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Managing Stress Through Sports

Definition of Stress

Stress is a natural feeling of not being able to cope with specific demands and
events. It is the body’s natural defense against predators and danger. It causes the
body to flood with hormones that prepare its systems to evade or confront danger.
When an individual is stress, the body activates resources that help people either stay
and confront the challenge or get to safety as fast as possible.

Environmental factors that trigger this reaction are called stressors. Examples
include noises, aggressive behavior, a speeding car, scary moments in movies, or
even going out on a first date. Feelings of stress tend to increase in tandem with the
number of stressors.

Causes of Stress

People react differently to situations. The situation that is stressful to one person
may not be to the others. Almost any event can potentially cause stress. For some
people, merely thinking of a situation could already cause stress. The mental health
condition of an individual affects the way he responds to stressors. Past experiences
may also affect how a person reacts to stressors.

The common causes of stress are:

1. Family relationships
2. School
3. Peer groups/Friends
4. Discrimination
5. Injury
6. Sickness
7. Fatigue
8. Any major changes

Types of Stress
1. Psychological stress. This type of stress deals with cognitive and emotional
stress. This kind of stress may be triggered by self-criticism, panic attacks, anxiety,
attachments, jealousy, grief, anger, sadness, frustration and fear.

2. Psychosocial stress. People who experience challenging relationships and
marriage difficulties are the ones who suffer from psychosocial stress. This kind of
stress may be triggered by isolation, loss of a loved one and lack of social support.

3. Physical stress. As the name implies, physical stress deals with the physical
reactions of the body. People may experience this because of dental problems,
substance abuse, dehydration, hormonal imbalance, fatigue, lack of oxygen supply,
environmental pollution, intense physical labor, surgery, infection and injury.

4. Acute stress. This type of stress is severe because it demands an immediate

reaction of the body to new changes. However, positive situations can also trigger
acute stress.

5. Episodic acute stress. Episodic acute stress is when people experience

frequent acute stress. Short-tempered, irritable, and anxious people often experience
this type. They commonly have a negative outlook or worry about everything. They
think of stress as part of their lives and have difficulties changing their lifestyles.

6. Chronic stress. If acute stress stays longer, it turns into chronic stress. It is a
continuous type of stress and does not quickly go away. It can harm people’s health
that can lead to depression, heart problems, and other diseases. This may be caused
by financial problems, dysfunctional family, and bad work environment.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Stress

1. Physical Signs. Stress slows down some normal bodily functions, such as those
that the digestive and immune systems perform. The body can then concentrate
its resources on breathing, blood flow, alertness, and the preparation of the
muscles for sudden use. The following may be experience by an individual due to
• blood pressure and pulse rise
• Shortness of breath
• digestive system slows down
• immune activity decreases
• muscles tension
• sleepiness
• sweating
• pain in the back or chest
• fainting
• headaches
• nervous twitches
• pins and needles sensations

2. Emotional Signs
• anger
• burnout

• concentration issues
• fatigue
• feeling of insecurity
• forgetfulness
• irritability
• nail biting
• restlessness
• sadness

3. Behavioral signs
• food cravings and eating too much or too little
• sudden angry outbursts
• drug and alcohol misuse
• higher tobacco consumption
• social withdrawal
• frequent crying
• relationship problems
4. Psychological Signs
• Constantly irritable with other people,
• Feeling of being a failure,
• Difficulty in making decisions,
• Loss of interest in other people
• Having a hard time to concentrate

How can we manage stress?

1. Have a positive attitude.
2. Acknowledge the things beyond your control.
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Eat healthy foods.
5. Take a break and have fun. 6. Get enough sleep.

How can we manage stress through sports?

Sports are a great way to have fun while staying fit. Through sports we could
learn important lessons such as working as a team, how to be a good sport, overcome
challenges, control emotions and take pride in accomplishments. Having a healthy
attitude about sports and learning to deal with the stress that comes with competing
can help you perform your best.

Benefits of Sports in Daily Life

1. Stress Buster
2. Builds strong immune system
3. Improves self-confidence
4. Improves decision making

5. Develops teamwork
6. Builds character
7. Serves as a source of entertainment

Mental Benefits of Sports

1. Improves mood
2. Improves concentration
3. Reduces stress and depression
4. Improves sleeping habits
5. Helps maintain healthy weight
6. Boost self-confidence
7. Develops leadership potential

The following are set of activities that you need to accomplish.

Follow the instructions correctly to avoid mistakes. Use 1 whole
sheet of paper. Good luck!

Activity No. 1: Self Check!

DIRECTIONS: Based on the signs and symptoms of stress that we have discussed,
list down all the warning signs of stress that applies to you. Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper following the format below then answer the questions below.

Physical Emotional Behavioral

1. Based on your answers, how much stress do you think you are currently under?
2. What are the activities that you can do to reduce or remove the stress that you
are experiencing?

Activity No. 2: Self Reflection

Directions: Cite 3 stressful situations that you have experienced. Then state how did
you manage your stress in the given situation. Write your answer in a separate sheet
of paper following the given format below.

Stressful Situations Strategies in Coping Stress


DIRECTIONS: Write down the physical activities that you plan

to do for entertainment and in developing your fitness level.

Frequency Time

Physical Activities (Indicate days of the How long will you do the
week) activity

Follow up questions:
1. After you performed the activity what do you feel?
2. Do you think that by engaging in physical activity could possibly manage your
stress? Yes or no. Why?

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