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Name: Maricel S.

Bautista 29/05/2023
Reading and Writing

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you as a passionate badminton player, sharing my journey from
grade 6 to grade 11 and the memorable experiences I've had in this exciting sport. From
the moment I held a racket, badminton has become something I cannot live without.
Allow me to take you on a brief journey through my years as a badminton enthusiast,
from being a city meet player in grade 6 to the present day.
In grade 6, my love with badminton began. I vividly remember the excitement and
anticipation before every match. As a city meet player, I had the opportunity to
represent my school and compete against talented opponents from various institutions.
The thrill of the game and the support from my teammates fueled my determination to
excel. I learned valuable lessons about teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, which
have carried me through to this day. Fast forward to grade 11, badminton remains an
integral part of my life. The countless hours spent practicing my serves, honing my
footwork, and strategizing my gameplay in singles and doubles have transformed me
into a more skillful player. The sport has taught me the importance of dedication and
hard work. The victories I've celebrated have been sweet, but the defeats have served
as valuable lessons, pushing me to improve and strive for greatness.
I told you my story because i want you to pursue your hobbies, dreams, anything that
makes you happy. Life is not only about your future, it’s also about your past and your
present. You have to live a life where you learn from the past, be happy with your
present and be able to think about the future. Chase your dreams because you might
never see it again.

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