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Anxiety and Depression among PhD and Post-doctoral Researchers Have Increased

Dangerously. Why?

1. Understand the nature of stress and its impact on health and behavior.
2. Recognize the stressors and signs of stress in their own lives.
3. Recognize the cognitive components of stress, especially the effects of one’s
automatic thoughts and internal dialogue on appraisal of stressors.
4. Learn various relaxation methods to reduce muscle tension related to stress.
5. Learn cognitive techniques to increase accurate appraisal of stressors.
6. Learn specific behavioral techniques for reducing the stress.

Circumstances including post-pandemic stress in the classroom for students or working

1. Understand the nature of stress and its impact on health and behavior.

2. Recognize the stressors and signs of stress in their own lives.

3. Recognize the cognitive components of stress, especially the effects of one’s automatic thoughts
and internal dialogue on appraisal of stressors.

4. Learn various relaxation methods to reduce muscle tension related to stress.

5. Learn cognitive techniques to increase accurate appraisal of stressors.

6. Learn specific behavioral techniques for reducing the stress.

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