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1-CRT heart failure with LVEF <35

2-ARNI heart failure with reduced EF despite treatment with diuretics ,MRA,beta blocker and
3-case of substernal pain for 5h and no ST elevation in ECG with refractory angina
A)acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation
B)1st investigation troponin
C)dual anticoagulants for 12 month
D)optimum BP 140/90
E)drug not indicated fibrinolytics
F)main cause of revascularization is refractory angina
4-aortic dissection all of the above
5-ACEI /ARBS used in metabolic syndrome
6-primary PHTN.CCB
7-cardiac tamponade pericardiothensis
8-most common cause of AF  systemic HTN
9-Drug used to prevent thromboembolism in AF Rivaroxiban
10-Arrythmia with AP Orthodromic AVRT
11-In Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy increase in LV thickness
12-invesrigation of choice in Aortic dissection CT angiography
13-In STEMI ECG should be done within 10 min

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