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My Ramadhan Experience

By Ashila Sabriya Shifa

I want to share an experience I had when I was in the first grade of

elementary school. It was a bit funny because I used to be a very
cheerful and active student. I was really enthusiastic about
answering questions from the teacher. So one day in Ramadan, I
didn't wake up for suhoor, and neither did I even drink water. In the
morning, while I was getting ready for school, my mother reminded
me that I should not break my fast as much as possible, and she
said I’d better tell her if I do so. I excitedly replied, "Of course!".

When I arrived at school, I looked around the class, which seemed

quieter than usual. Most of us have started to fast for a full day. In
the early learning hours, I was still excited. but towards noon,
especially during breaks, I get so tired, and so I minimize talking. I
saw some of my friends who brought lunch and ate it; apparently
they only fasted for half a day. I convinced myself to keep my fast,
so I fell asleep for a bit during the break. When it was over, my
teacher came in. She asked in a joking tone to the class, "Is there
anyone who breaks fast on purpose today?" I couldn't hear the
question clearly, so I happily replied, "It’s me!" My teacher was a
little surprised, and my friends turned and repeated what my
teacher had just said. I just realized it, then confirmed my answer
and said that I still had my fast. My friends laughed, and my teacher
smiled and chuckled.

At the end of the day, when it was near azan, I was very happy
because I had made it through one day of fasting. I felt very proud
as a child and felt that the following days would pass easily (which
they actually didn't because the next day I only fasted for half a day
because I didn't have another suhoor). At least, that is the memory
of fasting as a child that is remembered until now. I remember it
being very happy and exciting because I went through it with many
friends. also because those were my first years of fasting one full
day. Ramadan will always be fun, and hopefully I will always meet
the next few months of Ramadan.

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