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The internet can be considered one of the greatest inventions of man in

modern times. Some are also in favour of the airplane as the better invention,
but I beg to differ. True air travel has made it possible for us to reach any
destination on planet earth in less than a day, but the internet is on a whole
different level. The word internet is defined as a collection of interconnected
networks, which started out originally as a military exercise by the USA termed
ARPANET, an abbreviation for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. It
was used primarily to send orders within a military base without the need for a
soldier to go from one place to the next. Slowly it got bigger and bigger and
today it is this gigantic network spanning the globe. One can send a message,
email, video chat with a person, etc even if they are separated by thousands of
miles. A letter in the olden days required days to reach its recipient. Today an
email that is essentially an electronic letter can be had in under a minute. Want
to watch a movie, no need to go to the shop to rent a DVD or the cinema,
simply stream it on the internet from the comfort of your couch. Want to buy
medicine or food or clothes, just click a few buttons, and depending on the
item’s location you can expect it at your doorstep within a few days or hours.
And one can even consult a doctor via video call, book a masseuse for a
massage at one’s home, book an electrician or plumber and even buy a car
through the internet without ever stepping outdoors. In the past years after
the outbreak of COVID-19, the internet has been the single most useful tool for
man to survive. Doorstep deliveries of food, groceries, medication, etc are all
possible because of the internet. Even online classes in education have proved
to be a blessing for people during the pandemic. Without the internet, none of
the aforementioned would be possible.

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