). * was just within the
average range on Rover and Triangles, with a strong average score on Block Counting.
4. * was in the below average range when asked to learn, store, and recall information.
Learning is the ability to store and efficiently retrieve newly learned or previously learned
information. This scale is composed of Atlantis (identifying pictures of fish, plants and shells
when given nonsense names by the examiner) and Rebus (learning a word or concept
associated with particular drawings and then reading a phrase or sentence composed of the
drawings). It also involves a delayed score. Atlantis-Delayed (pointing to nonsense pictures
of fish, plants, and shells learned 15-25 minutes earlier) and Rebus-Delayed (read phrases
and sentences composed of drawings learned about 45 minutes earlier). * was just within
the average range on the Atlantis subtests and in the below average range on the Rebus
5. *’s nonverbal problem-solving skills are in the average range. Planning is the ability to
solve novel problems by using reasoning abilities such as induction and deduction. This is an
area of a personal or relative strength. This scale is composed of Story Completion (selecting
missing pictures and placing them in the correct location to complete a story) and Pattern
Reasoning (completing a pattern by selecting the correct stimulus from an array of four to
six options. * was in the average range on Story Completion and Pattern Reasoning.
6. *’s verbal ability is in the average range. Knowledge is the breadth and depth of a person’s
acquired knowledge of a culture and the effective application of this knowledge. This scale
is composed of Verbal Knowledge (pointing to one of six pictures that show the meaning of
the word or the answer to the question asked) and Riddles (pointing to a picture or saying a
single word that answers a riddle). * was in the average range on Verbal Knowledge and

II-NU): The KABC-II-NU is a measure of intelligence and achievement made up of five scales
(Sequential, Learning, Simultaneous, Planning, and Knowledge). Scores from all of these scales
are combined to form a composite (FCI).

The following composite standard scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
Standard scores between 85 and 115 are considered average.
Standard Percentile 95% Confidence Qualitative
Clusters Score Rank Interval Description
Fluid-Crystalized Index (FCI)
The following subtests yield a scaled score with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3.
Scores between 7 and 13 are considered average. Subtests in italics are not used as part of the
overall scores.
Subtest Scores
Scaled Scores
Sequential: Number Recall
Word Order
Simultaneous: Rover
Block Counting
Learning: Atlantis
Atlantis Delayed
Rebus Delayed
Planning: Story Completion
Pattern Reasoning
Knowledge: Verbal Knowledge

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