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A tornado is an event that originates from nature in the form of strong winds in the form
of a vortex that has wind speeds reaching 120 km/hour or even more. This tornado
usually occurs at the time of the change of seasons. And often occurs in tropical climates.
In Indonesia, the area that often experiences tornadoes is Bogor.

Tornado starts due to differences in air pressure and stability. The meeting of the pressure
difference between hot and cold air will cause high-speed current turbulence. As a result
of this current, cumulonimbus clouds are formed, at that time the water droplets will
move upwards and trigger the formation of a wind vortex.

More and more water droplets make the clouds unable to hold back anymore and it rains.
The surrounding air will cool down due to the friction between the water and the air. The
greater the friction will cause a whirlwind or commonly called a tornado.

This tornado lasts a short time but is destructive. This wind can damage anything that is
around it. So the need for community vigilance in dealing with this tornado disaster.

If a tornado occurs, make sure you are in a sturdy building. Make sure doors and
windows are closed properly. Don't turn on electronics and turn off all electricity. Wait
until it is safe and give emergency aid if there are victims.

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