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Bloom Beauty

Client: A new cosmetic brand specializing in natural and organic skincare products


• Develop a visual identity that communicates the brand's commitment to natural,

organic ingredients and sustainable practices
• Create packaging that stands out on shelves and communicates the brand's values and
product benefits
• Design a website that provides a seamless user experience and showcases the brand's
products and values

Target Audience:

• Women aged 25-45 who value natural and organic skincare products and are willing to
invest in high-quality products that are good for their skin and the environment.


• Other natural and organic skincare brands that are popular among the target audience.

Logo Design:

• The logo should communicate the brand's commitment to natural and organic
ingredients and sustainability.
• It should be simple, modern, and easily recognizable.
• Colors should be soft and natural to reflect the brand's values.
• Consider incorporating a natural element, such as a leaf or flower, into the design.

Packaging Design:

• Packaging should stand out on shelves and be easily identifiable as part of the brand.
• Consider using eco-friendly materials and sustainable packaging practices to reflect the
brand's commitment to sustainability.
• Include clear product descriptions and benefits on packaging to help consumers make
informed purchasing decisions.
• Consider using minimalistic designs with a focus on typography and natural colors to
communicate the brand's values.

Website Design:

• Design a website that provides a seamless user experience and showcases the brand's
products and values.
• Use natural and soft colors to reflect the brand's values.
• Use high-quality product photography to showcase the brand's products.
• Provide detailed product descriptions and benefits to help consumers make informed
purchasing decisions.
• Consider including a blog section to provide educational content about skincare and
the brand's values.

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