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Evelyn Yelithza Aguilera Camargo

Comprehensive customer service

technician (virtual mode)
File: 2721567 Basic
Cross - English
Wilson Tovar • Designed to equip you with the skills and
knowledge to excel in the fast-paced world
of customer service.

• Customer service is increasingly required by the

multiple creation of companies worldwide.
• You will receive training in various aspects
of customer service, including effective
You are
communication, problem solving, conflict
resolution, and technology integration.
¡with open
• We understand the importance of balancing arms!
your education with other commitments.
That's why we offer flexible learning options, We are a highly regarded
including full-time and part-time programs, institution known for our
evening classes and online courses. This
academic excellence and
allows you to continue your studies in a way
that suits your schedule and lifestyle.
commitment to delivering
quality education. ¡Join our
" esteemed institution and
unleash your potential

Experienced and
Dedicated Faculty
objectives cuando los procesos de servicio al cliente se optimizan,
las organizaciones pueden recopilar y analizar datos de
manera más efectiva. Al implementar sistemas y profile
tecnologías optimizados, las empresas pueden recopilar
comentarios valiosos de los clientes, realizar un
seguimiento de las interacciones de los clientes y extraer
información para mejorar la calidad del servicio e
identificar áreas para una mayor mejora.
el SENA tiene como objetivo dotar a las personas de • In-depth knowledge of customer service principles
las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para and practices.
brindar un excelente servicio y soporte al cliente, así • Effective communication with clients, identifies their
mismo satisfacer la demanda de profesionales Entrepreneur needs and provides solutions in a friendly and
calificados que puedan manejar de manera efectiva professional manner.
las interacciones con los clientes y contribuir a la Graduates will learn self-reflection, learning effective • Troubleshoots, provides technical guidance, and
satisfacción general del cliente. Los programas de communication techniques, and understanding the helps customers resolve issues related to products or
formación profesional del SENA enfatizan el psychology of the client. These aspects will contribute services.
desarrollo de habilidades y competencias técnicas to your personal and professional growth, in general, • thinks critically, identifies patterns, and uses
pertinentes al campo elegido. El programa integral studying comprehensive customer service equips technical knowledge to effectively address complex
de técnico de servicio al cliente puede centrarse en people with knowledge, the skills and mindset problems.
desarrollar habilidades como la comunicación needed to excel in customer service roles, enhance • strong communication skills, both verbal and written,
efectiva, la resolución de problemas, la resolución de job prospects, and contribute to personal and conveys information clearly, actively listens to
conflictos y el conocimiento de las herramientas y los professional growth. customer concerns and adapts your communication
sistemas de servicio al cliente. el SENA reconoce la style to suit different clients and situations.
importancia del trabajo en equipo y la colaboración Highlights • adaptability and ability to handle changing
en el ámbito profesional. El programa integral de
circumstances, works well under pressure and
técnico de servicio al cliente puede incluir This program produces frontline workers who interact
maintains a positive attitude even in difficult
actividades y ejercicios que promuevan el trabajo en directly with customers. They handle inquiries, provide
situations. Resilience and the ability to learn from
equipo, la cooperación y la coordinación efectivos information, resolve complaints and assist with various
setbacks are also important qualities you possess.
con colegas y otros departamentos, así también, customer needs, possess strong communication and
• Demonstrates professionalism, integrity, and ethical
alienta a las personas a adoptar el aprendizaje problem-solving skills. Build relationships with
behavior in your interactions with clients and
permanente y el desarrollo profesional. El programa customers, They manage accounts and drive sales.
integral de técnico de servicio al cliente puede They engage with customers to understand their
proporcionar una base para que las personas needs, offer product recommendations, negotiate
continúen ampliando sus conocimientos y habilidades contracts and ensure customer satisfaction and
en el campo del servicio al cliente a través de retention.
educación superior o experiencias en el trabajo.

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