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Students Return to In-Person Learning After Pandemic Hiatus

By Athera L. Galvez

After more than a year of remote learning due to the pandemic, students are finally
returning to classrooms for in-person learning. This long-awaited transition back to school brings
excitement and hope for the new academic year, but also challenges for both students and
On August 22, 2022, students at MCYNHS returned to classrooms for the first time in
over a year. The pandemic had forced schools across the country to switch to remote learning,
leaving students isolated and deprived of the social and academic benefits that come with in-
person instruction. Now, as schools implement safety measures such as mask mandates and
social distancing protocols, the hope is that students can continue their education without
"I'm excited to see my friends again and be able to participate in extracurricular activities
like sports and clubs. It's been a long time since we've had that sense of community," said
Vinzen Galvez, a student at MCYNHS.
The return to in-person learning is a significant step forward for the education system and
for the students who will benefit from it. However, the transition back to school is expected to be
challenging. Students will need to adjust to the routines of in-person learning and catch up on
missed material from the previous year.
Educators are also facing challenges as they navigate the return to in-person instruction.
They will need to ensure that students feel safe and comfortable in the classroom while also
keeping up with academic standards. Many schools have implemented new policies and
procedures to address these concerns, such as increased mental health resources and smaller class
Despite the challenges, the return to in-person learning is a welcome development for
many students and families. As schools work to provide a safe and supportive learning
environment, the hope is that students can thrive academically and socially.

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