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Brief Profile:

Sohail has passion and knack to bring about positive changes

in the personal and professional lives of business executives
through coaching and mentoring .His clients include managers
and executives from Local and MNCs. He is a trained NLP
coach and Certified practitioner. He deliver Measureable
change in knowledge or skills and enable ability to tackle
problems at workplace.
1. Strategist “Plan and Prepare organizations for the future”.
2. Executor “Leaders take action to achieve Goals.”
3. Talent Manager “Direct others through Motivation,
Communication, Encouragement, and Direction.”
4. Human Capital Developers “ Nurture future Leaders”
5. Personal proficiency” Decisive, Ethical, and Intellectual”

How to Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with Stress.

Stress Buster: SOHAIL RIAZ

Phases of Training


Skills Development &


Stress is like a Cone ice cream
you have to learn to lick it!

Kathy Wagoner
The best way out of a
difficulty is through it!
Conceptualization Phase
1. Understand stress

2. Identify effects of stress in behavioral,

emotional, physical, and psychological areas

3. Ascertain the specific effects of stress on

individual performance and productivity
Skills Phase
1. Develop & Practice a variety of stress
reduction skills.
2. Skills include- learning how to relax,
reducing stress through deep breathing and
muscle relaxation .
3. Practice skills in imagination and then in real
life situations.

Develop confidence to handle any situation!

Blueprint Plan
1. Learn relaxation skills

2. Identify specific stressors

3. Develop plan to respond differently

4. Write up Plan & Practice

5. Coach self through the situation

6. Positively assess own performance

7. Plan & execute improvements

Do what you can,
with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt
External psychological Organisational
stressors such as • Rules
poor working conditions or • Regulations
conflicting relationships. • Deadlines
External psychological
stressors include: Major Life Events
Physical Environment • Birth
• Noise • Death
• Poor Lighting • Transfer
• Heat • Promotion
• Confined Spaces • Marital problems
Social Interaction
• Rudeness Daily Hassles
• Bossiness • Commuting
• Aggressiveness • Mechanical breakdowns
• Bullying
Internal psychological stress can often be the most harmful
because there is frequently no resolution to the stressful

Lifestyle choices Mind traps

• Caffeine • Unrealistic expectations
• Lack of sleep • Taking things personally
• Overloaded schedule • All or nothing thinking
Negative self – talk • Exaggeration
• Pessimistic thinking • Rigid thinking
• Self criticism Personality traits
• Over analysing • Perfectionists
• Workaholics
Internal psychological stress can
often be the most harmful because
there is frequently no resolution to the
stressful situation. These stressors are
anxieties about events that may or
may not happen, and the stress
response continues to be active as
long as one is worrying about it.
Rx for Stress…
Review worksheet with symptoms
and relief for stress in the
following areas:
 Physical
 Social
 Emotional
 Intellectual
 Spiritual
The “TARP” 4 steps are:
1. T (tune in)
Notice the early signs of stress
2. A (analyze)
Figure out what caused the stress to begin with
3. R (respond)
Deal with the cause & effects of the stress
4. P (prevent)
Develop stress reducing habits
This is to become aware of your stressors
and your reactions to stress in hopes to
help you manage stress better.
Four steps to helping you “tune in” to your
body. We are going to do a scan for
Do you have muscle tension?
Do you have sweaty palms?
Do you have rapid breathing or rapid pulse?
Are you pacing or fidgeting?
Is your voice tense, too loud, too quiet?
“Tuning IN”
Do you feel nervous, moody, depressed?
Do you feel
Do you feel lonely?
Are your thoughts turning to worries?
Are you having trouble with concentration or memory?
Doing “Should have…” “If only”, other negative thoughts.
External Stressors are things/events
outside your body that can make you feel
threatened or out of control.
Physical irritants like noise, pollution,
heat, or humidity
 Work demands or conditions

 Frightening events, like narrowly

escaping a traffic accident

 Social or family demands, changes, or

External Stressors are things/events
outside your body that can make you feel
threatened or out of control.
Physical irritants like noise, pollution,
heat, or humidity
 Work demands or conditions
 Frightening events, like narrowly
escaping a traffic accident
 Social or family demands, changes, or
Internal Stressors are from one’s own attitudes
and thinking patterns.
Do you talk to yourself with words like “should, must,
and ought?”
 Do you feel like a failure if you are late, or things don’t go
as planned?
 Do you have a “me last” syndrome, feeling you have to
look after everyone else’s needs before you think of your
 Do you feel worthless unless everyone likes you all the
 Are you guilty of “awful-izing,” which means always
expecting the worst?
This is the “fight or flight” of the early human
stages. When we encounter stress, we
produce an “alarm” response which sends
stress hormones through your body tensing
your muscles, and speeding your heart.

FOUR techniques for learning to turn off the

“alarm” response and regain control…
1. Time Out: Stop the activity/conversation that
causes you stress.
2. Breathing: Do abdominal deep breathing (Belly
3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: (Activity with
4. Thought-Stopping: When you notice negative
self thoughts, just say “stop!” to yourself.
Regular exercise
Eating right
Avoid chemicals like alcohol
and drugs
Avoid tobacco
Avoid caffeine
Deep Breathing

This relaxation strategy may be used

anywhere and at any time!

Good breathing provides more oxygen to

the blood stream that results in endorphin
release. The result is deeper relaxation!
Deep Breathing
1. Slowly inhale through your nose. Expand your
abdomen before permitting air to fill your lungs.

2. “PLACE one hand on chest and other on stomach”

3. Slowly release the air from your abdomen and your

4. Repeat slowly for 3 to 5 minutes.

Enjoy the relaxed sensation!
Good breathing provides more oxygen to
the blood stream that results in endorphin
release. The result is deeper relaxation!
Studies of acupuncture and massage
Therapy have shown that both of these
techniques can stimulate endorphin
secretion. Sex is also a potent trigger for
endorphin release. Finally, the practice of
meditation can increase the amount of
endorphins released in your body.
Foods to Avoid.
 Junk food Asparagus
 Salt Rich in folic acid, this veggie will
 Sugar help keep you in a good mood.
 Alcohol Folic acid and B Vitamins are
needed for the body to produce
serotonin, a chemical that directly
affects a person’s mood in a
positive way.
Nuts and seeds are packed with energy,
providing a great snacking alternative to junk
foods. Almonds in particular are a great source
of Vitamin B2 and E, Magnesium and Zinc,
which combine to make a powerful anti-oxidant
and a useful means of reducing stress levels.
Like all fruits, blueberries are a great snacking option,
providing high energy with low calories. Blueberries are
bursting with stress combating Vitamin C and
antioxidants which cleanse the body and get you
feeling healthy.
Salmon fish
One of the best stress relieving foods, oily fish such as
salmon is packed with Omega 3 fatty acids which are
used by the body to control the balance of stress
Unlike simple carbohydrates, which provide a short-
term boost of energy and overwork the adrenal
glands, complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal are
digested slowly, thereby giving a sustained energy
supply making you feel energised for longer

Oatmeal is rich in B Vitamins, Calcium,

Magnesium, Potassium and antioxidants.
Oatmeal also increases the production of
serotonin to help regulate mood swings and
relieve the symptoms of stress.
 Stress is any Physical, Chemical, or
Emotional factor that causes Physical or
mental unrest and can be a factor in causing

 Physical and chemical factors that can cause

stress include trauma, infections, toxins,
illnesses, and injuries of any sort.
• Emotional causes of stress and tension are
numerous and varied.

• Psychological stress, force that impairs the

stability and balance of physical functions

• Stress is the “wear and tear” of our mind and

body experience as we attempt to cope
our continually changing environment
Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are sudden feelings of terror
that strike without warning. These episodes
can occur at any time, even during sleep.
 Endorphins-feel-good
Endorphins are believed to produce
four key effects on the body. Mind:
they enhance the immune system,
they relieve pain, they reduce stress,
and postpone the aging process.
 They play a key role in reducing your
perception of pain and stress by
interacting with opiate receptors,
leading to the feeling of euphoria.
When you carry high endorphin
levels, you decrease the negative
effects of stress.
 Endorphins are normally produced during
periods of extreme stress to actually block
pain signals produced by the nervous system.
The release of endorphins has also been
shown to control cravings for addictive
substances and foods, control feelings of
stress and frustration, and regulate the
production of sex and growth hormones.
Activities to Elevate Endorphin Levels:
Though everyone releases Endorphins at different
states in different amounts, you can still perform
various activities to stimulate the release of
endorphins. You may not find a better stress relieving
substance than the natural release of Endorphins in
your system.

• Exercise
• Laugh out loud
• Eat something exciting
• Meditation
 Exercise decreases the stress hormones such as
cortisol and increases endorphins.  Endorphins are
the body’s natural feel good chemicals, and when
they are released through exercise, your mood is
boosted naturally.  As well endorphins, exercise
also releases adrenaline, serotonin, and
dopamine.  These chemicals work together to
make you feel good. 
Activities to Elevate Endorphin Levels
Though everyone releases endorphins at different states in different
amounts, you can still perform various activities to stimulate the
release of endorphins. You may not find a better stress relieving
substance than the natural release of endorphins in your system.
Exercise. You understand the positive physical effects exercise has on
your body, but what about the emotional positivity it produces? A high
level of physical activity stimulates the production and release of
endorphins. During intense activity, you experience that moment when
your level of discomfort dissipates and you actually feel blissful while
performing strenuous movements.
Laugh out Loud. Laughter is a great stress reliever because it causes
you to let go of emotions. Laughing naturally releases those “feel
good” chemicals and helps you get rid of stress. Next time you feel
stressed, get together with some friends and just get silly.
Eat Something Exciting. Foods such as chocolate and chilli peppers
cause your body to release endorphins. That is why so many people find
comfort when eating chocolate. If you go for chocolate, find a variety
that has at least 70% pure cocoa. It is rich in cholesterol-controlling
Rev up in the Bedroom. Getting intimate not only makes you feel sexy,
but it also releases hormones that make you feel happy. Not only will a
healthy sex life put a little bounce back in your step, but it also provides
you with a great calorie-burning full-body workout.
Meditate. A period of meditation at the end of your day leaves you
feeling refreshed and generates a positive sense of wellbeing. This state
of total relaxation changes the patterns in your brain waves, triggering
the release of endorphins. This good feeling lingers around for quite
some time after your rejuvenation session.
Types of Exercise to Release Endorphins

The best type of exercise for improving your mood is

exercises and aerobics.  This is because vigorous
exercise helps to release the chemicals necessary for
the mood-raising high.  Yoga is also great as it
reduces tension and stress while improving the mood. 
It focuses on stretching, breathing, and motion that
release negative emotions in the body.
Even if you only exercise for a short period of
time, your mood will be improved.  Just ten
minutes of moderate exercise is enough to
improve your mood, your vigour and also
decrease fatigue.  However, to obtain all the
benefits from exercise, not just the mood
improving aspects, you should do at least 30
minutes of moderate exercise every day.
• TENSE • Physical Environment
• TIRED • Social Interaction
• Organisational
• Major life events
• ANXIOUS • Daily Hassles
1: Physical Environment
 Noise
 Bright Lights
 Heat
 Confined Spaces
2: Social Interaction
 Rudeness
 Bossiness
 Aggressiveness by others
 Bullying
3: Organisational
 Rules
 Regulations
 Red Tape
 Deadlines
 Birth
 Death
 Lost Jobs
 Promotion
 Marital status
 Change
5: Daily Hassel
 Misplaced articles
 Mechanical breakdown
6: Internal Stressor
 Life style choices
 Negative self talk
 Mind trap
 Personal Traits
7: Life style choices
 Lack of sleep
 Overload schedule
 Caffeine
8: Negative Self-talk
 Pessimistic thinking
 Self criticism
 Over Analyzing
9: Attitude

Mind Trap
 Unrealistic expectations
 Taking things personally
 All or Nothing thinking
 Exaggeration
 Rigid Thinking
Personal Traits
 Perfectionist
 Workaholic
Negative Stress
Contributory factors in minor conditions such as.
 Headache

 Digestive problem

 Skin Complaints

 Ulcers

 Prolonged and unrelieved stress can have harmful effects

on mental, physical and spiritual health.
Positive stress
 Motivation (Reward, Promotion, Power, Wealth)
 Awareness
 Urgency of Alertness of Survival when dealing
with threatening situation.
 Physical
 Mental
 Behavioural
 Emotional
 Increased or altered heartbeat
 Fatigue
 Loss of sexual drive
 Improper Digestion
 Headaches
 Pains
 Infections
 Dizziness
 Fainting
 Sweating in hands and feet
Mental symptoms
 Lack of concentration
 Memory Lapses
 Difficulty in decision making
 Confusion
 Panic Attacks
• Feeling Unable to Relax
• Forgetfulness
• Increased Reliance on
• Aggressive/Anger Outbursts
• Irrational Behaviour
• Mood Swings
• Irritable
• Extra-sensitive to Criticism
• Feeling out of Control
• Low Motivation
• Tearful
• Feeling Unable to Cope
•Inability to Concentrate
•Difficulty Making Simple Decisions
•Less Intuitive and Creative
•Negative Thinking
•Memory Loss
Effective team
Spiritual Needs
 Spiritual activities feed the soul and are often
contained in daily rituals or comfort routines.
 They can encompass meditation, prayer, poetry,
formal religious services.
Stress Suppresses the Immune System
 Avoid fat, sugar, caffeine, narcotics, and alcohol.
 Eat many small meals rather than one or two big ones.
 Increase the intake of fruit, vegetables, and whole grain
 Carry healthy snacks – fresh fruit, nuts.
 Drink lots of water.

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