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Magazine designblue Manila


Date: May 19, 2023

Quality Assurance Testing Results


I. Speedtest
A. Mobile Speedtest
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila

B. Website Speedtest
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila

II. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A. Mobile

SEO created by Google

C! Magazine designblue Manila

B. Desktop

SEO created by Google

C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila
C! Magazine designblue Manila

III. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration

Testing (VAPT)

IV. Findings
SEO Issues

To address URL canonicalization issues, it is recommended to select a primary URL for your
webpage and set up redirects from all other variations to the preferred one.
To provide a good user experience, sites should aim for a Cumulative Layout Shift score of 0.1 or
To provide a good user experience, sites should aim for a Largest Contentful Paint duration of 2.5
seconds or less.
C! Magazine designblue Manila

To ensure that Search Engines can accurately identify the topic of this webpage, it is important to
include the most common keywords in the title tag, meta description, and heading tags.
By creating a custom 404 error page with helpful links and information, users are more likely to stay
on the site and continue to explore.
Consider using structured data in your webpage as it can help search engines gain a better
understanding of your content.
Using images in a modern format can significantly reduce the file size and improve the loading speed
of a webpage, providing a better user experience and potentially increasing engagement.
Users may abandon pages that take longer than 5 seconds to load, resulting in a potential loss of up to
50% of visitors. Faster loading pages can lead to increased traffic, better conversions, and higher
Consider reducing the HTML size to improve loading times and retain visitors.
Reducing the Document Object Model (DOM) size can lead to faster page loading times, improved
site performance, and better user experience by decreasing the amount of time it takes for the browser
to process and render the page.
Avoid using distorted images, as they can have a negative impact on the user experience.
Serve properly sized images to reduce page loading times and to improve user's experience.
Avoid performance and security issues by adding "rel=noopener" or "rel=noreferrer" to your
"target=_blank" links.
Without an SPF record, spammers can easily spoof emails from this domain, potentially leading to
compromised email security and deliverability issues.
For security reasons, it is recommended to turn off the server signature.
Consider adding the Strict-Transport-Security header to your webpage to ensure that web traffic is
encrypted over HTTPS, mitigating the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks and other security threats.
Using more than 20 HTTP requests on a webpage can negatively impact the loading time.
Consider moving inline CSS styles to an external stylesheet to improve site performance and maintain
separation of content and design.
C! Magazine designblue Manila

V. References

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