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Objective: The students will be able to express their appreciation for entertaining texts

(anecdotes, jokes, fables, myths, tales) by recognizing the punch lines in the story "Why
Women Wash the Dishes".

Code: EN7LC-IV-h-8.3

Grade Level: 8

Subject: English

1. Review: To review, ask the students to share some of their favorite jokes,
anecdotes, or tales. Discuss the elements of these stories that make them
entertaining and engaging.
2. Motivation: Introduce the story "Why Women Wash the Dishes" to the students.
Read the story aloud or play an audio recording of the story. After the story, ask
the students if they were able to recognize the punch line of the story.
3. Activity: a. Group Discussion: Divide the class into groups and ask them to discuss
the story. Encourage them to identify the elements of the story that made it
entertaining and engaging. Let them share their insights with the whole class.

b. Role Play: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a scene from the story.
Let them act out the scene, emphasizing the punch line.

c. Comic Strip Creation: Ask the students to create a comic strip based on the story. They
can work individually or in groups. Encourage them to focus on the punch line.

4. Analysis: Ask the students to analyze the story by identifying the characters,
setting, plot, and theme. Let them discuss how these elements contribute to the
overall entertainment value of the story.
5. Abstraction: Encourage the students to abstract the lesson by identifying the
moral lesson of the story. Ask them to relate it to their own lives and experiences.
6. Application: Give the students a real-life problem related to the objective. For
example, ask them to create their own entertaining story with a punch line.
7. Assessment: a. What is the objective of the lesson? (Express appreciation for
entertaining texts by recognizing the punch lines) b. What is the title of the story
used in the lesson? (Why Women Wash the Dishes) c. What are the elements of a
story that contribute to its entertainment value? (Characters, setting, plot, theme)
d. What is the moral lesson of the story? (The importance of communication and
understanding in relationships) e. What is the punch line of the story? (That men
and women have different perspectives)
8. Assignment: For homework, ask the students to find and share another
entertaining story with a punch line.

Interactive Activities:

1. Kahoot Quiz - Create a Kahoot quiz about the story, including questions about the plot,
characters, and punch line.
2. Storytelling Contest - Host a storytelling contest where students can share their own
entertaining stories with a punch line.
3. Comic Strip Show and Tell - Have students share their comic strips with the class and
explain how they incorporated the punch line into their work.

Questions and Answers:

1. What is the objective of the lesson? (Express appreciation for entertaining texts by
recognizing the punch lines)
2. What is the title of the story used in the lesson? (Why Women Wash the Dishes)
3. What are the elements of a story that contribute to its entertainment value? (Characters,
setting, plot, theme)
4. What is the moral lesson of the story? (The importance of communication and
understanding in relationships)
5. What is the punch line of the story? (That men and women have different perspectives)

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