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The international system is a network of states, organizations, and individuals that interact on the
global scale. It is the framework for international relations which outlines who interacts with
whom, how they interact, and what the rules of engagement are. The international system is a
stable set of norms and rules meant to govern the behavior of states and other actors in the
international system. International system came to being by leading democratic allies after the
World War II, and was approved and expanded by many other countries over time. Although
there was a form of interaction between countries before the war, it wasn’t as we see it after the
Word War II till date. The system is predicted on a set of norms and principles pertaining to
global security, the economy, and government. In status quo, the international system is complex
and deeply interconnected. The purpose of the international system is to promote the sense of
cooperation, peace and stability among states and other actors in the international system.

However the international system has a bias nature and faces a lot of challenges which includes;
conflicts, terrorism, inequality, etc. Such challenges and biases leads to the dissatisfaction of
most actors in the international system. There’s therefore a need to reorganize or restructure the
international system to benefit all actors.

In order to achieve this, it is important to establish a framework for cooperation and

collaboration among various actors involved. This framework should be based on the principles
of fairness, equality, and mutual respect. Through this presentation we would like to elaborate on
how to organize the international system to benefit the actors in the international system. The
following paragraphs are the way in which the international system should be organized to
benefit every single actor.

The international system first needs to eliminate all biases in terms of power and representation.
Currently the system is dominated by few powerful states like the United State, United Kingdom,
France, Russia and China. This dominance has made the some countries lay low in addressing
issues in the UN and other international. For this issue to be resolved, there should to be a reform
in the governance structure to eradicate this bias and give more weight and influence to the civil
society organizations. For instance, the UN Security Council should be expanded to include
more members which are not permanent and also a veto free system so that different voices can
be head and consensus reached on important decisions.

The international system must encourage multilateralism. In this sense, there will be promotion
of cooperation among multiple states or actors to address common problems. This could involve
promoting international treaties or agreements that requires collective action, such as the Paris
Agreement on Climate change.

The international system needs to enhance its capacity for conflict resolution, prevention and
also peacebuilding. The world is facing multiple conflicts which have caused intense
humanitarian conflicts and instability. The UN and regional organization like the African Union,
the European Union and the Association of South West Asian Nation should strengthen their
mediation and diplomacy capacities and also their partners with civil society and local actors to
prevent extremely violent conflicts from arising and peacefully resolving them when they occur.

Again promoting civil society engagement is another way to organize the international system to
benefit all. Encouraging the participation of non-governmental organizations, community groups,
and other civil society actors in international decision-making processes. This could involve
creating spaces for dialogue and consultation between these groups and governments and
international organizations.

Furthermore, the international system needs to prioritize human development and welfare. This
means that the economic growth should not be pursued or sought for at the expense of social
justice, human rights and environmental sustainability. The World Bank, International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and other institutions should shift their focus from policies that promote free trade
and privatization towards more socially responsible and equitable policies that usually invest in
health care, education and infrastructure. The sustainable development goal adopted by the UN
in 2015 should provide an understandable framework for achieving this balancing act between
economic growth and social progress.

The international system again needs to foster a culture of global citizenship and shared
responsibility. With this we mean that individuals and communities should be aware of their
interdependence and also their impact on the world to act accordingly. Media, education and the
civil society can play an effective role in promoting awareness and mobilizing people towards
positive and constructive participation or engagement with global affairs. The UN declared 2019
as the year of indigenous languages which highlights the importance of preserving linguistic
diversity as a key component of cultural identity and heritage.

In conclusion, the international system can be organized to make it more beneficial to all by
prioritizing global participation, human development, conflict preservation and resolution,
environmental sustainability and global citizenship. The goals are interconnected and requires
effort from all actors including states, international organization, civil society and individuals.
The challenges faced by the international system are immense and therefore we working together
can bring a positive change and transformation which will benefit us all as we enjoy peace, clean
and sustainable global economy.

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