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PHASE I, the Research Abstract:

Influence of Social Issues on Divorce Rate

Christian Smith

ENC 1102

Professor Cooper

May 19, 2023


PHASE I, the Research Abstract:


The topic I am discussing is the influence of different social issues on the divorce rate. For a

long time now, divorce rates have been climbing. through research, I want to explain this by looking at

various statistics regarding these issues and attempting to analyze and explain these problems. My

goal is to prove a relationship between a plethora of evolving social constructs and the effect they

provide on marriages, specifically in the United States. Hopefully, through my abstract, I can spread

awareness and encourage people to reevaluate marital decisions before they destroy lives.

Many factors influence the divorce rate in America. These come from things like women’s

independence, divorce laws, alcoholism, substance abuse, etc. I am writing about this topic because it

is certainly something that has affected my life. I believe that many problems with marriage could be

addressed before they end up in divorce and affect other people involved. The resources I plan to use

include various peer-reviewed journals and studies. Many of these provide links between social

constructs and their effect on marriage.


The methods I will be using to collect my primary research are studies and observations. My

plan is to explore specific reasons why more marriages now are ending in divorce than before. Then, I

will use these reasons to research scholarly sources and statistics to back up my claim. I plan to

analyze these sources and use rhetoric to understand the author’s perspective. This will alow me to

accurately assess the information and organize it to explain why more marriages are ending in divorce

now more than ever.

Works Cited

Schweizer, V. J. (2020). Divorce: More than a century of change, 1900-2018. Family Profiles, FP-20-22.

Bowling Green, OH: National Center for Family & Marriage Research.

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